
Chapter 16

"Ellie, you will be able to see Kennen Castle once we pass through these trees."

Eleanor looked over at Lucas, who was smiling at her. She turned her attention back to the scenery, anxiously waiting to see the place that was to become her new home. It wasn't long before the trees cleared, and she could clearly see Kennen Castle in the distance. It was an old castle made of red stone. Around it she could see fairly large village with a small temple. The village and castle were surrounded by a stone wall. Outside the wall was a vast amount of farmland. The land itself was beautiful and she knew she would enjoy the view every day.

As the carriage passed by the fields, people stopped what they were doing to watch it go by. Eleanor could see all kinds of different crops growing in the fields, though wheat seemed to be the most prominent. When they approached the wall, the sound of a trumpet blared to announce their arrival. Soon the carriage was making its way through the streets of the village. Eleanor watched the villagers who all stopped and waved as the carriage went by. 'The people here seem to be happy and well taken care of.' The streets looked clean, and she didn't see anyone begging.

"Ah, it looks like Michael is here," interrupted Lucas.

Eleanor glanced at him.

Lucas pointed out the window at a flag on the parapet of the castle.

"The little blue flag underneath the flag with the family emblem is only raised when the lord of the castle is there. This would be the first time in almost three years that it has been raised."

Eleanor nodded her understanding.

"But that means the wedding will take place this afternoon, since both of you are here."

Eleanor looked at him with a startled expression.

"You and Michael should have been married almost two years ago. Everything has been readied for quite some time. Plus, it would be better for you start your time here as the lady of the castle as soon as possible."

Eleanor nodded. 'That still feels unnecessarily fast.'

"When we arrive, you will immediately be escorted to your chambers so that you can get ready for the wedding. You will not see Michael until the wedding. All the other introductions and a tour of the castle will take place another day."

Eleanor nodded. She could feel the anxiety building in her chest.

When they arrived in the courtyard in front of the castle, Lucas got out of the carriage and pulled out the steps. He then opened the door for Eleanor and helped her out of the carriage. By then Misha was waiting for Eleanor.

"I'll see you at the wedding, my lady," said Lucas.

Lucas then quickly headed into the castle.

"This way, my lady," said Misha. "We have a lot to do in a short amount of time."

Eleanor followed Misha into the castle, she could see servants bustling about. As she passed, they stopped their work and nodded at her. She followed Misha to the second floor and down a hallway.

"Beyond this door is the family chambers. You have your own private sitting room, but everything else is shared with his lordship. The steward's private chamber is also here since he is considered a member of the main family."

Eleanor nodded at the explanation, as Misha opened the door. Beyond the door was another hallway. They headed to the door at the end and into the bedchamber, where there were three women waiting for them. As soon as Eleanor entered, the three women curtsied. Without an introduction, Misha started giving orders to them. Misha then led Eleanor to a door off the right and into a large washroom.

"Good, it looks like they are ready for you, my lady."

Eleanor took a quick glance around the room and noticed a cart with a number of oils on it.

"My lady, please let me help you undress."

Eleanor nodded. Misha approached and started undoing the back of her dress. Taking off layer after layer of her clothes until Eleanor was standing there naked. The cold air in the room nipping at her bare skin. Misha helped Eleanor into the tub.

"Soak in the water for a bit, my lady. I'll be back shortly with the others."

Misha left the washroom, and Eleanor was finally alone. The warm water felt good on her skin. She hadn't been able to bathe in almost four days. The water smelled of flowers, though she wasn't sure what kind. It wasn't long before Misha returned with the three women. They quickly got to work on helping her bathe. When she got out of the tub, they dried her off and rubbed oils onto her skin. She was starting to get cold when Misha wrapped her in a pale pink dressing gown.

Over the next two hours, the four women did Eleanor's hair, makeup, and got her into the wedding dress. The wedding dress was beautiful. White with silver lace and the occasional small purple flower embroidered on it. Misha placed a silver coronet encrusted with diamonds on her head, then added a veil. Last was the shoes, white heels with a bow inset with a small diamond.

"We're almost done, my lady. I just want to make sure I haven't missed anything."

Eleanor felt the stares of the four women as they scanned her from head to toe, fixing anything that was even a little bit out of place.

"I think it's time," said Misha, at last. "You, go inform the steward that we will be heading to the chapel."

One of the women quickly left the room.

"Now, my lady. Do you feel comfortable walking in your shoes without help?"

Eleanor took a few steps without any issues.

"Excellent, then let us head to the chapel."

Misha led the way out of the bedchamber with Eleanor following, and the two other women trailing behind her. Together, the four of them made their way down to the first floor, and down a hallway that led to the back of the castle. They exited the main part of the castle and made their way into the back garden. The two women behind Eleanor lifted the back of her dress to keep it from dragging in the dirt. Finally, they were standing at the double doors of the chapel.

"They should be ready for you in just a moment, my lady."

Eleanor nodded. Moments later, the two doors were pulled open, and Eleanor took her first step into the chapel.

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