
Chapter 4 : Ninja Academy (Rewrite)

Finally, the day came when Kirito and Naruto were about to attend the ninja academy.

Naruto was super happy but Kirito on the other hand was in deep thought.

The reason is, that he doesn't know whether he should show what he can do or hold back.

The upside of showing his power is that he might be promoted to Genin faster and might also get some favour from Hokage.

Maybe gets a Jutsu or two but there is hardly any Jutsu that he doesn't know already thanks to Minato's memories.

The downside is a bit more problematic though.

He will be separated from his brother.

Hokage and Danzo will learn about his powers and capabilities.

For him, it's either go all in or stay out entirely. He can't choose a midway option.

Both the boys woke up early today.

Well, it was Naruto who woke up early. Kirito just took time off from his daily training and went to the academy.

The academy is a relatively safe place. And for Kirito it's a place where he can pass his time.

But Kirito had other plans. He wanted to make alliances in the village through the Academy.

This is the best place where he can genuinely make friends but also make lifelong partners who will help him out in the future. 

He knows that this sounds pretty capitalistic but what can he do? He will need these connections in the future.

The only benefit Kirito sees in going to the academy is that he can come in contact with the clan heirs.

And yes they don't have any say in the matters of the village now but that does not mean that will be the same case in the future.

Konoha is a village where clans have a huge influence on the management of the village.

Even the Hokage have to listen to the clan heads if all of them are united.

So with that said he has to make friends with them. 

Not to mention, he also wanted to find the girl he always had crushed on in the anime.

Yamanaka Ino.

He is not going to look towards Hinata. That girl got the hots for his brother. He can't mess that up. Bro code means something, man.

And Sakura is just... well those who know, they know.

So if he is looking for a wife among the clan heir then only Ino is the right choice. It's only a plus point that he always had a little crush on her.

But that was Anime, what is reality is yet to be seen.

The only other option is Tenten and Temari. There is also an option of getting Karin. But unless he is planning to make a Harem for himself, he better focus on only one girl.

But this does not mean that he will force himself to marry the girl or will marry her if he doesn't love her.

He will first try to be friends with her and see whether it is exactly like what he saw in the anime or different.

So the only thing he will push himself into doing is to take the first step to get to know the girl and then it is the matter of whether they both click with each other or not.

All of these thoughts were occupying Kirito's mind when Naruto shook him up and shouted.

"Kirito look, we are here look."

Naruto said with much enthusiasm. Like he won the lottery. Kirito believed that even he was not as happy as Naruto was right now when he got his system.

Upon entering the academy both the boys saw a lot of kids their age making all sorts of noises and running around.

While Naruto's focus was on the laughing kids and the amount of fun they were having. Kirito's full attention was on the parents who were giving him and his brother a hateful glare.

Kirito did not give any reaction but the pent-up anger was still boiling inside him.

In moments like this, he questions, why he is not destroying this village and these people who treat him and his brother like garbage already.

Finally, Naruto could not take it any more and grabbed Kirito's shirt (who was still thinking about whether to enter into nine-tail chakra mode when he grows up and destroy the village or not) and dragged him inside the classroom.

Kirito loved his brother but that does not mean he never got irritated by his antics. But just when he was about to give his brother a good beating for ruining his shirt and for dragging him inside the classroom while he was still making his terrorism plan.

Kirito saw the target of his interest.

All the clan heirs were already in the class and were making the same if not more noise than the normal kids.

Especially Kiba who was bragging about something to the person who was sitting with him.

Ino and Sakura were not behind either with their loud voices. Especially Sakura.

Hinata, Choji, Shikamaru, Shino and Hinata were quiet at least.

He also saw Sasuke who was not his emo self yet.

Something which will change very soon if he is not wrong.

The Uchiha Clan massacre is not far if Kirito is right with his timeline.

While he was thinking all this. He did not even realize that the person who was making the most noise after entering the class was his brother.

Naruto wanted to make a lot of friends. The sad reality is that most of the students were instructed by their parents not to associate with the demon brothers.

These fools don't even realize that there is no way a demon will host 2 different bodies at the same time.

And the concept of splitting the chakra into Yin and Yang does not count. If they know this then there is no way in hell that they do not understand that they are a Jinchuriki and not a demon fox himself.

Kirito is still very angry at the bastard who spread the rumours.

Yes, he has nine tail chakra now but there is nothing demonic in him besides his devilishly handsome looks.

But he can't do anything about it anymore he has to just go with it.


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