
Hail The Creator

Vraegar wished for his father to awaken, even if it was just to punish him, Archimedes was a great companion but the Kirin attitude was not a right fit for him, deep down, Vraegar felt that only members of his bloodline should be feared and respected, everyone else was merely fodder. What was more divine than the Royal blood flowing inside his veins? He walked through long hallways filled with gigantic statues of his father. The previous statues of Erohim had been torn down, to be replaced with something better. The Divine Statues were also filled with enormous amounts of deadly energies that could be unleashed within a moment's notice. He was brought before a room and led inside, the Angel shut the door and left, the sound of the doors being sealed resounding in the silence. 

Vraegar walked to the large open windows and looked below him, where he was treated to the sudden pleasure of seeing his slumbering father.

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