
Eternal Balance Church

The woman went on to explain as she tucked a strand behind her ear. "I am with the Eternal Balance Church, I am doing a door-to-door to see if anyone in the area would have an interest in giving it a try. We are open to everyone and there are many benefits involved."

Just as she finished speaking, the woman turned her clipboard towards Nicolas as if to show what was on it. "Here, please take a look for yourself. Here are several of our community services and activities. At the Eternal Balance Church, we help all attain a perfect balance and harmony."

A printout was shown to him as the clipboard was pushed closer to him which he had little room to reject.

Nicolas did not have that great of a view so he moved a little closer and reached out his hand to hold it more steadily

Just as it landed in his hand, there was a moment where there was a slight pricking or stabbing sensation on his arm. "Ah.."

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