
What a Duel

Lando's gaze locked with Erik's, his determination burning fiercely within him. Despite feeling winded from the previous kick, Lando knew he possessed superior kicking skills compared to Erik. Just as Erik lowered his stick, poised to claim victory, a sudden flurry of footsteps echoed through the training room. Aqua materialized out of nowhere, her arrival timed perfectly to intercept Erik's impending tap-out.

A mischievous grin played across Aqua's face as she locked eyes with Lando. "Let's both take him on!" she exclaimed, her voice brimming with excitement. Lando nodded, a surge of renewed energy coursing through his veins as he realized he hadn't succumbed to defeat just yet.

Erik chuckled, his amusement evident as he twirled his stick in his hand, unfazed by the odds stacked against him. "Alright, a 1v2 challenge it is," he declared, locking his gaze with Aqua. Despite his knowledge of Aqua's past as a Vulture, he chose not to disclose her secret to anyone. In that moment, it mattered little to him.

Without hesitation, Erik lunged toward Lando and Aqua, both of whom charged forward simultaneously, their fingers gripping their sticks with unwavering resolve. The clash of their weapons reverberated through the air as they met Erik's stick head-on. Aqua swiftly spun around, attempting a powerful swing from her right, only to have Erik deftly evade the blow. Undeterred, Erik retaliated, his stick whizzing dangerously close to Aqua's form as she deftly backed away, narrowly escaping the strike.

Lando watched the intense exchange unfold, analyzing Erik's movements with a keen eye. He seized the opportunity, utilizing Aqua's distraction, and lunged forward with a swift feint, attempting to catch Erik off guard. The element of surprise worked momentarily as Erik's focus shifted toward Lando.

Cherry observed Lando, Aqua, and Erik with a glimmer of excitement in her eyes. "I have an idea," she proclaimed, causing the trio to pause and direct their attention towards her. She extended her stick towards Lando. "Since Erik is tough in close combat, let's make it fair by giving you an additional weapon." A mischievous grin adorned Cherry's face as Lando eagerly accepted the offered stick. He locked eyes with Erik, determination etched across his features. "I'm fine with it," Lando affirmed, his resolve unshakable.

Lando's excitement grew palpable as he tightly clenched both sticks in his hands. "I've always wanted to dual wield," he exclaimed, his enthusiasm bubbling over. "Bring it on!" Erik reciprocated his excitement with a wide grin and charged towards Lando once again. Aqua, seizing the opportunity, swung at Erik from the left. However, Erik swiftly dodged her attack and retaliated by aiming a blow at Lando. Undeterred, Lando adeptly blocked Erik's strike and skillfully maneuvered his dual-wielded sticks in intricate patterns, leaving Erik momentarily bewildered.

With a fluid motion, Lando executed an upward swing, sending Erik's stick soaring into the air. This was the moment they had been waiting for. Aqua seized the opportunity and swiftly closed the distance, tapping Erik on the shoulder with a triumphant snicker. Simultaneously, Lando executed his own precise strike, further affirming their advantage. Erik, a smile adorning his face, looked at Lando with admiration. "You're even better with dual wielding. That's a pleasant surprise," he acknowledged, extending his hand for a handshake. Lando reciprocated the gesture, a smile spreading across his face.

Meanwhile, Zander observed a newcomer approaching. The individual removed their mask, revealing themselves as a person named Barry. Zander extended his hand for a handshake, curiosity evident in his voice. "I've never seen you here before. Are you new?" Zander inquired, prompting Barry to pause momentarily before responding. "Yeah, I'm fairly new," Barry answered with a smile. His vibrant green hair and warm brown eyes added a unique charm to his appearance, piquing Zander's interest.

Zander and Barry strolled together towards the cafeteria, their footsteps echoing in the hallway. Hunger gnawed at their stomachs, prompting them to seek nourishment. They entered the bustling cafeteria, its aroma filled with a tantalizing blend of various dishes. After selecting their meals, Zander and Barry decided to find a quieter spot to enjoy their food and engage in conversation. They ventured into an outdoor-like area, meticulously designed to mimic the lush landscapes of the old Earth. Verdant greenery surrounded them, accompanied by an abundance of windows that allowed natural sunlight to bathe the space in a radiant glow.

Seated comfortably, Zander began savoring his meal, relishing each bite. Barry joined him, his own spoonfuls disappearing quickly. Between mouthfuls, Barry couldn't help but express his admiration for the intense battle that had unfolded between Lando, Aqua, and Erik. "What a spectacular fight that was," he commented, his eyes still reflecting the excitement. Zander nodded in agreement. "Indeed, they possess an incredible understanding of one another's combat styles. It's truly challenging for either of them to gain the upper hand," Zander concurred, appreciating the skill and tenacity exhibited by the combatants.

Curiosity tugged at Zander as he contemplated their choice to dine in solitude. "So, why did you want to have our meal in private? I assumed you'd prefer to eat with everyone else," Zander inquired, tilting his head slightly. Barry's gaze shifted towards the surrounding windows before settling back on Zander. "Zander, right?" he confirmed, to which Zander nodded in response.

Barry's next question caught Zander off guard. "You're not particularly interested in women, are you?" Zander's expression morphed into one of surprise. "I fail to see how that matters. After all, forming relationships here isn't common, given our unfortunate fate of dying at a young age," Zander replied, his tone holding a hint of resignation.

A faint chuckle escaped Barry's lips. "I thought as much. That's precisely why I brought you here," he stated, taking another mouthful of his meal. Zander's focus returned to his food, albeit with a hint of intrigue lingering within him. "Is it because you also have an affinity for the male gender?" Barry pressed further, his curiosity unabated. Zander continued to eat, his silence serving as an answer. Barry probed deeper, determined to uncover more about Zander's feelings. "Do you harbor romantic feelings for anyone?" he queried. Zander shook his head, affirming, "No, I don't harbor any romantic inclinations at the moment."

Barry sighed softly, his demeanor growing somber. "That's a shame," he murmured, drawing nearer to Zander. Suddenly, without warning, Barry swiftly produced a knife from his pocket and plunged it into Zander's stomach, sending shockwaves of pain coursing through his body. Zander's eyes widened in sheer disbelief as Barry leaned in, whispering chilling words into his ear. "You never will, neither you nor the other Nephalem users," Barry hissed, extracting the knife with a cold detachment.

A torrent of blood gushed from Zander's wound, his body convulsing in agony. He coughed up crimson droplets, his vision dimming as he struggled to process the betrayal before him. Gazing weakly at Barry, his voice strained, Zander managed to muster a question, his voice laced with pain. "You... you're a Vulture, then?" Barry locked eyes with him, a sinister grin playing on his lips. "So, you've finally caught on? I survived being shot, so I decided to play dress-up," he taunted, relishing in the suffering he had inflicted. Zander, now sprawled across the faux grass, his clothing drenched in his own blood and staining the artificial turf, fought to stay conscious, his world fading into darkness.

With a sinister grin etched upon his face, Barry turned his back and walked away, leaving Zander lying helplessly on the ground. Gazing upward at the vast expanse of the sky, Zander's eyes traced the gentle hues of the sun, painting the heavens in a captivating display. A serene smile graced his lips, accepting the inevitability of his fate as a peculiar dizziness began to envelop his consciousness. "I'm sorry," he whispered softly, his words a poignant acknowledgment of the abrupt end that awaited him.
