
Provocations, Retaliations, and Unwavering Determination

One day as he was going to mountainous side as usual to fetch herbs for the salve for his parent's wounds, he was interrupted by the Alpha's son, Juarve. 

"You b-st-rd! You took away my shine! That prophecy was meant to be mine! How dare you?! You worthless piece of scum!"

"I apologize." Ares murmured with a blank face, continuing to pluck various herbs.

This only fueled Juarve more and he kicked Ares' basket away causing all of the herbs to fly away and some rolled down and directly fell into the nearby lake. 

"Why are you doing this anyway? Don't you know they are going to be beaten regardless? Why do you bother? They get whipped until their backs are skinned raw on a daily basis." He snickered as he laughed with a evil glint in his eye.

Ares tightened his fist as a murderous intent overcame him. His jaw clenched and before he knew it, he was enveloped in a foreign energy. 

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