
Chapter 60 - Return to normality


<Japan UA 10:33>

I laid my head back in my arms, I didn't feel like I had the strength to even open my eyes.

"Dude what that that hairstyle! Hahahahaha!" Pointed Kaminari at Bakugo's hair as he burst out laughing. "That you're mommy's cute little boy?! HAHAHAHAHA!"

"You look like Justin Bieber! PUAHAHAHA" Karishima exclaimed as he cried with laughter.

"I'm going to... kill them all..." Bakugo muttered in a sinister voice while shaking uncontrollably.

I decided to ignore the laughter of the Idiot Trio, even if I myself had to hold back the urge to laugh at the sight of Bakugo's new look.

It had been a long week since the end of the Raid against the Hashimoto and two days after the end of the internship.

The Raid had been... something...

Well, I didn't really have anything to say about the Raid and it's not like I really felt like talking about it either, I was feeling a bit down about the whole thing.

To make a long story short, the Raid was a failure.

Now, not that it was a 10/10 failure but it was an 8/10. Yes, it was that bad.

Originally it was a solid 4/10 it was neither bad nor good.

But as always, anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

Lot escaped from the temporary prison he had been placed in while the Hero Public Safety Commission (HPSC) Top Brass decided which Prison to place him in. The discussion had apparently dragged on a bit as they didn't know how capable Lot was, sure he was tough as shit and his Quirk was extremely dangerous, but he was also an old man in his late 70's (He doesn't look 70).

Apparently it was that extra time that allowed Lot to somehow escape without being discovered until 2 hours after he escaped.

Now, and no disrespect to the HPSC and the blues who guarded the temporary prison, but come on man.

How do you get away with a 70 year old gentleman who was beaten to a pulp!

Not to mention all the restraints he had on him to keep him from moving!

Don't. Fuck. Me.

Yeah, I wasn't in the mood to talk about that topic, I still remember Mirko almost wanting to rip the police chief to shreds right there. Which, by the way, may have been saved from Mirko's fists but not from the big, completely polite and formal vocabulary he threw at the kind and not at all arrogant police chief.

That happened only a day after I was released from the hospital, 2 days after the Raid to be exact.

Nighteye, apparently, had been attacked in the middle of the Raid cutting the communications of all the Teams leaving them in gray. He himself did not tell me many details about it but Bubble Girl told me that apparently he had been knocked out together with Kojo by a mysterious attacker who had used a gas to put them to sleep, it is presumed that it may have been Yunma but nothing is certain.

And undoubtedly the worst of all... Kojo had disappeared without a trace.

Probably kidnapped by the same person who knocked them out with the gas.

So yeah, the Raid was a failure 8/10, nah, I'd say an 7.5/10.

God damm, not to mention the long talk I had with my dad after that.

I let out a sigh as I remembered the long talk I had with my dad after being discharged from the hospital.

I heard the door open and looked up slightly to see Toru walking in with little hops in her gait.

"Lena!" Toru greeted enthusiastically which made me smile slightly at the endless joy she was carrying. "How did your internship go? I tried to send you some messages but you didn't answer, Kyoka was worried."

I averted my gaze as I thought about how to respond feeling a bit awkward. "Well... I was busy with the internship and well..."

Toru tilted her head. "Um?"

"I... ended up in the hospital after a fight-"

"What?!" Toru exclaimed drawing the attention of the few other people in the room. "Are you okay?! Nothing serious happened to you right?"

'Well, not counting that I now have nightmares of Reaper beating me half to death, nope, all very well' I thought with petty sarcasm as I held back a sigh. "Calm down Toru, I'm not so weak that a beating will stop me!"

At that moment the door opened again revealing the two missing girls from their group.

Momo and Kyoka entered the class talking quietly about something, I didn't know what it was but Kyoka seemed a little annoyed.

"Kyoka! Momo!" Toru greeted catching the attention of both girls, Momo returned the greeting with a smile while Kyoka did the same but averted her gaze a little when she saw me.

I raised an eyebrow at that.

We quickly struck up a conversation about our internships.

Toru not having many recommendations went to one of the UA funded agencies. She didn't have any run-ins with a villain but he learned a lot about the System that Heroes follow while she was there. She also said her was working on something special but did not reveal what it was, only that it would be a surprise.

Momo... said she didn't want to talk about it, but the truth was that we had already seen the cream commercial in which she participated. Where she was exposing her body along with other girls. We wisely decided not to bring it up when we saw the dead look on Momo's face.

What was scarier about the whole thing is that we clearly heard the word demand from Momo's mouth. Which makes sense, you're showing the bodies of girls under the age of 18 in pretty suggestive poses... besides, I highly doubt Momo's parents would be happy to see that.

'Agency that I do not know and did not know his name either, please rest in peace....'

Kyoka went to the Edgeshot Agency where, basically, it was like going to a martial arts dojo. In her own words, "Ninja stuff, more ninja stuff, a lot more ninja stuff and then patrolling... ninja style."

Although she talked quite a bit about her experience on the site, we all noticed that she kept a few things to herself no matter how much she tried to deny it.

'You're not good at lying Kyo'

And finally it was my turn.

"The Nighteye Agency was pretty good. I ran into a 3rd year student who went to the same agency, that idiot was basically a smaller copy of All Might" "I fought a villain who might as well be Bakugo's father and..."

"And?" Kyoka asked raising an eyebrow, for some reason she looked quite threatening.

"Ehehe..." I laughed nervously as I scratched my head. "I went in on a little multi-agency operation to defeat some villains... one thing led to another and I met Reaper-"

"""WHAT!""" Exclaimed the three girls with surprise on their faces.

"Are you really okay?!"

"How the fuck did you run into Reaper?!"

"Nothing serious happened right?"

I held up my hands in an attempt to silence the three girls having noticed the curious looks from the other students.

"Hey! Calm down!" I exclaim loudly as I stood up from my seat. "I'm fine... sort of, I was with the 3rd year boy so I was able to defend myself pretty well but Reaper used a gas that knocked us out quickly. Fortunately the other Heroes came to our aid and I only had to spend a few days in the hospital for the gas to stop taking effect on my body."

I watched in a bit of a daze at the reactions them. Momo was looking at me with concern almost looking like a mother, although I couldn't see Toru's look I could feel her eyes rolling as if she was disappointed, and Kyoka... she had a look that looked like she was going to beat every bone in my body to dust.

Before Kyoka could say anything, Uraraka approached us along with Ashido and Asui.

Quickly all of us girls began to engage in conversations about our internships.

It felt a bit surreal to be back to normal after all, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't love these casual conversations.

'It feels good to be back at UA' I thought with a happy smile tugging at my lips.


A/N: I have updated the chapters in ScribbleHub by replacing the original script (I don't know why I didn't do that before) in case anyone is interested. Basically I will be uploading the chapters on the two... platforms...? pages...?... you know what I mean, right?


If you like the story you can support me on my Patreon! You can read up to 5 chapters in advance!


