
Vacation: 1

A/N: Couldn't find the Drama tag 😖

The remaining time it took to get to the island was filled with awkward embarrassment. Livia seemed convinced that Angie was privy to everything they had just done. Despite the fact that after we went out, Angie was still sleeping in the same position we left her in.

Angie after that was obviously a bit suspicious, Livia was terrible at concealing her emotions.

Thankfully, our secret lust-filled moment was never discovered as the two were thrown out of their thoughts when my island came to view.

Even when I left construction of my island never stopped. Crops grew in controlled environments, animals frolicked about, and quite a few facilities decorated the place.

I had managed to preserve the natural feel of the place while also having a fair share of modernization/sci-fi elements.

All around my robotic helpers went here and there tending to my island and whatever was needed. This place had entered complete self-sufficiency.

"This… this is insane," Angie commented in disbelief as she stood at the front gate of my mansion.

"So big…" Livia was stuck in her own stupor as she marveled at the sheer size of the place.

"Nice isn't it, well make yourselves at home," I said before I guided them inside.

"This place is bigger than my family's main house. And you only discovered this island a year ago?!"

To Angie's bafflement, I couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, go big or go home right?"

"I don't know how other Nobles will feel about this… A baron with a house larger than that of the Dukes?" Angie said seriously.

Who cares, this isn't a dick-measuring contest.

"Noble's are so complicated." Livia groaned from the side, still looking around in wonder.

"Ah, not you two." She corrected with her arms waving.

"Don't worry, you're right after all." I waved her off. "There's way too many formalities and stupid things you need to abide by."

"Ah right, Angie don't tell on me," I said off-handedly as I held open the front door for them.

"I don't know, what you've said and done is a serious affront to Nobles everywhere," Angie replied with mock contemplation.

"Wha- Angie you can't," Livia said seriously.

She's cute.

"She's joking Livia." I quelled her worry. "Well, here is the kitchen and dining room. The fridge is always filled so don't hold back."

I started the tour as soon as we all entered, showing off the giant kitchen with a marble modern theme.

"You can cook, or get one of the helpers to cook for you." As I said that, one of the said helpers came over with a tray of glasses.


"Thank you."

Livia and Angie accepted the glasses when they were offered to them, both a little baffled by the robotic helper.

'Strawberry lemonade.' I thought as I swirled the glass and took a sip. One knew they reached real luxury when they got to drink this heavenly drink, especially in a medieval world like this.

I could practically see Livia's eyes bulge as she took a sip. "This is so good!" She said in excitement before taking another sip.

Angie seeing the reaction took a sip of her own. Her reaction was a lot less intense though the deep shock could not be hidden.

"This is delicious, what is it?"

"Pink lemonade, the recipe is a secret." More like I had no clue. It was something Luxion had data on.

The tour continued until we had been through most of the rooms. By the end mixed with their awe, the girls directed quite a few strange looks at me for the purpose of some of the rooms.

Like the movie room, that I tried my best to explain. The problem was, I had nothing to actually play. Not to worry though, the good thing about my helpers is that they were not subject to human errors. I will get myself a team of robotic animators.

I didn't even attempt to explain my four gym rooms, they just wouldn't understand.

"Now then, there is one last thing to show you," I said cryptically as I stood in front of my room.

"Your bedroom? Angie questioned wearily as she peeked through the door.

"It's what's inside, No matter what, I need you to keep this secret."

I observed her reaction as I said so.

"Noir..?" Livia asked concededly.

"It's nothing bad. Don't worry." I waved her off, she didn't need to think I had a dead person in there.

"Well…?" I asked Angie, already having a certain skill ready.

"I'd like for you to think more of me, we are friends no? I won't tell on you." Angie responded and when she did a green light glowed in my vision.

[Lie detection] It was a single-use skill I bought just for this. It was unfortunate but I couldn't just trust her no matter my feelings. She was still a very high-ranking Noble.

Thankfully, it was cheap and I'd make back the lost LP back in a day maximum.

I opened the door fully and walked in. Unlike the academy, this room was completely decked out. Pictures of family, blue theme-colored walls, etc.

"This is what you were being so cryptic about?" Angie deadpanned as she looked around.

"I thought Noir was plain," Livia added on as she walked around the interior.

"Gee, thanks, Livia." I wanted to cry. Is that the impression I gave? "It's not this, follow me."

I walked to the door that looked like an ordinary closet, albeit massive. Indeed it was a closet, though it mainly worked to hide the giant magic circle on the floor.

They both followed me in still confused as to what I was getting at.

With a mental command, The circle that was drawn on the floor glowed a bit before finally settling down. I'd spent a small amount of XP offsetting where we would teleport.

I'd like to avoid any meetings between the girls and Livie. For one, I had technically pledged the dungeon that I'd train in secret… meaning I probably shouldn't bring company.

I don't think there would be any actual enforcement to it but I'd remain cautious, even the Sage didn't know after all.

The second reason was… the girls have already been given reasons to suspect extreme sexual taste on my part and I'd like them to avoid adding bondage to that list.

"What was-." Angie and Livia both said at the same time before they were shut up when a much brighter light shone once again.

Within a second the scene of a clothes-filled closet was replaced by vibrant greenery and abundant wildlife.

"This island has no official name, but welcome. Again this place is top secret so please avoid any slips of the tongue." I opened my arms grandly.

A/N: It is a short chap but its all I can release right now. I'm busy as hell right now and can't give this much attention. I'm sorry but personal life will always have to come before this.

I won't beg for power-stones, maybe a few releases this weekend. I'll inform you guys when I can resume a normal schedule.
