
Chapter 35

Davien's P. O. V

I stormed out of the council meeting room, only to be met by the scent of blood, not just any blood, his blood. Had his wound reopened? At the thought, I left everything I had lined up to do, and followed the scent until it led me to some sort of crowd gathered in front of the kitchen.

Upon my arrival, everyone parted way for me with their heads lowered, giving me the grand view of Kian slanted against a kitchen counter, with a brunette towering over him. On the ground was a blue bowl cracked in two and some milk spilled all over the floor.

Alice, the former beta's daughter.

"Alpha," she greeted, but I couldn't keep my eyes away from Kian, his white sleeve was dyed dark red from the blood that escaped from his bandage, and he had a pained look on his face.

"Alpha, I caught this outsider stealing some cereal and milk from the fridge, and when I told him to return it, he…he…" she took a pause then sent Kian a glare.

"He told me he would the second I'm able return my nose!" Her hands instinctively covered her nose, from behind me some people stiffened a laugh whilst others chuckled loudly.

But I couldn't see what the hell these people found amusing. I made a move to crouch down to him, but was beat by the sudden arrival of Oliver.

He lowered himself to Kian's level, then helped him off the floor, hooking his insufferable arm around my mate's waist.

"Beta Oliver." Alice greeted, but the mean mug on Oliver's face made her shrink back a bit.

"Get out of my way." Oliver snarled at her, and the others who had stuck around to watch. Immediately they moved out of the way, paving a path wide enough for five people to walk through.

Kian's sultry eyes met my gaze for a second, he refocused his attention on Oliver, fuelling my anger. I wanted to walk over to them both and take him off Oliver's hands, then up to my bedroom where we would be alone.

Through the mindlink Oliver announced, 'I'm taking him to the infirmary, and relax he really isn't all that injured.'

I didn't wait to see the pitiful scene that enshewed, instead I walked away first then went straight to the infirmary where I would get the explanation I needed.

On my way out, Alice followed me closely, "Alpha, does this mean that that disgusting Omega will be staying here with us? He's thin and gloomy and has a bad personality." She listed.

In a softer tone she said, "You're a kind Alpha, it doesn't make sense that the moon goddess gave you such a useless mate. But if it would please you then, perhaps I could…"

I halted my steps and turned around to face her. "What was that?" I spat out.

Hesitantly she replied, "You…You're a great man, and you need a woman worthy of you, if you'd like then allow me to offer myself to you."

I laughed.

"Offer yourself? And what exactly can you offer me? A woman who makes a scene over a box is cereal is in no measure mate material for me. Now get out and don't show yourself to me." I glared at her then walked away towards the infirmary.


By the time I arrived, Oliver had already sent the women who worked there out of the room. Kian attempted to take off his shirt in order to make redressing the wound easier, but I didn't allow that.

"Give." I said on one knee, then proceeded to take the medical supplies next to him. Without warning I carefully ripped his sleeve off, getting a view of the wound.

"Didn't I tell you last night not to get hurt? Are you testing my patience?" I raised my voice to him, I was just as angry as I was worried.

Kian turned his head away and replied, "I don't have to answer to you. You are not my Alpha."

I scoffed, "I'd be surprised if you did as I said, maybe you're some sort of masochist."

He scoffed back, "Here to fuel your sadistic fantasies, right?"

I hissed, and carefully took out the wet old bandage soaked with blood, then tossed it into the nearby bucket. We both kept silent whilst I replaced his bandage, too angry with each other to cave in first.

Oliver, who I hadn't noticed was still around dry coughed us both out of our thoughts. "I see you're both still mated to each other." He pointed out.

"It isn't what it looks like." Kian and I inserted at the same time, causing Oliver to tilt his head to the side taking another look.

"It isn't?" He reiterated for clarity, I sighed, he had a point, but for now I could put that off until after the entire case with Ceaser is settled.

"For the now Kian, you're not allowed to leave the room until you promise you won't endangder yourself any longer." I said in a matter of factly tone.

"You're being unreasonable, we did discuss this prior." He argued, but I argued back, "And I clearly said no, so until you're thinking straight you're not leaving this room."

"Oh? I'd like to see you interfere in my…" Kian was saying, only for Oliver to bud in, playing the role of mediator.

"Alright, I think you two should tell me what the issue is and I'll see what I can do to help. You know what they say, three heads are better than two." He chipped in, however right as he said that a knock on the door interrupted our conversation.

Kian hissed, and muttered something I couldn't catch under his breath.

"Who is it?" Oliver asked, reaching for the door handle.

"It's me, Silvia, is Davien inside?" At that second, I caught whiff of Silvia's scent, which had been overpowered by the strong odour of Kian's blood mixed with his scent.

Oliver raised a brow at the announcement then shot me a questioning stare asking for permission. I slightly nodded giving him the go-ahead to let her in.

He opened the door and Silvia walked inside, she stole a glance at Kian, then swiftly turned her gaze to me.

"Davien, can we talk in your office real quick? I want to ask you something." She said, gesturing me to follow her out the door.

Since she was already here, I figured I would talk to her about the land dispute and reveal Ceaser's real intentions. And maybe, even ask about that scar on Kian's back.

I stood up, but Kian's fingers gripped my arm and tugged on it, I looked over my shoulder at him, only to see that he had shifted his eyes from an icy blue to a tinted yellowish brown.

My chest tightned as his scent intensified, "He stays here, anything you have to say, say it in front of me." Kian declared, staring down his sister.

"Kian…" I wanted to protest, but Silvia caught me off guard by shifting her own eyes to a crimson red, releasing her Alpha pheromones.

"Are you defying your big sister?" She hardened her voice, Oliver just like I both turned our attention to Kian.

Omegas when faced with an Alpha's phermones would bend over and easily submit to the Alpha's will, at first it would inflict a minor dose of pain, which would almost instantaneously amount to an excruciating amount of pain. In the rarest of cases when an Omega has been faced with an Alpha's phermones for too long, it may induce a forced heat, which could also only be quenched by an Alpha's phermones.

"Tch," Kian hissed from the first dose of pain, yet he didn't unshift his eyes, nor did he let go of me.

"Kian, it isn't smart to say no to your big sister, I don't want to do this to you…" she was saying, only for Kian to cough out some blood.

"Screw you." He groaned biting his blood stained lip, he used his last bit of strength to hold onto my arm, though it barely amounted to much.

"Just let go and I'll stop, it breaks me more than it does you to see you like this. Let his arm go." She gritted her teeth issuing the command.

Oliver lengthened his nails immediately to retaliate, but there was no need to. I calmly rested a hand on Kian's jittery fingers, passing my warmth onto his chilling skin.

"That's enough." I announced then turned my head sharply to Silvia, revealing my glowing red eyes, Silvia flinched for a second, then reverted her eyes back to their blue hue.

"Davien you're one interesting man, you shifted your eyes but didn't release your phermones. What sort of half baked strategy is that?" She chuckled lightly, making fun of my decision.

But it wasn't as half baked as she made it out to be. For me, if I had released my phermones against her, it would maybe rile her up, but ultimately it would hurt Kian immensely.

Oliver drew his claws back, but kept his strict gaze on Silvia, observing her in case of another attack.

Silvia pulled her lips back into a smile. "I don't want much really, but since you're being so insistent, I'll say what I came for. Davien, what do you say to our packs participating in the hunt together?" She suggested, causing me to raise a brow at just what was going through this woman's head.

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