
Taking the Golden State by Storm!

Previously on A New Life In The Arrowverse- Isaac had a fatal encounter with a super powered villain and Supergirl saw it, oh my! After a fierce and thoroughly satisfying confrontation, they made up. Cat Grant came through for our main character when she used the attack on the CatCo building to talk about police injustice and what had been done to Nathen Maxwell (teen angst ridden villain from Central City). After saying his goodbyes Isaac and Blackfire are off to California for their next big adventure.

Author's note- As always we love some good constructive criticism to better the quality of work I give to you guys. I'm also open to any ideas you might have, can't promise I'll use them, but I will read and consider them. Thank you all for your interest in this story, I will keep it going. 


Blackfire was glued to the window of Isaac's private plane almost the entire ride, amazed by all the views she saw. It was almost as bad during the drive through the city in their limo, Blackfire had her head through the sunroof practically the whole ride, everything was so exciting to her. Unsurprisingly, she had not gotten out much in National City, being hunted can put a serious damper on any sightseeing plans. Isaac decided to take Blackfire on a tour of the city since he had some time before his appointment. 

For almost two hours, Blackfire dragged him from store to store, her excitement was like that of a child hopped up on sugar. Even after Isaac had called it quits and practically dragged her out of yet another store, kicking and screaming, Blackfire's well of energy was unabated. Isaac forced himself to take her to a spot he was sure would be fun for her and drain her of what energy she had left, it was time for Blackfire to go to Disneyland. Isaac had never seen her eyes as wide and bright as they were when she first saw the amusement park. They spent hours there, running from attraction to attraction, Blackfire seemed to think she'd be able to ride everything if she tried hard enough.

Isaac could not help but smile at her child like glee, there was so much innocence in her smile, no one would have suspected she had, had such a troubled life. She deserved some happiness. As the sun set and colored the sky turned a beautiful mix of orange and purple, Isaac told Blackfire it was time to go. Much like their shopping adventure, getting her to leave was a herculean task, much like pulling a child's tooth, she fought him every step of the way. Finally at his wits end, Isaac offered her a bribe, he would bring her back another day, but only if they left immediately and she didn't throw a fit. Suffice it to say, Blackfire took the deal, and they were on their way in record time. 

Naturally after all their fun, both of them were starving, Isaac had even been startled by the massive gurgle Blackfire's stomach made, it was impressive. Isaac searched for a good spot to go for dinner when he found out about a fantastic Mexican restaurant in the west end of West Hollywood. The ambiance of the restaurant was very relaxed for such a highly rated place, it reminded Isaac of a family run restaurant more than the Michelin star restaurant it was, which he loved. The food was incredible, whether it was the flavors or the presentation, Isaac had no complaints, even the service was impeccable. 

The only thing he might have had a problem with was all the staring he had to deal with as they ate, but even that was mostly his fault. He had forgotten an important detail about Tamaraneans, Starfire in particular, from his past life. They were absolute slobs when it came to eating. If you ever watched the 2000's Teen Titans, there was this scene where Starfire played a pretty convincing vacuum cleaner while she 'ate' her food. It didn't even look like she was swallowing it, just inhaling, and she wasn't clean about it either. 

When Isaac saw that in his last life, he laughed a lot, the Titans wide eyes and shocked faces at such a diminutive girl eating so much, so messily, was incredibly amusing to him. This time however, the joke was on Isaac, and he was not amused. Blackfire didn't even look like she noticed the stares, she was too busy stuffing her face full of all the delicious food in front of her, Isaac couldn't believe how much she could eat. It was a good thing he was filthy rich, or else this girl would have bankrupted him. Before the camera lights could start to go off, Isaac stopped Blackfire from eating, at the risk of losing an arm. 

He explained that she had to slow down and take her time eating as people were staring at them, the look of confusion was clear on her food cover face. He tried his best to explain what he meant, while whispering, but in the end, he just had to tell her to copy how he ate, and he'd tell her why when they got to their hotel room. She nodded her head and went back to eating, thankfully at a much more subdued pace, after Isaac wiped her face clean. 

As he headed to leave, after paying their check and apologizing for the earlier display, he felt a soft hand on his shoulder. He knew it wasn't Blackfire, she already left to the car, curious he turned to see who it was. His eyes widened a fraction, in surprise, as he saw the stunning Sarah Shahi. She had a bright smile on her face that showed off her perfect, white teeth and was wearing a tight, short, tan dress that looked painted on her. Once she saw Isaac's face she started practically vibrating in excitement, she apparently knew who he was.

(Pic Here)

"Oh My God! You're Isaac Jones, I'm a huge fan, I love your music. Sorry to just run up on you like this, I just wanted to say hi, I'm…"

"Sarah Shahi, of course I know who you are, I happen to be quite the fan of yours, you're an amazing actress." Sarah looked absolutely dumbfounded by what Isaac had just said, it took her a moment for her brain to restart. Clearly, she had not expected him to know who she was, funny enough in his past life he'd had the biggest crush on her. 

"Holy crap, Isaac Jones knows who I am! This is awesome." Sarah gushed. Isaac sent off a quick text to Blackfire telling her he'd be staying for a while and to head to the hotel without him, he then texted his driver to take Blackfire to their hotel. Afterwards, Isaac sat with Sarah at the bar, bought her a drink and talked about music and the entertainment industry. Isaac told the beautiful T.V. star about his first album, how he was almost finished with it and was pretty happy with what he'd created. He even offered to give her a private listen later on, Sarah practically squealed when she heard that and immediately accepted. 

Sara then went on to tell Isaac about the things she had experienced in her time in the industry, including some of the creeps she had delt with. She even spoke about her time as a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader and all of the interesting people she'd met while acting. They talked for another hour just enjoying their drinks and each other's company before Isaac invited Sarah back to his hotel to listen to some of his unreleased music. She didn't even wait a second before saying yes, once she had Isaac paid their tab and they were off. 

While they waited for their cab, Sarah asked if they could go to her place instead as she had to be on set early the next day. Isaac, of course, said yes since he could access his music from any computer, so long as he knew his login information for the protected site he created. The cab ride was close to 30 minutes long and was filled with a mix of talking, flirting, and some light touching, from both sides.

"Sir, you can stop here." Sarah said and paid the cabbie. She practically pulled Isaac out of the car and into her beautiful, gated, three story home. Isaac got a quick nickel tour of the place, Sara made sure to show him the pool and jacuzzi in the back of the house, Isaac hoped to use them later. Afterwards, Sarah dragged him off to the living room that, apparently, had the best sound system in the house. Sara signed into the computer on the table and stepped aside so Isaac could pull up his music. 

Isaac just chuckled to himself, as he typed, at how excited Sarah was, it was such a contrast to the tv persona she played on her current show, Person of Interest. Since Sarah's laptop was already linked up to the sound system, Isaac just logged in and hit play. The music filled the room and Sarah could not help but move to it, thoroughly enjoying the moment. Isaac just sat back on the couch, relaxed, and watched the beautiful woman's body as she moved to the beat of his music. 

Before long, Isaac grew tired of just watching and got up to join her after turning the sound up a bit. He made his way to her, taking his time, until he was right in front of her, she looked up at him with her big, brown, almond shaped eyes and wet her lips with her tongue. Isaac just stared down at her, taking in her every curve, as his hand cupped her chin and drew her to his lips.

The rest of the night was a blur of passion as Isaac ravaged Sarah's body and mind, drawing her to heights of pleasure she had never felt before. Her screams rang throughout almost every room of the house, Isaac wanted to ensure that there was nowhere she could go without being reminded of what he'd done to her. He broke her, just like all the others before her, he'd had her screaming out his name, begging him not to stop, and squirting, repeatedly, on his dick. By the time they were finished, he had ruined her for other men, she was his now, even if he never fucked her again, she'd never forget what he did to her. 

As she laid, passed out naked on the bed, Isaac placed a quick healing spell on her so she could get to work on time. They went another round in the shower, Isaac still raring to go, after he woke her. She came another 4 times before calling it quits. Isaac loved how sensual Sarah was, her lack of fear in her sexuality was like a breath of fresh air. All of his previous partners had to be dragged through a number of orgasms before they really opened up, sexually. It wasn't their fault really, the American society was just more prudish and sexually repressed then many other countries, Isaac blamed their Protestant beginnings. 

After they were both dressed and had something to eat, Isaac ordered a car service for the both of them, ignoring Sarah's insistence that she could order her own with a smile. The ride to Sarah's set was full of flirty touching and sensual kisses, Sarah was like a woman on fire, she could not get enough of Isaac, and he was loving it. Luckily, for the driver, they arrived at the studio before things got any hotter, with plenty of time to spare. As they pulled up to the Warner Bro's Studio entrance, Sarah flashed her ID badge to the guards, and they were let through the gate. Before she got out of the car, Sarah turned back to Isaac and asked if he'd like a tour of the place, Isaac was more than a little surprised by the invite. It took him a second but eventually he said yes and then they were off, leaving the driver to wait until they were done. 

Sarah took him to a bunch of amazing and famous sets, like Free Willy, Animaniacs, The Road Runner…etc., the last one she showed him was for her show. Isaac ran into a few of her coworkers while she was showing him around, he even got to meet the beautiful Taraji Henson and Amy Acker, as well as the talented Michael Emerson and Jim Caviezel. They were a riot. Amy and Taraji were funny, of course, but also surprisingly flirty, Taraji even knew Isaac's music which was very flattering. Isaac really enjoyed talking to Michael and Jim though, since he had already seen Person of Interest in his past life, he was able to talk about the show in depth, including some character analysis, which really impressed them. 

A few minutes later Isaac excused himself, knowing that they all had to get ready to work, and headed off back to his hotel. Before he left though, they all exchanged numbers and Sarah squeezed a promise from him to give her a call, which was such a sacrifice for him. 

Suddenly, as his driver was heading down the 301, Isaac felt this massive pulse of sinister energy, coming from the west. He quickly found a spot for his driver to let him out and then headed to the nearest, camera less, alley and put on his magical disguise. He took off right after. He followed his magical senses, using them like radar, he felt the sinister power grew stronger the close he got. 

All of a sudden, Isaac stopped, he could practically taste the vile power where he was, a couple of miles off the California coast, well into the Pacific Ocean. Isaac was not afraid to admit that he was more than a little concerned about having to possibly fight in the ocean. Isaac wanted to be as prepared as possible before he headed down, he searched through his memories for a few very useful spells that he had looked up just for this very moment.

"Amphibiorum Respirare (The Amphibians breath) et Naturaliter Aqua (Move Naturally in Water)" Isaac chanted as a glow of red and black covered his body for just a moment before fading away, as soon as it did Isaac dove down. The ice-cold water sent shockwaves through Isaac's body, but thanks to his spell and supernatural body it was negligible and lasted only a moment. After he entered the water Isaac realized he had forgotten something important, his vision. He smacked himself in the head at such a rookie mistake and quickly cast, "Visio Oceani (Ocean Vision)". This was a preset group of spells he had created to improve his sight to supernatural levels in case he ever needed it. The spell gave him perfect night, thermal, telescopic, and X-Ray vision, with that package he could see better than if the sun was shining on a clear day. Isaac moved through the dark, unforgiving ocean at incredible speeds, following his senses to the source of the dark power. Only a few minutes later and he found it. 

"Holy Shit!" Isaac thought as he stared at a truly terrifying creature that looked to be in chains, barely. The creature looked like a giant, wingless, sea dragon with two arms with what looked like incredibly sharp claws and four slithering tentacles. As Isaac used his new optical abilities on the creature, searching for any weaknesses, he noticed that the chains were close to braking.

"Reparo et Roboro Multiplica per Decem (Repare and Multiply its Reinforcement by 10)" Isaac screamed out in his mind, terrified he'd be too late. He held his breath for what seemed like an eternity when he finally saw his spell take hold. The previously broken chains, repaired and strengthened, wrapped around all of the creature's limbs and pulled them taut. Isaac breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the chains holding, unfortunately it wasn't enough to hold the monstrous being. While the rest of the creature was restrained its head was not and Isaac watched in shock as the creature's mouth opened and began to glow. 

"BOOM!" A blast of sickly green colored energy flew from the creature's mouth and obliterated the seamount holding its chains.

"ROOOOAAAAAR!!!!" Isaac covered his ears as the creature let out the most blood curling roar, that seemed to shake the entire ocean. That slapped Isaac from his shock, he knew he could not let that creature go, it was too full of malice and far too dangerous. 

"Silentium (Silence)!" Isaac roared in his mind, pouring his fear and anger into the spell to strengthen it. Isaac waited for a moment, he had to be sure that his spell had stuck, when no more sound seemed to come from the creature Isaac summoned the being's chains. Each one far larger in width than Isaac was in height, hinting at how strong the creature was. He kept them floating with his power and swam off, searching for another seamount or anything really that he could attach the chains to. Each swim forward was a struggle for Isaac as he strained his body to its limit, he had never moved something this large before and the creature's struggles only made it harder.

The creature flailed its arms, tails, and tentacles hoping to free any part of it, but Isaac held strong as he dragged the creature further into the ocean's depths. Finally, Isaac came across a large swath of land that he thought might hold the creature, he tightened his hold on his telekinesis and pulled the large being down. Isaac had been so focused on keeping the creature contained he did not realize his nose had been bleeding for a few minutes already. As he reached the floor, Isaac tried to cast an intangibility spell on himself and the chains so he could force the creature flat on the ground. Unfortunately, while the spell worked on him, the chains remained unaffected. Isaac thought about what to do for a moment when an idea suddenly came to him, if he couldn't turn both he and the chain intangible, why not make the ground so? 

"Hoc Intactilis (Make this Intangible)" he thought. The ground shimmered and then, his feet fell into the floor, Isaac couldn't help but smile at his success. Just as Isaac was about to dive into the ground, he felt his spidey-sense go off and moved.

"Boom!" A blast of red energy just barely missed Isaac and slammed into the now solid ground. Isaac whipped his head around, searching for the source of the blast, when he saw a high-tech submarine, off to the side. Standing on top of it, silently, was a person in some kind of strange armor with a weird helmet with two large, red, glowing eyes.

"So do you just go around shooting everyone you see or am I special for some reason?" Isaac quipped. Inwardly, he had started to realize what was going on, Blank Manta had sabotaged the creature's containment. He had probably hoped to use it as a weapon against either Aquaman, if he was around yet, or Atlantis itself. Isaac couldn't remember what Manta's motivations were, besides hate, he never paid that much attention to him in his last life. 

"Let the creature go stranger and I might just let you live." The distorted voice said coldly. He had been right, Isaac thought, Black Manta did want the creature and Isaac shuttered to think about all the damage he could do with it.

"I don't suppose there's any way we can talk this out, is there?" Isaac questioned. Before Black Manta could even answer Isaac launched a mental attack hoping to get all of Manta's knowledge, including stuff like his hideouts and inventions. The armored man staggered back from the mental assault as Isaac succeeded in downloading all of the villain's important knowledge with his first attack. Black Manta recovered quickly and fired two crimson-colored beams of energy at Isaac, faster than his earlier attack. Isaac twisted his body, letting the beams past by him harmlessly. 

Irritated, Isaac's hands glowed red, with flashes of black, he thrusted them forward and thought, 'Aqua Pulsus (Water Pulse)'. A compressed ball of water launched forward at Manta, with no time to dodge fired his optic beams right at it. As soon as Manta launched his optic beams, Isaac was on the move, he quickly cast the intangible spell on the ground and dove into it as fast as he could. It took him no longer than five seconds bring the chains down far enough, he slowly released the spell as he moved back out, he didn't want to give the creature a chance to escape. Isaac swam out of the now solid ground and saw the giant monster, its limbs pulled back, with barely any slack in its chain, almost all of it underneath miles of underwater earth. 

"NOOO!" Black Manta roared out, when he saw what Isaac had done. Isaac allowed himself a small smirk at Manta's reaction, he always did enjoy irritating his opponents. Suddenly, Isaac's spidey-sense went off as he was assaulted with weapons fire from the Black Manta's high-tech sub. Advanced missiles and laser fire flew by him just missing him sometimes, thanks to his spidey-sense. Isaac was tired of just dogging though, he put his hands out and then brought them together for a clap, releasing a wave of red and black energy. Black Manta was hit first and sent flying while his sub was completely shut down. 'That takes care of one problem.' Isaac thought to himself as he stared at the not pitch-black sub. 

Isaac's spell had worked solely off of his intent, he wanted the sub shut off but unharmed and it was, he wanted Black Manta sent flying and so he was. Magic was awesome. Isaac approached the dead in the water sub and checked inside. What he saw almost made him throw up, there were 15 people in the ship and all of them were dead, blood was everywhere. Almost everyone had blood leaking from their ears and nose, Isaac knew almost immediately what had happened, it was the underwater pressure. The submarine probably had some high-tech device that protected the crew. It was probably why no one aboard wore protective suits, so when his spell shorted out all the tech, they succumbed to the pressure. They were too deep underwater to survive without it. Isaac could only be grateful that there weren't any kids on board, they all looked to be in their mid to late 30's with one or two easily in their 40's. 

Isaac went through the nauseating process of disposing of their bodies and magically scrubbing the sub of all the blood and fluids that were left behind. After it had been cleaned, thoroughly, Isaac sent it into his inventory until he had a chance to dissect it and see if there was anything of value. As much as Isaac wanted to leave, he couldn't until he did something about the creature. If Black Manta tried to free it once, he'd try again and next time Isaac might be too late. As he floated in front of the monstrous beast Isaac thought over any remotely helpful spells. It took him a minute or two before he had a workable plan. 

Once he did, he got to work. He created a series of wards, like intent, shielding, and invisibility, and encircled the monstrous creature within it. He even created a rune covered muzzle to keep the creature from using its energy attack, it contained a silencing and unbreakable rune in it. Isaac hoped that with the combination of wards and the rune covered muzzle that the creature would never get free, but if it did Isaac was prepared to kill it if need be. The only reason he didn't try to kill it was because he knew nothing about it, or its importance to the underwater ecosystem. Isaac took one last look at the creature and just as he was readying to leave felt a pair of eyes on him.

"Who's there?" He called out. Whoever it was, was very good at hiding, or had someone with them who was because Isaac could not sense them at all. After a moment, a ripple appeared and suddenly two people were in front of him and he had a pretty good guess as to who they were. 

Next chapter