
Rafael’s lover (3)

"Where are you going, Annalise? The first set of meat will soon be finished. You'll have to wait in a long line if you go anywhere now," Cara said.

"Even though we are having a feast, I still need to visit Rafael to see what he needs before I can enjoy myself with everyone. Go on and save a spot for me. Tell Jonah he needs to save me a piece of the rabbits I caught. It is only fair," Annalise said, carefully walking backward while she looked at Cara.

A promise was a promise so while the servants and knights were gathering in the yard to enjoy the feast Rafael prepared for them tonight, Annalise was sneaking off to see what gift he had for her now so she could take it to her room while that the manor would be somewhat empty.

Cara didn't question any further and walked ahead to get them good seats near the fire going on right now. 

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