
Chapter 254 : Pirates

Kirito woke up to someone nudging him on the side. His mind instantly started to restore all of his thinking capacity as soon as he woke up. But sure he didn't move nor did he open his eyes, he wanted to first absorb what was going around him, someone was clearly there and seeing that he wasn't feeling pain of any kind, they were at least not here to harm him, for the time being at least. 

"He ain't waking up," someone said, it sounded much like a child for some reason. Kirito can't say for sure. 

"He is completely fine, mostly out due to that gas, but we are already up so I can't say why he ain't." Came a little confused estimate of the same child-like voice.

"Just leave him be, we have bigger problems to deal with here." This time the sound was clearly of a woman. 

"Yeah, we better get back to Sunny." Another someone talked but this time the voice was heavy almost sounding like someone artificially had altered his voice.

"There is no point, I have tried before. He won't get up. Though was brought here after you all came so it's possible that he will be up soon, as the effects of the gas will run out a little late for this man." Another voice came but this was of a man.

Things were confusing, they weren't talking about anything of importance.

"Whaaaat. Who are you ?" the exclamation of multiple people sounded at the same time. This was even more confusing. 

Kirito just internally rolled his eyes and spread his senses to find out where he was and how many people were around him. 

"5 people, only one is strong though while others are just so so." Kirito internally mutters as he finally decides to open his eyes and instantly gets up. 

"Oh, you up." came the voice of the woman Kirito heard before. She was a slender woman with orange hair, quite beautiful with what Kirito had to add, easily on par with Ino. However, she completely blows Ino out of the park when it comes to her rags. They are Tsunade level, well maybe a little smaller than that but still huge.

She was wearing tight denim jeans with a bikini top. Who does that,, especially in a chilly place like this? But Kirto tactfully refrains from saying anything about her choice of clothing.

Why would he, the girl is doing many men much favour with this. If only Naruto World also has trends like this.

Kirito pondered as he looked around, there were 2 more men there, one with blond hair a curvy eyebrows, smoking a cigarette in a suit. And another man...

He was big, really big. Jiraiya is nothing compared to this guy here. He had blue hair and strange mechanical parts on his body. 

A reindeer with blue noise and a cap and well I have no idea what that other thing was. He was apparently even talking, while others were playing puzzles with it. Though it looks like a head.

"Who are you guys and where am I." didn't act hostile though he was on guard. Not being able to sense chakra as they don't have it, it was hard to determine who was the most dangerous among them. Though sensing their presence did give him some idea.

"I am Nami, he is Franky, this is copper here and that is Sanji. The place well I have no idea." Said the now-name Nami.

Kirito gear turn, there is a possibility that one name from One Piece world could be referred to here but four of them and more than anything, that raccoon really talk. 

'Maybe I have too used to getting surprises like this that I am calm but Holy Shit.

I am in One Piece. 

Though I should have expected that. There were all the signs that the world of Pirate is somehow connected to the Ninja world with all those things I found in Uzu. 

Maybe this array was created by Uzumaki ancestors and was the reason the two worlds interacted in the past.' Kirito has multiple things running on his head. Pulling his thoughts from roaming anymore, Kirito decided to keep this matter for the time being. 

"I am Namikaze Kirito. I am a shinobi of the land of fire from Konoha. Nice to meet you." Kirito did a proper introduction as others only by hearing that he was a shinobi got hyped up. Especially that raccoon. I mean Chopper the reindeer.

"Really. You are really a Ninja. You can do Ninjutsu." There were practically stars in the eyes of both Chopper and Franky, while both Nami and Sanji looked indifferent. Though Kirito senses a little interest in Sanji's face. 

"Wait a minute, you say that you are a Shinobi. Are you from Wano. Please tell me." Came the voice.

Kirito and others rotated their faces down only to find a cut-off head, in odd orientation as if all its features were jumbled up somehow, lying there and talking. 

Kirito seeing this just blinked, he knew that One Piece was strange but really?

"Yes, I am a Shinobi but I am from the land of fire not Wano. I hail from Konoha." Kirito said though it hardly matters, they won't know the place.

"Land of Fire. never heard of it." Nami questioned with narrowed eyes. 

"Me neither, as long as I have seen. The only Ninja forces in this world hail from Wano." Even the head sounded confused.

"The world is a way bigger place than any of us things. Anyway, I didn't catch your name Mr disoriented head." Kirito asked with an amused face. 

"Ah my apologies, I almost forgot to introduce myself. I am Kinemon, a samurai from the land of Wano." The now named Kinemon said.

"I see, nice to meet you. Though I must ask sir Kinemon, what happened to the rest of you ?" Kirito asked, really interested in what happened here. The ninja world has its quirks but they are nothing compared to One Piece. 

It's really wild out here. 




According to Kinemon, a swordsman with magical power did it. Now Kirito have not seen One Piece to comment on whether magic exists here or not but he sure is aware of the powers of devil fruit. 

And on that note, he looks everyone around. They didn't look like how he remembered in the anime. Nami had short hair. Sanji didn't have a beard. Chopper had a pink hat and Frankly was well not this much robotic. 

So there are only two outcomes here. Either he has arrived on a parallel timeline of One Piece or he arrived after Ace Died.

That was when he stopped watching One Piece back home. He wanted a break from that tragedy.

Damn you ODA why ACE?

There are thousands of characters which you can kill, and you miraculously save them all, even when Igram from Alabasta after being bombed, came back.


And thus he delayed watching One Piece, he has no idea about the New World. Though he does know some thanks to spoilers. 

"I see, I feel sorry for you." Kirito quickly shows his remorse at the side character losing his body to a magic swordsman and turns to the 4 members of Straw Hats.

"Can anyone tell me where exactly I am? Anything ?" Kirito asked, he needed as much as information about the current time line, what happen in the past in this world, why straw hats are here and whatnot.


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