
(The light side of the Force.)

Chapter twenty five:

Up in the bridge of the second Death Star Hego Damask was being debriefed.

"I see well, welcome aboar Kara Sinn and Stormtroopers." Said Hego Damask.

Kara Sinn then nodded her head in agreement and was surprised that everyone was accepting to her, she had expected to receive their hate, and not to be welcomed so warmly.

"Welcome to the light side Kara Sinn and welcome home." Said Hego Damask.

"Thank you for giving me a second chance. I only hope that one day I will be worthy of it." Replied Kara Sinn.

"Everyone deserves a second chance, including your troopers." Said Hego Damask.

"FN-2187 was a close friend of mine." Replied one of the Stromtroopers.

"You mean Finn? He is directly above us in the fighter control room." Said Poe Dameron.

"He is? That's good, I have known him my whole life, he's like a brother to me." Replied the Stromtrooper.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that." Said Rey Palpatine.

"Can I go see him now?" Replied the Stormtrooper.

"Go ahead, I have already let him know that you are coming." Said Hego Damask.

"Thank you." Replied the Stromtrooper before he walked off.

The Daughter then walked into the room.

"Hello everyone, Cale and I are out of the bacta tank now." Said The Daughter.

"I'm glad that you're okay" Replied Rey Palpatine.

"It'll take more than a blaster shot to kill me." Said Cale Lestin before walking over to his Jedi Master.

"But still I'm just glad that you're okay. And thank you for helping us against the Yuzhan Vong." Replied Rey Palpatine.

"Don't worry about me, I've been through worse. Rey, but I appreciate your concern." Said The Daughter.

Rey Palpatine then nodded her head in agreement.

"I'm going to my quarters with my mate, General Grievous you're in charge while we're gone." Said The Daughter.

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