
19. Ladybird.

The first job of the day. Make sure everything is ready for the opening. Our new animal park should be a success. Although up to now, all the openings had always ended with me being in Salvatore's clutches, usually for a couple of weeks or a month. The record was 26 weeks five years ago. I had also died for the first time.

I had been separated from Damon for at least five years after that incident. I didn't divorce him, but I didn't see him. It took me three months to recover from that episode before I was even on my feet and then two months more to build up my strength, only to go to the Europe gig, which was 13 months.

Then, when the gig was over, I recovered for another two months because the fight clubs at those gigs took their toll. Also, I had to do the gig myself when the mimosa got heated; the schedule is so crazy you don't always have time to rest or eat, and all the damage takes energy to heal. I weighed 25 kilos after that gig, and I can say that the recovery was enjoyable to do between Adam and Charles.

After that, I was on my own again, and I bought a new castle in Italy because Mimosa was getting hot. Mimosa's hot flash lasted four months. Then, there were two months off. Damon had gone off to see the world after Mimosa's rush. He'd been there to treat it, and then he'd left again. Then I got a heat for 14 weeks for a change, which was problematic, difficult heat.

These couple of years, I had done one more European job, kept the heat on for only two weeks because of a uterine infection, and did gigs. Then Charles sold me to a medical facility, which took me a while to recover. On top of that, when I tried to go to my own island to recover, Bran attacked me and forced the heat, got me pregnant, called Damon, and then got a real infection, which I had started to recover from. I had then spent three months planning the zoo; the opening would finally be in a couple of weeks.

I was at Samuel's in Medbay, my heat again trying to make itself known, and Samuel had got angry with his father after that last stunt. Once again, he examined me and found nothing wrong. I had had cramps and bad ones for now two weeks and I had tried hot bubble baths daily. Mirella's drops helped somewhat not long, so I had to take them quite regularly.

He said, "Your cat genes are not yet at the stage where you have a proper cat lust, and that could be one reason, and another could be that, on some level, your body wants to reproduce, but we have a barrier to that now. After Bran's stunt, it's a good time, and I'll call Colin and let him come and do his thing. So Colin is using his leprechaun magic. Charles has made the potion with the spirits, and I'm using a bit of modern medicine. We'll fix you. So your ovaries will stay looking like that, but your ova will be dead. If Damon or Bran ever gets his head around reproducing, then he can't. After this job, you're as barren as you can be. You'll get the heat, and even if everything inside you is removed, the same thing will grow again. After this, no more miscarriages. For those cramps, I have no fix on them. it might be that they will settle on their own in time."

I was really happy. Colin came the next day, and Samuel put me to sleep for a few hours. Dresden and Constantine were still cursing my womb and ovaries just for show.

Samuel said when I woke up, "Do you feel barren now? Your heats are perfectly normal. This has nothing to do with them. You just don't have any eggs, and you never will. Not as a woman and not as a werewolf, but if you someday evolved even more, then we just have to look at that thing. "

I smiled and was really happy.

My stomach continued to play again, and I tried to hold on. I had just received a new bottle from Mirella, from which I took occasional drops. Even though they didn't taste good, they took away most of the cramps. Mirella had gotten me a new batch of bubble bath and I use it quite a lot. Bathing helped a little bit. She had gotten me new shower soaps, and they were intimate area friendly, so I washed my pussy with them too.

I hadn't fucked Damon at all for the whole five years, which was about the time he raped me on the island, but I was drugged and tied up, and I wouldn't exactly call it voluntary. I had never told anyone what started it all. This has been years ago, ever since that happening with Drusilla, Angelus, Spike, and Bran. I didn't mention to anyone a word about Drusilla or Spike, not that I saw Adam and Charles fucking strangers. That was before we got married, but that's probably where all my horny problems started, ever since those my heats are being problematic, not regular, and painful before they got on. 

This incident at the pharmacy where Charles sold me and everything that followed just convinced me that I was the one to trust. My heat that came after those gang rapes in Bran has been painful and already stopped for the second time when I got a uterine infection. The heat that Bran put on, was not the kind that made me want to fuck, it just made me smell so he could use me as a sex toy and I was not even sure was my hormones right for that heat.

There were a couple of good ones among them, but my heat became sparse, and the durations were what they were because we had wings and Mimosa got hot often, and for quite a long time, no one ever questioned or wondered how my heat suddenly changed so radically. Maybe they thought that because Mimosa broke off from me, it was she who had the most heats because I was a very special one and everything in my body worked its own way.

I had eaten at the same table and sometimes had a conversation with Damon, but he had been very distant and cool, too. To Mimosa and Mirella, he was charming and seductive and did both, but he showed no interest in me. I had been so busy with the opening and the park that I had helped to get the animals there, and the fleas always took up my time; I hadn't had any fun with Adam or Charles. The opening date hadn't been set yet, but it was known that our animal park was starting to be ready.

I had been working so hard for a few days that when the wave hit; I doubled over in pain and gasped. I had pain almost for four weeks now but now this was getting so much nastier. No fucking way, it's heat time soon because this pain was getting more and nastier. It took longer for me to recover and it affected my appetite too. I've got to go and have another couple of drops soon. And maybe a bath. Thank god Mirella had found my wonderful bubble bath for me. Luckily, I was on the wing. Adam came up to the wing and wrinkled his nose. He saw me curled up on the sofa. I was holding my belly, waiting for this pain to go away.

" Oh, I see you are having again such a nasty time. Have you made some fish food and forgotten the rods somewhere?" He asked.

Oh fuck. Who'd take care of my heat if Adam could smell me stinking of rotten fish? No Bran, not in any case. If this was somehow his fault, but then again, this pain had been longer.

I said, "Heat time. Soon I see, but this is again so damn painful that I wonder will end up uterine infection or something else."

Adam looked momentarily and said, "Oh, and I smell you as rotten fish and ..."

I said, "Yep, you'd better find me a heat manager and soon. If it helps me when I get soon fucking for this pain."

Adam opened the wing door and went out. I went into one of the bedrooms to wait. I was drawing a bath for myself, put my bubble bath in the water, and put it hot. It might help too. I knew soon men would come to see who gets to treat me. I hoped it wasn't Bran. I had tried to forgive Bran, but no. I could be polite, but Bran was on the no-fucking list and knew why perfectly.

There was no point in me standing around waiting. My heat would stink enough for whoever came to the door. As soon as this cramp eases up, usually a bath helps it to loosen, I'll be able to take my drops, then I'll get a heat treatment, so I don't get a fucking infection again. Then I heard voices: Bran, Samuel, Damon, and Charles.

The door opened, and Damon entered the bedroom. I was lying on my side, panting in pain. Soon, this would ease up enough for me to get into the bath.

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