
To Italy (All Demi-gods Revealed)

"What… the… hell" Orpheus removed his hands from his ears after the sound stopped

"What was that?" Emilios rubbed his ear with his palm 

"Fail! Get him out of here" Nicholas said "Next!"

"Is that the test?" "How are we supposed to pass that?"

"Like he didn't even hold on for 2 seconds"

"Next!!" Nicholas said louder after no one stepped forward "If no one comes out within the next ten seconds, consider yourselves failed. Ten…"


"There's no way we'll pass the test. I might just as well stay back home"

"Same here" "Yeah. No hope"


"Sir!" Raya girl managed to raise her hands "I-I will take the… the test"

"Hmm. Any other person?" Nicholas asked after confirming the speaker

"Uhh. Sir" Sara raised her hand "I'll also take the test"

"Good. Raya, step forward" Nicholas said, and she walked to the front, standing some distance away from him "Are you ready?"

"Yes sir"

Next chapter