
Lean on me (2) 

Night soon fell on the kingdom and it was time for Annalise to depart with Rafael and the knights joining them. She said goodbye to her friends and went to the front door to wait for Rafael to finish his dinner so she could join him in the carriage.

Knights were already on their horses waiting behind the carriage that was for Rafael and Annalise along with carrying bags. 

Annalise looked up at the night sky as she waited for Rafael. She hoped that the further she got out of town, the better the sky would look without all the lights from the homes around messing with the view. It was most likely a straight trip without any stops, but she wouldn't mind having to stop somewhere in the middle of the night to lay around and get a good look at the sky.

Annalise heard footsteps approaching her so she looked around to see that it was Rafael and Edwin coming behind him. 

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