

Even after she had been quite tired from her workout and needed a rest, Ash remained there.

Hunger and thirst were beginning to set in for her so she took a short moment to reach into her bag.

Inside it was a chocolate bar and a bottle of water which were both taken out to help briefly satisfy her hunger and thirst.

Although Ash did not come fully prepared for what had happened to her and what she was currently up to, it did not mean that she did not pack a couple of small things that could aid her.

There were always times when she could not always keep to her schedule and return home on time.

For such cases, she wanted to reduce her individual trips to convenience stores or fast food places which would be a constant drain on her funds.

What she did was buy some things in bulk whether it was purchasing a large pack of water or other snacks.

If they had a long shelf life then she did not need to eat and drink them all right away.

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