
Separating The Chambers

The discovery that larger portions of food, like a three-meter slice of roasted beef, required multiple grasses, but strangely, not more than three, no matter how large they imagined the food they wanted. Soon fruits the size of buildings were being created, their insides filled with chilled desserts of all flavors.

With the metabolic rates of the Blood Blessed, no single iota of food went to waste and for the first time in a long time, food was no longer seen as a source of nourishment but also enjoyment.

The Elders frowned, disturbed by this show of debauchery, but it did not take them long to realize that because the usage of this grass came from the mind of a five-year-old child, did not mean that it was limited to just this purpose.

One of them picked up a grass and closed his eyes, in a moment the glass wriggled into a new shape before exploding into bright light spots which vanished to reveal a long, delicately crafted robe.

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