
Chapter 60: Gacha

Now, Mineta knew he wasn't the...best of influence.

After all, if you asked anyone, himself included, how to describe him in one word, literally everyone would say, pervert.

So being stuck in a building full of kids, not the best situation to be in.

Because now, if he perved out in front of the kids, they would actually kill him. Not to mention he wouldn't get paid.

Fortunately, he was held up in the office for the most part. Behind a desk, away from kids and away from the girls.

Unfortunately, it was extremely boring work.

"Ugh! How did Midoriya do so much paperwork!" Mineta threw his pen onto the desk, bringing his hands to his head so he could use his head balls as stress balls.

After a few moments, Mineta calmed himself, and looked around, seeing if anyone was watching him at the time.

Once he confirmed that he was alone, he quickly took out his phone.

He'd been working for a few hours, he deserved a bit of a break.

At least long enough for him to catch up with his Gachas.

Ah, Gacha games. Such bastions of fanservice and lew art. All incorporated into a game with gameplay no one really cared about as they spent their life savings away to simp for someone that wasn't real and was specifically designed to suck your hard-earned cash right out of your wallet.

So of course these were Mineta's favorite type of game!

Now Mineta didn't spend too much cash on these games, but if he had the funds to spend a ridiculous amount of money on these games, he would. Without question.

As Mineta opened one of the games, he suddenly heard a voice from his right.

"What are you playing?"

"AH!" Mineta screamed, jumped in his seat, his head turned to see Netsu standing next to him, looking up at his phone. "When did you get here!?"

"Uh, not too long ago?" Netsu shrugged. "You were on your phone and didn't notice me. Whatcha playing?"

"Uhhhhh...it's a Gacha game." Mineta had to focus very hard. And make sure he didn't slip and say anything that would cause the girls and Izuku to murder him.

"A Gacha game?" Netsu asked, looking at the phone.

"Yeah, it's a video game you can play on a phone or tablet, where you can pull characters and use them to...play I guess," Mineta answered. "There are somewhere you can pull your favorite characters from your favorite anime or manga. Like Dragon Ball, One Piece, Pokemon, Flame Insignia. There are even some for characters from Marvel. And there's one game where you can pull real-life heroes called Strongest Heroes. And sometimes they have cool outfits!"

"That sounds neat!" Netsu looked excited. "Can I try one!?"

"I mean, they're all technically free, so if you have a phone, sure why not!?" Mineta hoped that this would get this kid away from him. "What's the worst that could happen?"


"Something is off," Izuku said as he laid in his bed, and looked at his phone.

"What's up?" Ochaco asked as she was doing some cleaning around Izuku's room.

"The kids' phone usage. It's skyrocketing." Izuku said, looking at the kids' phone usage on his own phone.

Izuku had gotten almost all of the kids' phones, for self-explanatory reasons. However many of them didn't use them all that often.

This was for a multitude of reasons. Mostly because most of the kids preferred to go outside rather than play with a phone. But also because they didn't really leave the house, so they always had access to a computer or T.V. which was almost always better to use than a phone.

But right now, it seemed like the kids had been on their phones for most of the day! And it was pretty much all the kids. The only ones who had kept their normal phone usage were Kota, Otoko, Mu, Nara, and Yami.

Kai technically also kept his normal phone usage, but he didn't have a phone, so that didn't really count.

"That's weird. These kids normally like to go outside more." Ochaco pointed out, with a frown.

"I know. Which is good, because playing outside with friends is much healthier than being on your phone constantly." Izuku said, slightly worried at these strange results. "I wonder why-"

And then suddenly, he got his answer in the form of a payment request notification.

"Shiruku is requesting a 10,000 yen purchase on Genshin Impact."

"Oh no." Izuku's eyes widened, as he started to see where this was going. And the continued notifications on his phone confirmed his suspicion.

"Netsu is requesting a 10,000 yen purchase on Dokkan Battle."

"Kiba is requesting a 13,000 yen purchase on Dragalia Lost."

"Kei is requesting a 10,000 yen purchase on Pokemon Masters Ex."

"Sansan is requesting a 10,000 yen purchase on One Piece Bounty Rush."

"Eri is requesting a 1,000 yen purchase on Pokemon Masters Ex."

"Yonda is requesting 5,000 yen purchase on Pokemon Masters Ex."

"Kioku is requesting a 8,000 yen purchase on Pokemon Masters Ex."

"Fu is requesting a 1,000 yen purchase on Dragalia Lost."

Izuku then quickly looked at the records on the kids phone and looked at their recently downloaded apps.

"Ochaco, get everyone here. Immediately."


After a few minutes, Ochaco, along with Iida, Momo, and Inko had gathered all the kids but Nara, Yami, Otoko, Mu, Kai, and Kota. Who were all now standing in his room.

Fukunoko was even there, albeit hidden behind her hoodie, and standing behind Kei.

Eri and Fu already seemed to know what this was about and looked slightly ashamed.

"So...I've noticed from your phone usage, and the payment request, that you all got addicted to gacha games," Izuku said, looking from his bed, down upon all the children.

"We're not addicted!" Kiba protested.

"Kiba, you downloaded 8 Gachas and requested a total of 85,000 yen to spend on these games." Izuku deadpanned.

Kiba cringed a bit, before looking away. "Okay...maybe I asked for a bit much."

"And you're not the only one. Shiruku, you downloaded 10 games. And requested 95,000 yen to spend on them." Izuku continued rattling off the data. "And Fu you downloaded 12! Although you did only request 9,000 yen."

Fu couldn't look Izuku in the eye. "Me and Kyosei really like the feeling when we get what we want in the games...I know it's a problem but I can't stop."

"I'm sorry daddy, but they all just look so pretty!" Shiruku apologized.

"You're not wrong," Fuku admitted bashfully.

"It's not THAT big of a problem," Ken said. "We're rich right?"

"Yes, we have an abundance of money." Izuku sighed. "But running this place also takes a large amount of money, so if there is an emergency, it's better we use the money on that, than wasting it on games like these. Trust me, I play Strongest Heroes. It was problematic."

"He spent far too much money on that game. I almost had to get a second job just to keep us afloat." Inko sighed as she recalled Izuku's gacha period.

"You can end up spending your entire life savings on these games, and wasting all of your time on them," Izuku told the kids, as he purposely ignored addressing what his mother just said. "Which is why we're gonna establish some rules."

"Awwww." Ken and Netsu groaned. Knowing they likely wouldn't like this.

"Firstly, you can only spend 4 hours a day on these games," Izuku told them. "And remember, I see your phone usage, I will know if you go over that amount. Secondly, if you're going to spend money on these games, you can only spend your own money. Meaning that, now. You're all going to have to earn an allowance."

"Huh!?" The kids looked at him with a mix of shock and confusion.

"An allowance. You'll still be able to ask for things, and I'll spend my own money on those. But if you want to ask for things like candy, or money to spend on gacha games, you'll have to earn that money yourself." Izuku explained. "I'll leave the ways you can do this, up to your imagination. However, Shiruku, Fu, you both will already be getting an allowance, seeing as you both contribute to the house's income with your quirks."

"What!? How is that fair!" Ken objected.

"It's not," Izuku said. "But this is to help prepare you for life. And as most of you are aware, life isn't fair. Especially when it comes to quirks. Shiruku and Fu both were born with abilities that allow them to naturally contribute to the house's income. Is it fair to just use them to make money and not give them a portion of that money? No. So they get money from that. The rest of you will have to find a way to earn money like you would in real life."

"And fantastic strategy! If they earn their own money, they will have a greater appreciation of it!" Iida nodded in approval.

"Not only that, but much like in real life, you'll need to learn how to budget. Meaning you'll only be allowed to spend a certain amount of your allowance on these games." Izuku told them.

"WHAT!?" Shouted a few kids, who looked very upset at this revelation.

"I don't want you going into the real world, and thinking you can spend your entire paycheck on things like this," Izuku told them. "You'll have to learn how to balance how much you can spend on games, and how much you'll have to spend on other, more important things. So you can only spend a certain percent of your allowance. Every week you'll come to me, and you'll tell me how much money you have. Then we'll do the math together, and I'll tell you how much you can spend on these games, and the rest you'll have to save unless you want to spend it on other things."

"Awwwww." Many of the kids looked disappointed at this news, some of them more than others.

"Look at this way, the more you save, the more money you'll have next week, meaning you'll get to spend more than last week," Izuku told them. "And this will also teach you to only spend on the banners that you REALLY want something from. It may seem restrictive, but trust me, it'll save you a lot of struggling later on in your lives."

"So how are we supposed to earn money! We're not old enough to get jobs!?" Ken asked in a frustrated tone.

"Well, let's talk about that," Izuku said.


"Hello, my wonderful viewers! And as you may have noticed, I have created a second channel!" Kiba was currently streaming in her bedroom, getting ready to play Black Essence 2, as she addresses her audience.

Uwu what's this!?

A second channel?!

But why?

Lady Kiba, please tell us why!?

Wait a minute, is there super chat here!

"I know many of you are wondering for what purpose does this secondary channel exist, and the reason is quite simple!" Kiba said haughtily. "You see my loyal minions, I have recently discovered the existence of Gacha games!"

Oh no.

Lady Kiba don't!

It's a trap!

Oh, that's why there's a super chat.

"However, despite these games being "free", they are absolutely not free. And the in-game resources they give you in-game, are simply not enough! As such, I need to pour money into these games to get what I want!" Kiba explained.

Aren't you rich?

Don't you guys have lots of money?

"Yes, yes, we have lots of money, however, Caretaker wants us to earn money for things like this, as such I need all of your assistance." Kiba continued. "Not just for myself, but I also need to support my siblings. Fu and Shiruku especially, as they are now charging me for their services because of their crippling gambling addictions."

Really?! Fu has a gacha addiction!?

Fu! Emotionless. Blank stare, Fu?!

"Yes, he plays far too many of them for his own good." Kiba shook her head in disapproval.

"I'm not proud of it. But I can't stop." Fu admitted.

It's ok Fu. I have that problem too.







"Now as for why this is on a separate channel. It's because when I make videos instead of streams. I can actually get ad revenue." Kiba explained. "Because my previous channel is demonetized, due to all the blood and gore. As such, this channel will only contain non-bloody things. Like games."

Suddenly, Kiba got a notification. "Oh! The first super chat donation! 5,000 yen! Thank you very much! And you said "Fu thought of this idea, didn't he" ...how did you know?"

Man Fu really wants that money.

Are they insinuating that Lady Kiba couldn't have come up with this on her own!?

Queen Crimson: Awww. Not blood. Oh well, Kiba's cute enough to stay around!

"Well regardless! On top of that, we also have where you can support us! But of course, you will be rewarded for your donations! You may even get the chance to suggest something we may do in a video!" Kiba suggested. "As well as various other rewards. We also plan on releasing merchandise!"

Wow, they really want their gacha money.

Buying all of it, immediately!


Give me give me give me!

I want it! I want it now!

"I value all of your support! None of you HAVE to donate, but if you happen to have money to spare, then feel free to make an offering!" Kiba said.

And immediately after that, the donations poured in, securing their gambling addictions for a while longer.


Izuku looked at all of the kids' phone usages once more, glad to see that it was down once again.

His rules had had various effects on the children.

For Netsu, Sansan, Kei, Kioku, and Yonda, it resulted in them basically going back to normal. Only casually playing the games.

And for Kiba, Fu, Ken, and Shiruku, it caused quite a few changes as they were now looking for money to spend.

Well...not so much Kiba. Kiba got her money very easily, and so basically she would enlist people to work for her, and they pay them. Most notably Ken, Shiruku, and Fu.

Fu and Shiruku also did already have quite a bit of income, but seeing as they had it the worst when it came to addictions, they were pretty greedy when it came to money. Although Shiruku only actually charged Kiba for clothing, because she knew Kiba had the money to spend.

That and Kiba had found that paying for her clothes actually made it satisfying.

This had also inspired Shiruku to work even harder on making her clothes. Saying that one day she would have so much money, she wouldn't need to worry about how much she spent on Gachas, which was...good?

Fukunoko was in between the two groups. She spent most of her time in her room so there was not much stopping her from continuing to play the games for a while, but she didn't really have a way to get income...well...at least that WAS the case.


"A tea party!?" Fuku panicked behind her door.

"That's right! And this is my invitation to you!" Kiba proclaimed from outside.

"W-Who else is coming!?" Fuku asked. Maybe if it's just a few people, like Eri and Kei.

"Well it's Eri, Kei, Fu, Yonda, Kioku, and Nara, Momo, and Mina." Kiba said.

"Nope! Too many people!" Fuku refused. "I can't do it!"

"Nope! Now that I know how miserable your lifestyle is, I cannot allow you to simply sit and rot in that room!" Kiba proclaimed, "You're going. I'm not taking no for an answer!"

"Eep! Are you gonna break down my door!?" Fuku asked fearfully.

"Nope. But...if you come to the tea party, I'll give you 3,000 yen!" Kiba offered.

Fuku paused, before taking out her phone, and looked at Pokemon Masters EX. On one hand, it's super scary. On the other...Lillie looks really, really cute in that dress.

As Fuku was thinking this over, Kiba gave an additional offer.

"And, you can sit between me and Eri! Don't worry! Nothing bad could happen with the two of us at your side!" Kiba said proudly.

There were a few moments of silence before Fuku gave her response.

"When is the tea party?"

Next chapter