
(Facing the Yuzhan Vong.)

Chapter twenty three:

"Do you have an X- wing I can borrow?" Said Poe Dameron. "I'm in the mood to blow up some Yuzhan Vong ship's.

"Can you fly a Bellbullab 22? I have a T- 85 wing, but I'm the only one who knows how to use it." Replied Hego Damask.

"I can fly anything as long as I have my co-pilot." Said Poe Dameron.

"You'll have one with a BB slot up in the front of the ship, similar to the Delta 7B. Stay away from the Soulless One as well." Replied Hego Damask.

"Thank you." Said Poe Dameron as he made his way to the ship.

"All hands prepare for battle. This is not a drill, repeat. This is not a drill." Replied Hego Damask over the second Death Star intercom.

"Where do you need me?" Said Finn.

"I need you to coordinate the droid fighters on the comm tower above." Replied Hego Damask.

"Right away!" Said Finn as he hurried to do what he was told to do.

The Daughter then said to a female Kaminoian . "Chloe, go with him."

"Of course." Replied Chloe.

"Do you need me to do anything?" Said Rey Palpatine.

"We need you and your apprentice Cale Lestin on the second Death Star defending it." Replied The Daughter.

"Come on Cale, I need you to copilot the Millennium Falcon to the second Death Star." Said Rey Palpatine and Cale Lestin followed her to the landing bay.

"I hope you're ready because here they come!!!" Replied a B1 droid.

"I was born ready!" Said one of the Resistance fighters.

"Don't let those bastards near the second Death Star, we can't lose it." Replied Hego Damask.

"Don't worry we won't." Said Rey Palpatine.

"May the Force be with us.' Replied Lando Clarissian.

"All Protodekas, Scorponek, and B3 Ultra Droids to the hangar." Said Hego Damask.

"Oh my!" Said C3PO. "I was hoping we wouldn't get caught up another battle."

Lando Clarissian just rolled his eyes at C3PO. "Focus C3PO, we can't panic now." Said Lando Clarissian.

"I suppose you're right." Replied C3PO.

"Lando Clarissian is right." Said The Daughter as C3PO just stared at her in expression.

"Finn, are my droid fighters listening to you?" Replied Hego Damask.

"Half of them are." Said Finn. "You. I told you to go over there!" Finn said to one of the droids.

"Listen to Finn, droids." Replied The Daughter.

"Thank you." Said Finn.

"Your welcome, Finn. But it looks like there's lander's coming. Rey and Cale we're going to have company!!!" Replied The Daughter.

"Lander's coming! Repeat enemy lander's coming!" Said Hego Damask.

"Are you ready Master?" Cale Lestin asked Rey Palpatine. Rey Palpatine then replied that she was. A Kyleesh cyborg then walked into the hangar and coughed before speaking.

"Child, Padawan if you have a station to be on the second Death Star. I suggest you get to it." Said General Grievous.

Rey Palpatine then contacted Hego Damask. "Where should I be on the second Death Star?" Replied Rey Palpatine.

"Rey, you and your apprentice Cale Lestin are with General Grievous." Said Hego Damask. Cale Lestin and Rey Palpatine then nodded in agreement.

And then made there way to General Grievous. "Your General Grievous? You're shorter than I expected." Said Rey Palpatine.

"Watch your tone with me Jedi scum." Replied General Grievous as he pulled out his two lightsabers.

"It would be wise not to provoke the General, he's got a vicious temper." Said The Daughter.

"I can tell." Replied Cale Lestin as he looked at General Grievous's two lightsabers. Before his arms split into four and he pulled out two more green and blue lightsabers.

Rey Palpatine then gasped, she had never seen so many lightsabers all at once. In fact she had only seen four lightsabers in her entire life, Luke Skywalker's, Kylo Ren's, her yellow one, and Anakin Skywalkers blue one...

"Focus child, here they come." Said General Grievous as he stared at Rey Palpatine.

"Sorry." Replied Rey Palpatine as she came back to reality.

"All the droids and available Clone troopers to the hangar." Said Hego Damask.

"Does that include me?" Replied C3PO.

"Not now, C3PO." Said Hego Damask.

"Thank the maker!" Replied C3PO.

"Poe, how is it going out there?" Said Hego Damask.

"The Yuzhan Vong had just come out of light speed. This could get messy." Replied Poe Dameron.

"Leave the Star Destroyers to my Dove Class Anti Capital Interceptor's, they have singularity rail guns built into them." Said Hego Damask.

"Got it." Replied Poe Dameron as he started to fire at the Tie fighters.

"Force, what are these things?" Said a Stormtrooper.

"I don't know, but it ain't good." Replied another Stormtrooper.

"They're going after the Star Destroyers!!!" One of them said before he was ended by a droid fighter.

"Master, those small droid fighters are going after the Star Destroyers." Said Kara Sinn.

"Prepare my ship!" Replied The Son. It was time that he saw these new enemies face to face.

Next chapter