"Lucas Kent is here, my lord. He's seeking an audience with the family."
At those words, Lord Valen stood up, saying, "Escort him to the main parlor. We'll be there in a moment."
The steward left to do as he was told.
"Eleanor, come take my arm."
Eleanor immediately went to her Father and took his arm.
"Elliott, Margrite, both of you come with us."
They both stood up, and the four of them headed to the main parlor. On their way there, Clara appeared off to the side.
"Clara, you should come as well," Lord Valen stated.
Clara nodded and followed along. Eleanor could feel herself tensing up. 'What if he changed his mind? I know I told myself that he wouldn't do that, but the way Father is reacting makes me think that it might be possible. I'm scared. Even if he hasn't, I'm still scared.'
When they got to right outside the door to the main parlor, Lord Valen stopped for a moment to catch his breath.
"The guests are waiting, my lord," said the steward who was standing by the door.
"Thank you. I'm ready."
The steward opened the door and announced their presence. Lord Valen immediately entered with Eleanor at his side. When they entered the room, Eleanor saw that Lucas was sitting in one of the chairs, with a man and woman standing behind him. Lucas stood when they entered.
"Lord Valen, Lady Eleanor, Sir Elliott, and Lady Margrite. It's a pleasure to see you all again."
They all nodded in response and sat down.
Once they were all settled, Lord Valen said, "Lucas Kent, you wanted to speak with us?"
"Yes, Lord Valen. I am here to escort Lady Eleanor to Kennen Castle at the request of Duke Kent. Where they shall be married as soon as they both arrive." Lucas reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a letter. "Here is the official letter signed by the Duke."
The steward took the letter from Lucas and handed it to Lord Valen, who quickly read it over.
"Everything seems to be in order, when will you be leaving?"
"We plan to leave as quickly as possible, preferably before the afternoon."
Lord Valen nodded then turned to Eleanor, "Are you all packed, Eleanor?"
She nodded.
"Good. Then once everything has been loaded onto the carriage, we shall do our goodbyes."
Eleanor once again nodded. Her minded had started racing; they were leaving much sooner than she had anticipated.
"How many are in the escort party?" asked Elliott.
"There are twenty of us. Mostly knights. This here is Sir Tinnen, who will be leading the party. He was left in charge of the Guard of Kent that remained at the castle during the war. And this here is Misha Prompten, she shall be Lady Eleanor's Lady-In-Waiting."
Both Sir Tennen and Misha showed their deference to the Valens when they were introduced. Eleanor glanced at Clara, when Misha was introduced, who now had a sad look on her face.
"Good, then everyone get to it. Eleanor, you should go with Clara and Misha to make sure any last bits are packed," stated Lord Valen.
Eleanor stood up at her Father's words, and quickly left the parlor with Misha and Clara. As they walked to Eleanor's chambers, Misha turned to Eleanor, saying, "It is a pleasure to finally meet you, my lady."
Eleanor nodded at Misha with a smile. When they got to her chambers, Eleanor saw that there were servants waiting outside the door. One of them approached, bowed to Eleanor and then turned to Clara, "We were told that some hands would be needed to help load Lady Eleanor's luggage onto the carriage."
"Yes, please, come in."
Clara led them all into the room, and started giving commands on what was going, and what needed to be in easy reach. Misha stood by Eleanor watching all of this. When all but the last trunk had left the room, Clara turned to Eleanor and asked, "Is there anything else that should be packed before we take this last one out?"
Eleanor raised one of her fingers, then took a moment to look around the room. She realized that Clara hadn't missed a thing, so she approached Clara and shook her head.
"Thank you, my lady." Clara then gestured for the two servants standing by to lock the trunk and take it away.
Once they've left, Clara turned to Eleanor with tears in her eyes, "My lady, I'm sad to see you go. I will truly miss you. May I hug you?"
Eleanor quickly nodded her assent. When Clara hugged her, she could feel all the love and care that she had for Eleanor, and Eleanor responded in kind. When they finally separated, it was with much reluctance. Then Clara turned to Misha and asked, "Please promise to take care of Lady Eleanor, she means the world to me."
"I promise," Misha responded with a smile.
With that, the three of them left the bedchamber and headed to the front garden where the carriage and escort were waiting. Once they were there, Eleanor saw Lucas and the Valen family steward guiding the servants on loading the luggage wagon. She saw that there were more than just her trunks being loaded onto the wagon. 'I wonder what that is.' She also saw some of the servants carrying six large chests into the manor. 'That must be the dowry.'
As Eleanor stood there watching them load the carriage, Lord Valen approached her.
"It looks like they're almost done loading all your things. Oh, I don't think I ever mentioned, but I'm sending you with some of your Mother's things. They've been in storage for quite some time, that's what is in those other trunks. She would have wanted you to have her things."
Eleanor glanced at her Father and saw a sadness in his eyes. She knew he'd loved her Mother very much, and even in the eighteen years she'd been gone he hadn't stopped loving her. She reached for her Father's hand and squeezed it. He looked at her with a faint smile on his face.
It wasn't long before everything was finished being loaded onto the wagon. Lucas approached her and Lord Valen just as Elliott and Margrite were exiting the manor.
"My lady, it's time," said Lucas.
Eleanor nodded at him then turned to her Father.
"Eleanor, my dear," he said as he clasped her hand. "I love you and will be here if you ever need anything. Please write to me as often as you can."
She smiled at her Father's word and hugged him. He didn't seem to want to release her from the hug.
"Father…" whispered Elliott.
Lord Valen released her with reluctance, then kissed her on the forehead. Eleanor then turned her attention to Elliott, who looked like he was about to cry. Elliott pulled her into his embrace, and whispered in her ear, "You can always come home. I'll always be on your side, so please contact me if you need help with anything and I will come get you."
Eleanor nodded into his embrace. Elliott released her and kissed her on the forehead just as their Father had done.
"I love you, Ellie. Be safe."
She smiled at him, then turned to Margrite who was struggling to control her face.
"Safe travels, Eleanor. Please keep in contact."
Eleanor nodded then turned to take one last look at the house she had spent her entire life in. With that, she turned to Lucas who escorted her onto the carriage. Misha and Lucas both joined her in the carriage. Within a few minutes they started moving. Eleanor looked out the window and saw Elliott and her Father waving at her. She returned the wave until they were no longer in sight and continued looking out the window until the manor was completely out of sight.
'And now this new part of my life begins.'