
Chapter 30: Kjerag Liberation Team

At Lungmen, there was a woman that looked like a Lung. With violet eyes that shone mischievously. "Hmm~ What should this great Nian-sama do now for my next movie?"

She had a fan on her left hand while writing a script. Humming and checking her story, she got an idea of being an enemy of Lungmen.

"Ooh, as expected of me. That would be awesome." She was satisfied with her next flick and began to produce a script for it.

But there was a disturbance and she frowned. Her genius flick is being disturbed. "Okay, okay. One sec, geez." Nian had a sour expression as she opened the door, clicking her tongue.

"Yeah?" She glared at the mailman, but the professional just left the message to her and Nian raised a brow.

"That guy's not a mailman... That's for sure." She checked the mail and it didn't have any identifiers or return address.

"Eh, let's just check it then." She opened it up due to curiosity and read it.

"Kal'tsit? That cat is still alive huh? Not like she could. She's older than us after all." She chuckled and continued.

But once she got into the middle of it. Nian's eyes almost popped out of her head. "Tell me you're joking Kal'tsit..."

Nian leaned on her chair and stared at the ceiling. "This is impossible... All the others are living quiet lives or are in hiding." She remembered a band that consisted of Feranmuts.

But this time, it was different. "Curses... Ling and Dusk are hiding somewhere, especially Dusk. That unsociable loner. I bet she won't care about this either way..." Nian frowned.

"Ling is most likely in the 18th mountain that disappeared in Shangshu suddenly. Chongyue is in the military of Yan... This isn't going to end well."

"Can I lure elder sister Ling with some good alcohol? Maybe waste it in front of her mountain or something? Damned drunk, writing calligraphy all the time while wasted." Nian grumbled.

She was agonizing about it and decided to give a message to her eldest brother Chongyue first. Being the most accessible.

"We might not survive this. Based on Kal'tsit's characteristics she wrote. That guy might be from Higashi, a dai-oni." Nian furrowed her brows.

There were only myths of the great demon of Higashi that needed a group of ancient Feranmuts to defeat. But it seems they're real, and they do not know anything about his capabilities.


Meanwhile, Ash and Ceobe were having a standoff. With him sitting on the ground, staring at each other intensely.

"Go!" He threw a piece of chocolate at the side of her head and she caught it masterfully.

"Hamph!" He kept on throwing it and she caught them without fail. And the last one was right out of his palm. And Ceobe gobbled it up no problem.

"Am I domesticating her or something?" He was confused about what the hell was happening, but at least it was a good activity that made him amused.

"More." Ceobe just stared at him with puppy dog eyes and he sighed, giving the bag of chocolate on his hand to her.

"Yatta! Ash! You really are the bestest, Shining wasn't lying." She took it with her and started running around like a kid in a sugar rush.

"That girl... She has too much energy." He smiled and saw Ceobe play with Narcissa and the twins.

"Isn't it fine?" Mudrock who was talking to one of her clay dolls at the side walked up to him.

"Still talking with your clay dolls? It's okay, but you have a bad habit of talking to them in public Mudrock." He patted her head and she tilted her head.

"Ahhh, I did promise that I won't do that. People stare at me weirdly." She shrugged and he chuckled.

"It's because you're a gargoyle Sarkaz. Just like Sonus who can claim that they own sounds, gargoyles are attuned to the earth. And not everybody understands that." He explained and she furrowed her brows.

"People are hard to understand then." She was a bit miffed about it and Ash rubbed her horns. "Don't worry, it's not like they matter, does it?" He smiled and she nodded.

"Un, what matters are our family... We are one, right?" She looked up at him and he was a bit surprised at that.

"I always wanted a big one. That's why I had a mercenary group. We trusted each other with our lives. Even without apparently seeing me without the armor." Mudrock looked at the ground and reminisced.

Remembering their time as a merc group in Kazdel. They were about to leave because it was just that bad. But they saw them recruit people in Kazdel and now they are here.

"Well, I would like to think that we are. How about you? Do you trust us?" He gave her some earthy candy that she liked and she nodded.

"I love this place. We can do anything we want, we don't have to fight or worry about food. The infected are treated like normal. This place really is Paradise." She looked at the pristine park and the numerous orphans playing.

"You think so? Then let's continue in making it grow yeah?" She stared at him and gave a rare smile. "I want to do so as well, not only for the Sarkaz. But for everyone else too."


"Are you guys sure that you aren't away from Leithanien for too long?" Ash gave the twin empresses a dubious look.

They have been staying for a bit too long in Paradiso and we're enjoying the high tech spas too much with Platinum. They even turned to fast friends.

"Rude, do you want your wives to be out of your hair that much, Asmodeus?" Soleil raised a brow at him and he sighed.

"I'm just worried about Gertrude handling everything back at Leithanien as your proxy. You baited her so you could go on a vacation didn't you?" He squinted his eyes at them.

"Heavens no, that is an accusation Ash." Luna deflected it naturally. "That's right, we're just enjoying the spas Ash." Platinum chimed in from the side.

"Hah, do whatever you want. Just check on Gertrude regularly." He gave up in making them return.

"I'll be going to Kjerag, the second mobile city is done. And it's much larger this time. We'll dock it to Paradiso which will turn into a military base. We'll go to Kazimierz first and gather the silverlance pegasi as promised." He informed them and they lit up.

"Ahhh, that seems to be interesting. Is it not? Bring us with you. It's our job as dutiful wives to help you in your endeavors." Soleil chuckled at him and he rolled his eyes.

"Fine... But you'll disguise yourselves as tourists yeah?" He didn't want an international incident that quick right after Kazimierz.

"Do you think that lowly of us?" Luna huffed at him and he deadpanned at them. "I don't know, maybe you'll sell your oh so husband again." He snorted.

"It's not like it was a bad deal, besides. What are you complaining for. Viviana is beautiful is she not? We're under the impression that you are a sexual deviant. Having multiple sexual relations." Soleil quipped back and he winced.

"I might have three relationships right now, but that doesn't make me a sexual deviant. How about I show you what a deviant is?" He raised his hand and they were pulled in by an irresistible force.

The empresses flew to his arms and he sucked on their necks. Shutting them up from their grand ol time of trying to mess with him.

"Um, should I leave the room?" Platinum sipped on her milk tea. But they ignored her. "Then I'll just watch."

"Is it time for you to give us an heir, Ash? Soleil blushed and he excited them to no end. Manipulating their hormones.

"Gertrude has many things to say about your prowess, it indeed made us curious. How about you curb that by showing what you can do?" Luna licked his neck and his animalistic desires were about to blow.

But he finished it up by stimulating their sensitive cherries and left them to dry.

He then smirked. "I'll have a meeting with my organization first, please be satisfied by that for now." Ash left and he forcefully calmed himself down by cooling himself with his powers.

The empresses were shocked for once and they just stared at him while he left. "Tch, he got us good." Soleil bit on her nail.

"It seems we have been played, touche... But how cruel, exciting us to no end. Then leaving us behind." Luna sighed wistfully.

"Aww, I wanted to see how you'll do it." They noticed Platinum who was at the corner of the room, watching them intently.

"Can you tell me how it felt?" Platinum sat down beside them and they thought she was a cheeky girl.

"Hah, it would stave off the state he left us in. So this might be a good idea." They had a little talk and Ash called the members of Deliverance to relegate tasks.


At a meeting room, Ash saw that they were basically complete.

"Good, we're all here." He nodded at them and they were prepared.

"Um, why are we here?" Ceobe raised her hand and Shining face palmed. "I just explained it to you Kay. We're going to have a little talk." Shining thought that may be how having children is like. She then gave a look to Ash.

"Oh, okay. About what?" Ceobe continued her questioning. "Narcissa, can you share your cookie jar with Kay? I'll give you lots of replacements." Ash looked towards the feline and the twins.

"He promised that he would replace them... Should we?" Alastor whispered.

"It is a logical decision. Our cookies from our Kazimierz campaign will start to stale too. He'll make it brand new, hence, tastier." Astaroth logically explained.

"Then we agree." Narcissa took out a big jar from under her and gave it to Ceobe.

"Ahem, as I was saying... We are having a nice surprise. The second city is now completed. And I'll be fetching it." Ash explained as Enciades called him earlier.

"So, you will be dividing work." Margaret nodded at him and he smiled. She improved massively with her crash course to be Kazimierz's grand knight.

"Exactly, Margaret. You will be staying here in Paradiso. But the city will once again go nearby Kazdel. They are having suspicious movements after Babel's fall." He squinted his eyes.

Shining went melancholic at the death of the Sarkaz king. And Sonus glared at empty air, most likely thinking of Theresis the traitor.

"What are we going to do there?" Margaret nodded, but she needed more information.

"You wait. Based on Kal'tsit's messages to me, they're preparing to leave. And you know what to do when the house is unattended." Ash smirked.

"We're going to take all the citizens we can, aren't we?" Sonus beamed and she really liked that idea.

"It is unpleasant, but the Sarkaz has many combatants due to the civil war. Sonus, I want you to lead this mission, operation Salvation is a go." He gave her some files on what to do.

They would be segregating civvies and potential military members. Through a simple interview. While his ghosts would filter them and get rid of potential spies.

"Baws, that's boring... What would I do?" Lappland complained.

"That's easy, there's a lot of crime there. Team up with Specter. The devils there need to be absolved of their sins, can I trust you with that Specter?" He looked at the nun and she grinned.

"Why of course, savior... Hehe~ Hahahaha!" She leaked bloodlust and was already getting excited.

"Zofia, Maria, you help Margaret in maintaining the city in my absence. Platinum, you give the operators fire support, Shining, Liz, you will go to Rhine labs and bait Kirsten with our tech." Ash ordered.

He especially needed the support of Rhine labs. They were running low on engineers and scientists for the longest time. Gnosis and Adele can't keep making the latter's department afloat forever.

And they would need another large group of engineers and mechanics for the next city which would be larger. And Columbia has lots of them.

He trusted Shining the most in completing missions like this. As she is an all rounder.

"Yes, it will be done." Shining nodded at him and Liz was pleased to have another excursion.

"Degenbrecher, on me. SilverAsh hasn't seen you for a long time too. I'll return you to her for a bit." Ash has been hogging her for far too long.

"Awww, but I guess you're right. The madame is technically my employer... Fine..." She pouted and wasn't pleased about being separated.

"Enya will be the priestess soon, you know what that means right?" He sighed and Degenbrecher squinted her eyes.

"So Enciades will finally make a move... Hah, I guess I should stick with her. A civil war is just around the corner." She shrugged.

There were already a lot of tension, because their metaphysical chains against Ash to bind him to Kjerag snapped. With him as Leithanien's emperor, they can't do anything to him.

And when they get married, the SilverAsh's lands would be like a vassal state that would be more exposed to outside influence than they are comfortable with.

"Meeting adjourned, come on let's go." Ash stood up and they began planning for their duties.


Ash was currently in a chopper with his guards being Ceobe and the destruction trio. With the latter consisting of Alastor, Astaroth, and Narcissa.

And being guards, meaning when they get into an altercation. It would be an all out assault against the enemies.

"Come on guys, wear your clothes properly." Ash was fixing Narcissa and Ceobe's winter outfits.

"No pants! Kay wants to run freely!" Ceobe was being difficult so he just put a hat on her and a thick jacket. (pic)

"Fine, fine. You can heat yourself up with your arts anyways. Did you listen well to teacher Sonus?" He was getting the hang of taking care of Ceobe and she was too troublesome for anyone else to take care of.

"Un, she was strict... But she gave me lots of candies afterwards." Ceobe remembered Sonus and the Sarkaz thought she was her grand daughter that she will never have due to Logos being a bit zesty. Not interested in girls at all.

"Ash, I don't mean to be rude. But are you really bringing them with you as your guard regiment?" The empresses looked at Specter who was sleeping while hugging her large buzz saw on a stick.

Not to mention Ceobe being like a kid that would most likely offend someone.

"I have to bring Specter with me, I'm in charge of her treatment. She's kind of similar with Liz in a way. Except hers is much much worse. And Kay... Well, the other operations don't have much room for error." He shrugged and sighed.

They arrived at Kjerag and were received by Ensia and SilverAsh's servant, Weiss.

"Yo, big bro!" Ensia ran at him and hugged him with a cheeky smile on her face.

"Ensia, it's been some time. How are you doing? Still hiking I assume? Just be more careful next time and bring proper gear." Ash rubbed her ears and she purred.

"Ahh, that was just an accident. I'm the best climber in Kjerag you know? Hmm? Who are they?" She looked at his entourage and saw the tall twin empresses.

"Hmm, I didn't know that you have gotten close to Enciades' sister, Ash. Well met, we are the twin empresses of Leithanien, young one." They nodded at her and she froze on the spot.

"A-ah t-the twin empresses?" Ensia has absolutely no idea how to handle them.

"You can already see that she's a bit of a tomboy, why introduce yourself so formally." He scratched his head in exasperation.

"Um, big bro Ash... Why are you with the empresses..." Ensia didn't really care about news much and thought he was just to be wed to her eldest sister.

"Hmm? You did Enciades not tell you? I'm their husband. I guess she didn't inform you because you're too engrossed in hiking." Ash chuckled.

"Sister..." She growled after knowing that she got uninformed. Ensia might be a tomboy that has hiking in her head all day, but looking bad in front of the legendary empresses is a bit too much.

"Don't fault Enciades, I think she just forgot really. Enya most likely doesn't know it too. Come on, we will go to the Silverash estate." Ash looked at Weiss to guide them.

"Hmm, this place is quite remote Ash. Were you perhaps thinking of living in this place if we didn't get married to you?" Soleil looked around curiously.

Kjerag looked like a city in the sticks after all. It was high up in the mountains. In their eyes, it was a rural area.

"Not really, I would have constructed Paradiso still. And it's one of the reasons we are here too. I have commissioned another one too, much larger than the previous one actually." Ash explained and they arrived at the Silverash estate.

"Please wait young master, I will call for lady Enciades." Weiss served them some tea and pastries.

"It's not bad, it feels like a good vacation spot? If you don't get cold easily that is." Luna shrugged.

"Ash~ can I eat this?" Kay looked at the treats on the table and was drooling. He then smiled at her self control.

"It seems that Shining has taught you well. Then go and share it with Narcissa and the twins." He nodded at her and Ceobe snatched them up and their little group shared it with each other.

Though she didn't give one to Specter. Especially because Kay thinks she's a bad guy.

While the three enjoyed their warm tea and Ensia was just awkward as hell due to the important people in front of her. Enciades entered and was surprised at what she saw.

"Ash... Your majesties, not to be rude. But why are you here?" She sat down next to Ensia and Ash was pleased that they look to be comfortable with each other now.

"Can we not go here as we please? This will be the territory of our husband." They just gave an excuse and SilverAsh's eyebrows twitched.

It was a testy time to be there. The tri-clan council and great elder are already discussing her marriage with Ash. Because she will be a part of the imperial family.

And Enya who will be the priestess as she finished the last trial is her sister. Kjeragandr has already given her the sacred bell of Karlan due to finishing the trial splendidly.

But Enya is still the sister of Enciades. The priestess is the highest political power in Kjerag. She is the envoy of the goddess, they feared that Enciades would have too much sway to the country.

In extension, Leithanien would be able to use her as a conduit to annex Kjerag and turn it into a vassal state.

Ash saw that Enciades was deep in thought and felt like trouble is brewing. "Ensia, can you go with Narcissa and the others. Show them around Kjerag?" Ash gave them some wads of LMD.

"Really!? Ensia, food! Let's try all the food of Kjerag!" Ceobe was wagging her tail like an excited dog and Ensia can see the tense atmosphere.

In her time trying to reconnect with Enciades, she understood when her sister was troubled with the weight of her duties.

"Leave it to me!" She flexed her arm. "Specter, follow her lead. Kill anyone that is bothering all of you, consequences be damned." Ash ordered the nun.

"Um..." Ensia was shocked and Specter just grinned. "Understood, savior. There will be no bothersome pests in our excursion." Specter chuckled.

"You three too, if some creep wants to give you candy. Splatter them to the ground." Ash patted Narcissa's head and she nodded.

They left the scene, with Ceobe being extremely excited to have a food tour.

"You're as crazy as ever." Enciades scoffed, but she had a smile on her face. Quite missing his antics.

"My, my, you're getting soft Enciades. Your affection to Ash is showing." Soleil, ever the mischievous one, teased her.

Enciades coughed and sighed. "So, you seem to want an explanation on what is happening? There might be a civil war. The Paleroches and Browntails want to cancel our marriage." SilverAsh sighed.

"That is to be expected I guess. So, are they gathering their standing armies?" The empresses shrugged and expected the resistance.

"They have, but my forces are superior. My trusted vassals and soldiers are armed with Ash's guns. They don't stand a chance, except Kjerag would be in anarchy if altercations happen." SilverAsh bit her lip in annoyance.

"Yeah, the people will think it's a takeover from the Silverash's side. Especially with Enya going to be the priestess soon. This is a mess, your PR as a warlord isn't exactly good at the other territories anyways. Being a radical that dislikes the isolationism of Kjerag." Ash snorted.

"Their propaganda at work. Kjerag won't survive being in isolation. Especially when you make your move. Kazimierz has already fallen to your palm, Kjerag would be like a hidden tribe if it fails to follow the trends. Your empire is inevitable." SilverAsh sighed and thought they were fools.

"That may be so, but tradition is just like that. The old people are stubborn, change is hard. The witch king's remnants appearing was a stroke of luck honestly." Luna chuckled.

"Ash wouldn't be married to us otherwise and Leithanien will be in a disadvantage. He'll absorb the empire just like that." Soleil snapped her fingers.

"You guys are going to make me blush." He laughed and they just deadpanned at him. He was an expansionist overlord.

And with the new and larger mobile city, they would have a much higher processing power to develop and make products. Dominating the market even more.

"Well, enough about me. So what do you plan on doing?" Ash raised a brow at the leopard and she squinted her eyes.

"Isn't it obvious? We annex the grand elder and consolidate power to Enya. While I leave so political unrest won't swallow the country whole." She already have the answer.

"Ash, won't you like to have a little trip to the Paleroche territory?" SilverAsh smirked and a conspiracy that is greenlighted by four schemers would begin.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.

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