
Abandoned Building

Her feet touched the ground and she walked further as she stepped over the overgrown grass and weeds that covered the whole area.

She was careful with each step so that she would not step in anything dangerous along the way as she ventured further inward.

It took a little time to navigate through everything before she reached a broken down gate that was barely able to stay up.

It looked like it had not been repaired in a long time and it was practically hanging off its hinges.

It was likely that it would fall off at any moment if a little bit of damage was done to it or if a little force was used.

All it would take to remove it would be one strong enough hit or perhaps a strong enough gust of wind.

The lock had already been damaged and was unusable so Ash was able to push it open with ease before entering the back yard.

She walked carefully through the thick and tall grass again as she got closer to the back corner on the left.

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