
Nah, I guess not

Before I knew it, I was floating in the darkness

I have no idea how long have I been here since my sense of time has been boggled, but I instinctively guessed that It's been a while. I turned to my surroundings only to see nothing but pitch black.

I tried to reach out for something but it was no dice as well, I couldn't really move my arms. No, It was more accurate to say that I can't feel them at all. It's as if I had none. Hell, I felt like I don't even have a body in this place...

Where is this anyway? What's going on?

I remember dying because of a spotlight falling directly through my head...Quite an ironic way to go if I do say so myself. I don't know if that was a plot by someone or if it was just a pure accident, either way, it amounts to me being gone

I'd like to believe that I was able to survive by some miracle and was currently at some hospital, but that seems to be too optimistic of me

So if I had to make an educated guess based on this, I'm not in heaven. Meaning it's either hell or purgatory...Wait I think I'm getting too rash about this, who's to say that Christianity might be the right religion out of all of them in the first place?

For all, I knew this could be what the afterlife really is, and if that was the sake then this absolutely sucks...

"The afterlife..."

"It is not a wrong guess..."

"But not exactly right either..."

Before I knew it, I began hearing voices that were echoing in the darkness. Each time it spoke it seemed to be a mixture of the voice of a lot of people. An old man, a child, a woman, a sickly-sounding man...And those are the only ones I could make out...

But whatever this is, it made me feel eerie


"Apologies for that"

"We cannot really control how you humans perceive us"

"So the fact that you are hearing us like this"

"Is a product of your own conscience"

So it's my fault now huh? That's a little irresponsible of you. I-...

...Wait a minute...

You can hear me? How? I can't even open my mouth, let alone speak

"You're already dead in the first place, so you cannot speak"

"But that doesn't matter, we can hear your voice just fine"

"This is OUR realm after all..."

Your realm...Huh, well this is a bit hard to digest. I was under the impression that you go to either enjoy paradise in heaven or suffer in hell for eternity after you die. Is that not the case here? Or is this something that you guys want from me? Is this a test or something?

"A test? Nothing of the sort..."

"After all, we've been watching you from the shadows, Dante"

"And we already know everything about you"

"But you're right about us wanting something from you"

Haaaah. It's not exactly pleasant knowing that some unknown being has been stalking me for god knows how long...But I suppose it isn't really that much different from some persistent paparazzi. Alright, lay down what you want from me...And by the way, what-...Sorry, that's a bit rude. Who are you?

"We're glad you asked"

"We, are the manifestation of evil in this universe"

"The shadows in the light"

"The malice in everyone's mind"

"We are something akin to a 'devil' though we are more of an eldrich abomination"

"And we want your help, Dante"

"In destroying a world"

Huh?...E-Excuse me?

Sorry, I don't think I follow. Me? Destroy a world? I may have had some power and influence back when I was alive, but I think you guys are forgetting that I'm just an arrogant Hollywood douchebag that has a bit of a screw loose

There's no way in hell I can do something like that

"Oh, you're putting yourself down, Dante"

"We have seen it"

"Your passion for evil, Your adoration for it. It touched our hearts"

"Which is why we know that you will be the perfect fit for it"

"The role of the 'Villain' in this world"

A...Villain? Alright, now we're talking. If you guys want me to play that role, then I'm up for it. Just a few questions though, you've established that you want to destroy the world...I want to know why. Do you have a grudge in that world or something?

"A grudge..."

"Something like that. Though to be fair, we have a grudge against many things"

"But it seems that you are not satisfied with such an answer..."

"So if we had to put it some way...That world has reached its end..."

End? What do you mean? Like the planet itself dying cause of pollution or some other disaster? I thought that it was only limited to asshats like us on earth

"No, the planet is very much peaceful"

"But there are many worlds in this vast plain of reality. To tell you the truth, the amount of planets with life is as bountiful as the sands in the sea"

"And don't tell anyone that you heard this from us...But it is getting quite overpopulated"

"So we need to destroy it in order for new worlds to be created once again"

"That is the natural order of things. We would do it ourselves if we could, but alas, our accursed form is bound here"

Ahhh, so that's where I come in huh? Alright, that much I understand now. But tell me this, what kind of world would I be transported on? Are the species ruling it futuristic aliens? Or is it something different?

"That world is still mostly ruled by humans, though there were some other races mixed into the fray"

"And unlike the world that you were in before, this one has the existence of magic in it"

"Quite exciting isn't it?"

Yeah, no doubt about it. And just one last thing, you guys have no problem if I do things my way, right?

Like, there isn't some script that you guys laid out that I have to follow in which I had to do this and that in a certain sequence in order to completely destroy the world, right?

"Nothing of the sort"

"Destroying a world is one thing, but how you go about is another"

"We understand that there are many ways to demolish a world"

"And we would be very excited to see the methods that you use"

Good, good, because I would've backed out if that wasn't the case. Okay then, if that's how it is then go ahead and do your thing Mr. devil...


Eh? What's wrong?

"I know that we are the ones asking the favor but"

"You seemed to be too gung ho about this. I was expecting that we'd have a long debate but..."

"You accepted it all too easily, may we know why? We haven't even discussed your reward for accomplishing your goal?"

... You're asking me why?...

Come on, I thought you guys were watching me for a while now. You guys are giving me the chance to live a second life, to start anew, and what's more you guys want me to play the villain. Of course, I'd be excited...Hell, if anything I should be thanking you guys...

I was worried that I'll be bored to death after I die, but if you're giving me the chance to do something like this I honestly don't care about anything else. You already had me the moment you said 'Villain' and 'Destroy the world'

And I don't think any other reward you can offer will top up that one

So let's get to it already. I'll make sure to put out a show that you'll enjoy. I'll show you what true villainy is...


"Well said! You really do know how to inspire our passion, Dante!"

"If that's the case then let the show begin!"

The moment the voices said this in unison, I began to see a bright light envelope our surroundings. I didn't really know what exactly was happening, but I could only guess that I was being reborn

"We will be watching you with great expectations"

The voice whispered to me one last time before my vision was blinded by the darkness

Yeah, I promise that you won't get bored...


And just like that, I was reborn in another world

The moment I opened my eyes, I was greeted by the sight of a beautiful white-haired woman who seemed absolutely gigantic from my point of view. I thought for a moment that maybe the eldrich god was messing with me, but one look on my small hands was enough to tell me what was going on

I was a little baby now...And based on how small I am, I could only guess that I'm probably only a few months old

There are a lot of things that I find wrong with this. Like how my senses seemed to be jumbled or how I can't understand a single thing that is coming out of this woman's mouth. I could tell that she was happy based on how she was smiling, but it still seems strange...

Also, does this mean that I have to learn a new language all over again?...What a hassle...

But anyway, I finally have the chance to re-live my life once more. And this time, my destiny is to be the villain that'll destroy this world. Remembering these things was enough to motivate me once more. Now that I have the opportunity in my hands, there's no way I'll- Hey!

I was caught off guard by the woman suddenly carrying me by her arms and walking by what seems to be a balcony

I thought for a moment that she was going to toss me off, but then I remembered that not everyone was as scummy as I am

She seemed to be taking me out for some fresh air, and not gonna lie I'm glad that she did that. I was greeted by the sight of a beautiful-looking medieval city that looked to be out of the medieval ages in Europe...

The woman who was carrying me also began to emit some sort of bright energy that floated in her surroundings. I don't need to know much to figure out that this was the magic that the voices were talking about

Everything about this seemed to be so beautiful that I was starting to feel a bit bad about the thought of destroying it...

...Nah, who am I kidding? Of course not...

Just you wait world, I'll show you what true evil is...

But that would have to wait for now, because I feel something building up in my bum, and even if I'm a baby I refuse to make a mess out of myself


So as humiliating as it is, I began to cry so that the woman could be alerted...
