
Chapter 18

"Now, let us begin the most important wedding taking place today," said the man in the purple stole.

'What is he talking about?' thought Eleanor as she looked at Michael in confusion.

"Father Morment, you might as well go ahead and explain it to her," said Michael to the man in the purple stole.

Father Morment laughed at Michael's words, "Yes, yes. Well, how to start. Have you heard of the Goddess Kirtrana, child?"

Eleanor looked at the man in confusion but nodded her head.

"Well, that should make it a little easier. To begin, generations ago the head of the Kent Family made an agreement with the Goddess. The agreement granted the Kent Family power, wealth, strength, intelligence, and more. In exchange, the Goddess took the destinies of the two eldest sons of each generation. One will become the next lord and the other will become the steward to that lord, but they will both have the same wife," explained Father Morment.

'What?! Polygamy goes against the law of the land and is completely against the teachings of the church. How have they gotten away with this for so long?' As Eleanor thought this, she could feel herself starting to tremble.

Father Morment continued, "This marriage is not a normal marriage, it is what is called a blood marriage. There are no spoken vows like the wedding earlier today, but, using Kirtrana's powers, that have been granted to me as her High Priest, your blood shall be used to create a type of unbreakable vow."

Eleanor felt the revulsion growing inside of her at his words. She glanced between Michael and Lucas, hoping one of them would tell her that this was all just a joke. But neither of them would make eye contact with her.

'…this is why Michael wanted me to write to Lucas, and why I was left alone with him in the carriage…'

Eleanor stared down at her hands as she came to another realization, 'I can't escape from this… If I reject them what would stop them from killing me or making me a prisoner… I'm already Michael's wife in a legal marriage… Plus, I highly doubt they would risk me revealing their secret. They're obviously devout worshippers of Kirtrana if her High Priest is here.'

Eleanor could feel all the eyes in the room on her.

"Child, what do you say?" asked the High Priest.

Eleanor didn't respond, still looking down at her hands and trying to process everything that had just been thrown at her.

"…Eleanor…" urged Michael.

At the sound of his voice, Eleanor looked at him. She could see the desperately pleading look in his eyes. She took a deep breath before looking at the High Priest and nodding her assent.

"Excellent. Then let us begin."

As the High Priest said this, the air in the room changed. It was a feeling that Eleanor had never experienced before. An electric feeling. The three women approached Michael, Lucas, and Eleanor, arranging them in a line with Eleanor in the center. Then the chanting began. It was in a language that Eleanor had never heard before. It started at almost a whisper, slowly getting louder, until the High Priest pulled out a knife. With the knife in hand, he approached Lucas, who had both of his hands extended out in front of him. With a swift motion, the High Priest slashed the knife across Lucas' hands, drawing blood. Eleanor watched Lucas flinch, but he kept his hands held up, as the High Priest passed over Eleanor and went to Michael. The same thing happened to Michael, then the High Priest stood in front of Eleanor.

Eleanor could feel the fear rising in her, and she couldn't muster the strength to lift her hands. Two of the women stepped forward and grabbed her hands. Raising them palm up in front of her. The High Priest slashed the knife across both her hands, causing her to whimper. Eleanor wanted to clench her fists, but the two women held them up and open, though they stepped behind her. Michael and Lucas stepped forward and turned towards her, creating a triangle. Both Michael and Lucas' hands were still extended in front of them with their palms open.

The chanting, which hand continued through all of this, hit a crescendo. The two women released Eleanor's hands and both Michael and Lucas grabbed her hands, while simultaneously grabbing the others'. As their hands touched, Eleanor felt an intense power course through her. She tried to scream but no sound left her mouth. The room started pulsing with the strange power. Eleanor's legs started to go weak; she was barely able to hold herself up.

"Welcome to the family, my dear," a feminine voice said from above her, but it didn't feel welcoming, it sounded more like it was trying to antagonize her.

Instantaneously everything stopped. The chanting and the power all disappeared. The High Priest and the three women left the room without a word. Leaving Eleanor alone with Michael and Lucas. Suddenly, Eleanor's legs gave out and she fell forward. Both Michael and Lucas caught her, getting blood on her. Without a word they guided her to the edge of the bed and helped her sit down. Lucas walked away and grabbed a bowl and cloth that had been set off to the side on a table. He wiped his hands before bringing it to the bed. He handed the cloth to Michael who then wiped off his hands.

After rinsing out the rag, Michael turned to Eleanor, "Please let us wipe off the blood."

Eleanor nodded without looking up from the floor. One of them grabbed her arm while the other used the cloth to clean off the blood. When they were done, Lucas replaced the bowl, then they both sat down on either side of her.

"I'm sorry we couldn't warn you about this, Eleanor," whispered Michael on her right.

"We didn't really have a choice," whispered Lucas from her left.

"I promise that I will do everything I can to protect you."

"As will I."

Eleanor didn't respond, nor did she look up from the floor. The three of them sat there in silence for quite some time, before Lucas broke the silence, "I'm sorry, Eleanor, but we do have to fulfill our marital obligations. All three of us will be in danger if we don't."

At his words, Eleanor looked up, and started glancing between the two of them, uncertain how to respond. She understood what he meant by marital duties, but only in the instance of being between one man and one woman. She wasn't certain how this could work between the three of them.

"Eleanor, did they explain to you in your bridal training what it means to fulfill your marital duties?" asked Michael.

She looked at him and nodded. Though she continued to glance between Michael and Lucas, uncertain what was about to happen.

Lucas leaned close to her and quietly said, "We want to make this as pleasurable an experience for you as possible."

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