
Hands to yourself (1)

"I am going to take my leave so the two of you can talk," Beatrice said, getting up from her seat to spend her time elsewhere.

"It is nice to see you again, Lady Callahan," Connor greeted Beatrice.

"Hmm," Beatrice gave a short response.

Beatrice wasn't fond of Connor hanging around her son. She heard the tales of his short temper that got him in trouble. It was all she heard when his name was brought up in conversations. If not for Connor being one of the knights, she would tell Rafael to distance himself from the young fool. Beatrice did not care that Connor was the son of a family friend.

"What will it take for your mother to like me?" Connor asked, sitting down in Beatrice's now empty chair. "I don't think I have done something to anger her. Have you told her something bad about me?"

Rafael ignored Connor and continued on with his breakfast. The only good thing about Connor's arrival was that Connor interrupted his mother continuously asking about his love life and stopped her growing interest in the new maid.

"Silent as ever. You know, it really pisses people off when you don't reply to-"

"Why are you here, Connor?" Rafael asked, wanting this conversation to be over already.

"When you finally speak you piss us off even more," Connor muttered. Talking to Rafael was like talking to a wall, but then that wall would suddenly crumble on you. "First, can you tell me about the maid from just now? The one pouring your mother something to drink. Where is she from?"

"I rather you do not take any interest in the servants here. If that is all, please leave," Rafael answered. He was not a matchmaker for anyone. He didn't stop the Knights and maids from being involved with each other, but he wasn't fond of Connor dating one of his maids. The things Connor did with women on their travels were one of the reasons. Connor's annoying nature was another reason.

Connor reached forward to grab one of the apples from a bowl on the table. "What if she takes an interest in me?" He asked, biting into the green apple. "You have so much at your fingertips but you let it go to waste. So many women here to-"

"I am not fucking any of my servants and neither will you. Are you here to try finding a relationship with one of my servants or tell me something important? Didn't I stress enough that I don't want to be bothered by any of you if what you have to say is not important? Important means it has something to do with the kingdom," Rafael clarified before Connor could speak.

Connor closed his mouth. Rafael ticked him off many times with his attitude. If not for the fact there was no one to back him, Connor would have tried to take Rafael's spot as commander. Rafael had the skills and his father's connections to back him. It didn't help that the King and even Duke Collins were Rafael's close friends. Rafael had friends in all the right places.

Whenever Connor brought up the idea of someone else leading the knights, he was either laughed at for having a silly thought or for thinking he could replace Rafael. Connor knew he had what it took to lead, but he did not have the loyalty of the knights who followed Rafael. Only Rafael. Sometimes Connor thought his peers would turn on the King if Rafael wanted them to.

"Have you heard about the trouble at the border? The King's guards there don't seem to have it under control. It's only a matter of time before the King starts sending out letters for others to join in securing the border. Those barbarians are causing too much trouble. I would love to be positioned there," Connor smiled, biting into his apple.

"Then go," Rafael replied. Why bother him when all Connor had to do was send a letter to the palace offering his help? "They are not barbarians."

"Oh ho. Careful there, commander. Anyone who hears you might think you are defending those savages," Connor used a word he thought was more fitting. The people who lived at the borders were more like animals than humans. He only needed his sword and a good horse to ride through their lands and slaughter all of them.

Rafael decided to remain quiet as he was not going to entertain this conversation with Connor. The people who lived at the border were their enemies, but he was not childish to go around calling them names. Most likely, the other side was viewing them as barbarians and savages. Each side was just protecting its own.

"Back to not answering me again. Well," Connor stood up. "I'll be on my way after speaking with some of the men here. Enjoy your breakfast, young master," Connor drastically bowed before Rafael as if he was royalty. "I should bring your mother back to fill your ears with marriage."

"Should I send you back home to your mother who worries about the number of women you might have gotten pregnant during our trips? I can point her to a few locations," said Rafael.

Connor didn't mind Rafael commenting on the fact he was one to sleep around with women. The best time was during their travels throughout the kingdom as he did not have to see those women for a long time. Even if he did meet with them again, why should he claim a bastard when the mother was an easy whore?

"You can never prove I have left children behind and if you can, I have no plans of claiming them," Connor replied.

"She was right," Rafael said, going back to eating his breakfast.

"Who was right? Did one of those whore's say something about me?" Connor asked, clenching his fists out of anger. He would teach whoever said something a lesson.

"I meant your mother. I can never forget how she called you a bastard who will ruin your family line with the way you sleep around. One day she will be yelling it again. Leave me be, Connor. I don't want my morning ruined anymore than it already is," Rafael said.

Connor almost reached the limit of how much time Rafael set aside to listen to fools daily. If Rafael continued to speak with Connor now, he would have no time left for other fools. The day had only started and there would still be someone else left to annoy Rafael.

"Fine, but you might see me later for training," Connor said, leaving in the direction the maids went. He was hoping to meet up with the new maid who would make a good target. A new maid to pass the time with since the previous one at his home was starting to get the wrong idea.

Connor placed his hands in his pants pockets as he walked the corridors filled with maids. They all addressed him and blushed when they looked his way. "What is it with Rafael's home that he gets all the good-looking maids? I need a few to come my way. There we go," Connor titled his head, inspecting Annalise who stood on a chair to clean the high windows.

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