Kate stood between Henry and Tom. She tried to push Henry away so he would let go of Tom before the latter died out of asphyxiation.
Henry glared at Kate, who desperately tried to break them off, "Is this the man who has replaced me?" Henry scoffed out of irony. "You had moved on after two years, huh? Do you know what kind of hell I went through so I can meet you again, Katherine?!"
"He's just my employee! Oh God, Henry, stop this! You're going to kill him!" Kate got hysterical as she saw Tom begin to struggle to break free, but Henry was so immersed in his anger that he didn't listen.
"You're protecting him! You wouldn't protect him like this if he's just an employee!" Henry yelled back. "How could you do this to me, Katherine? I spent two years in hell for you! And you replaced me!"
"Did you sleep with him already? Does he live with you right now? Katherine, you—!"
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: