
3. La Isla Bonita.

Damon and Adam stood in a dimly lit gym, their voices filled with hushed urgency. They had just sparred against each other to release pent-up rage and other feelings. The air was heavy with the scent of exhaustion, a combination of sweat and stress that lingered in this space. Damon, his eyes filled with determination, spoke softly to Adam.

"I have an idea," Damon whispered, his words barely audible over the distant hum of showers.

Samuel had been there too, but he was already taking a shower.

Damon's voice was determined." It's time for Mimi to take a break, a few weeks off. I'll whisk her away to a secluded place I've already arranged, a place where I can provide the heat her body needs. The recent blood tests Samuel took confirmed it."

Adam nodded, his eyes reflecting understanding. "Mimi is a workhorse, no doubt about it. She's been tirelessly working, keeping Magnum and the others busy. With Jake and Rob off duty, there's no one to take charge. But now, we have a solution. I'll call Magnum here, and together, we can take over and ensure everything gets done."

Damon's voice grew strained, a hint of pain seeping through his words. "You and Magnum will handle things while I take care of my future wife," he said, his voice faltering at the mention of their uncertain future.

Damon had kept Adam in the dark about what had transpired, only revealing that he was a widower. It was Adam who had shared the news of Mimi's world-saving mission and her subsequent illness. Damon had immediately set aside his own pain to be there for her, desperate to mend their fractured relationship. He had seen the true state of Mimi's condition when Adam had rescued her, a sight that had shaken him to his core. 

Damon silently entered my dimly lit office as I meticulously examined the high-resolution satellite images of potential medical facilities. It was late in the evening, and I was once again busy with my work. The room was filled with the computers' faint hum and the monitors' soft glow. I had handpicked five candidates, each one raising my suspicions, requiring me to devise a plan for surveillance and gather evidence of experiments. If the timing was right, a plan of attack would follow, and I hoped that one of these candidates would finally provide the crucial evidence we needed.

"Babe, I brought you something to eat again since you were not in the kitchen at the time to eat," Damon whispered, breaking the silence. His voice was barely audible amidst the quiet ambiance of the office.

I gestured towards the table, my eyes still fixated on the screen, and replied, "Yeah, just leave it there, and I'll eat in a minute."

Damon moved with the grace of a panther, placing the tray in front of me and deftly gathering the pictures scattered on the table, neatly stacking them together. 

Just as Damon finished his task, Magnum, our trusted ally, entered the room. Simultaneously, I typed up another kill list, the keys of the keyboard clicking softly under my fingertips. The list grew longer, transforming into a daunting compilation of names and targets.

Sensing the weight of the task, I said to Magnum, "I'll have the list ready in a minute as soon as I finish typing it up. I see it'll take a while, as it's lunchtime."

Magnum remained silent, his presence asserting his loyalty and dedication. 

Damon gracefully moved to sit across from me, his eyes locked with mine.

He spoke gently yet commandingly, "Mimi, Magnum is now your new second in command. He'll be reviewing those satellite photos. Mimosa has already sent him a list; he'll take care of it if any leads emerge from those pictures. Adam is handling your other assignments. Now, my lady, you and I are going to enjoy a few weeks of uninterrupted quality time together." 

I glanced at Damon, ready to voice my thoughts, but as my mouth opened, I noticed him twirling a flank syringe in his hand. The glint of the syringe caught my attention, and I remained silent, focusing instead on the meal before me.

Magnum efficiently gathered all the pictures and papers while Damon eased my chair away from the desk, creating space for me to eat. Magnum settled in behind my desk, assuming his new role with a sense of purpose and determination.

I dutifully consumed all the food set before me, even though my hunger had long since vanished. The flavors still danced on my taste buds, bringing me a sense of enjoyment. Somewhere along the way, some unknown substance or experiment had stripped away my appetite.

Mimosa, my loyal wolf companion, remained hungry, but she could be free of me. Whenever I transformed into my Mimosa form, an overwhelming urge to devour filled me. Thankfully, Mimosa could escape from my presence occasionally, allowing her to satisfy her hunger. Damon, always vigilant, watched me closely during these moments.

My work consumed me to the point that I forgot to eat for days, risking a dangerous drop in my blood sugar levels. I had already woken up in the medical bay six times, receiving sugar and food drips, often when Damon was absent. Samuel would ask me, "Do you feel wise?" I absentmindedly picked up my phone, continuing to work from the bed many times.

There was an abundance of food, yet I felt as though my sanity was unraveling. Realizing I needed rest, I was about to retreat to the bedroom, struggling to keep my eyes open. Damon observed with a satisfied smile as I nearly drifted off in my chair. Eventually, I stood, and Damon approached, wrapping his arms around me and guiding me.

Confused, I asked, "Where are you taking me?"

Damon's smile remained puzzled. We made our way to the car, where he settled me in the back seat and administered a calming sedative. Through the fog of my drowsiness, I could sense Damon securing the seat belt and planting a gentle kiss on my forehead. The car moved, and somewhere during it all, I succumbed to sleep.

Upon awakening, I found Damon speaking to me, urging me to drink. "Come on, baby, drink up. You're doing well," he encouraged.

I obliged, sipping on a mildly sweet liquid, realizing I was seated on Damon's lap. The sensation of both of us being naked, washed over me.

His hands roamed everywhere, teasing, stroking. He dipped two fingers into my hot cunt and pushed them deeper. The other hand stroked my arms, always pressing a little somewhere. For some reason, the pressure made a hot wave of heat ripple through the bottom of my stomach. At the same time, the fingers in my fuck made me explode to the top so that I curled up in Damon's arms.

He pulled his fingers away and licked them clean. He said little anything, and neither did I. This was something really amazing and I was enjoying myself very much in his skilful hands. I felt him lift my hips upwards, and the huge thick glans spread my pussy lips and sink my pussy into his greedy embrace. Damon supported me by my hips and mercilessly pressed his huge, thick, and hard cock inside me at the same time.

I was spreading so widely that I burned, but at the same time, I felt I needed more. The feeling was on the borderline of pain and pleasure, and the things Damon's hands were doing now and then put this firmly on the side of pleasure. His fingers teased my clit and occasionally wandered over to my nipples as he was pushed almost all the way to the bottom of my cunt.

I felt full and wet. He moved inside me and took hold of my hands, controlling me completely. I don't know what was in that drink, but I was ecstatic and turned on like I never was.

He growled, " You little bitch, you are mine, my prisoner, and I have kidnapped you now. You won't be deciding anything for weeks now."

His voice was always dangerously dominant, but oh fuck, it worked well on me then. 

He fucked me demandingly, dominantly. Nuzzling my neck and ear at the same time. He kept me completely under control. Everything he did was what was done. I had no say in the matter. My climax came three times before, as he pushed in as deep as he could and filled, now, simultaneously pressing both my arms. I exploded so hard my eyes blackened.

Then I felt it. It is a time of heat. Clearly. I felt how each squeeze brought it closer. When Damon's flood of his lovely, thick nectar of love ended, he continued to move, thrusting harder and harder, faster and harder at the same time, now turning us the other way around so we were face to face.

We kissed passionately, and he attacked my breasts in a more or less violent manner. He sucked, bit, licked. He guided me from the hips and dictated the pace and force. I was definitely not in charge. Our true soulmate bond was radiating as hard as it had ever radiated.

We kissed again and again as we finally exploded in unison, sinking our teeth into each other's necks and drinking naughtily of blood. It intensified my orgasm so much that I felt my heat go off faster than ever. I felt the burn in my neck and knew that Damon had marked me as his own and properly with him.

I lay limp in Damon's arms. He was still flooding and filling me. I could feel him pressing and brushing my ribs, my belly feeling his lust cream inside me. Then I felt a sharp pain in my side and saw how Damon had punctured a hole in my diaphragm so that thick cream pushed around my lungs and heart.

The plane descended, and I lay there, just lying against Damon with his gigantic cock still hard inside me. With the heat on full blast, I could feel how slimy and swollen I was already getting.

Eventually, Damon gently lifted me off his lap and guided me towards a nearby chair. I stood there, dressed only in a delicate wrap dress and a pair of comfortable sandals. There were no other clothes to choose from. I slipped into the wrap dress and slid my feet into the sandals.

As we disembarked the plane, I realized we were somewhere along the picturesque coastline. Damon clasped my hand as he led me toward a magnificent motorboat. The boat was of substantial size, and I found a seat and settled in. I observed in awe as Damon skillfully started the engine and maneuvered the boat out of the bustling harbor. I did not know where we were headed; I couldn't even guess the country we were in.

As time passed and we sailed closer, an island gradually emerged on the horizon. Damon expertly slowed down the boat and guided it towards the dock, which was surprisingly short. We disembarked, still holding hands, and walked to the edge of the pier. The view before me was indescribable; it was like a paradise in its purest form. The air was thick with the scent of the lush green woods that enveloped the area, and the sound of birds singing filled my ears.

A magnificent white-plastered house stood proudly in front of us, reminiscent of a fairytale castle. Its walls were adorned with intricate carvings, and its windows were framed with vibrant flowers that added to its charm. The island had a jungle-like atmosphere, with bright and colorful flowers, and the sight was breathtaking. I felt like I had stepped into a magical world.

The island boasted an expanse of pristine, sandy beaches that seemed to stretch endlessly around its circumference. The sand was soft and white, and the water was a perfect shade of turquoise. The island's sheer size left me awestruck; I had seen nothing like it before. I assumed the grand house was a luxurious hotel, and I couldn't wait to explore more of this idyllic paradise.

But then, Damon turned to me, his eyes shining with joy, and uttered, "What do you think, baby, of our paradise? I had planned to reveal it to you on our honeymoon, but I couldn't wait any longer. This entire island is ours. I bought it for us, baby. Welcome to the Azores."

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