
Chapter 4




I was litteraly fighting my way upwards.

I was so lucky,that I attracted swarm of Goblins upon my head.


The dreadful scream made my attention to falter as I was hit by giant club right towards my back.

Gah! That was painful.

However there wasn't time to just stand still.

Jumping upwards I pierced the head of the Goblin who hit me earlier while not wasting anymore time I pushed around 3 of them back,using my feet.


My breathing was getting heavier by each swing of my dagger and it wasn't because I was tired...it was excitement. I felt fun while fighting them.

The true meaning of adventure. Risking your life. Putting yourself in danger. It was all so exciting.

I wanted to crawl further.....to go all the way up!

"Eat this!"

I slashed Goblin's neck,it started to splash blood as I pointed it towards upcoming swarm and blinded them with there own kin's blood.

Maybe it was immoral but at situations of life and death being immoral is much less than we should do.

I didn't wanted to waste time so quickly delivered three punching attacks and immediately stabbed my dagger deep inside one of them.

I don't exactly know what was going on with me but one thing was sure.... I'm gonna get out of here alive! Goddess would be happy and I won't fall back!

I threw my dagger towards the last Goblin piercing it's chest and immediately jumped towards him.

Bang! Bang!

I started to punch it. Mercilessly and desperate for my life!


It's screams were getting silent untill it didn't disappear leaving it's core behind.

Huff Huff.

I....Did It.

"I DID IT!!!"

I screamed with top of my lungs.

So this was it? The feelings that every rookie adventurer gets when he is faced with danger.....

I don't know what was going on but I didn't wanted to waste anymore time and proceeded to go forward.

                        × × ×

"Gawd those monsters are too weak!"

Silver or metallic boots along with silver hair and fur all over him the tall Wolf man was standing at top of monsters corpses.

"As always noisy as kid,Bete."

Another voice came from his side.

It was green haired elf woman with a long robe and holding her staff.

Her name was Riveria and the noisy wolf guy near her was Bete.

Along with them there were around 30 other party members.

"What's our next moves,Captain?"

Bete raised a question going towards the so called 'Captain' of there party.

He had short golden hair, wearing a fancy looking armor on while spear rested on his shoulder. His name is Finn and he is the captain of this party.

"For now,I will leave minotaurs to Aiz,Tiona and Tione."

Dungeon of 40th floors was always the place where many swarms of monsters often ran to.

Aiz Wallenstein,the golden haired girl looked forward as monotone and as nonchalant as ever.

Her gorgeous golden hair swiftly moved along with wind while she was starting to draw her sword.

"100th of Minotaurs ahead,Aiz!" The cheerful noice came from Aiz's side. It belonged to a tanned skin girl with short hair and a bit barbaric outfit.

Her name was Tiona,the short haired Amazonian beauty.

Along her way was another Amazonian woman.

She also had a tanned skin but her hair was much longer as well as her height....but most dreadful difference in her were her...Boobs.

"Don't fall back,Tiona!"

"Can say the same to you,Tione!"

Both girls dashed forward annihilating swarm of Minotaurs ahead of them.

Aiz however stood silent for a moment. She was concerned about something.

'The aura seems rather strange.....'

She thought to herself.

But nonetheless she finally got her sword out of sheath.


She calmly said as huge gust of wind moved forward along with her.

Slicing her enemies in half she was merciless, beautiful and strong.

"Hahaha! That's fun!" Tiona screamed on top of her lungs holding her weapon,The unknown kind of two sided huge blade.

It was too huge to be using it, however....it didn't mattered for her,she was Amazonian, meaning that she was stronger than other human beings.

You can call them strong and independent women in a way.

"One,Two, Three...."

Slowly Killing them one by one Aiz was calmly watching upon her comrades.

Nothing seemed wrong yet... somehow an awful feeling didn't leave Aiz's soul.

It was strange.

"Guys! Minotaurs are retreating!"

Finn's eyes got wide. The prum guy was always calm but this was a bad sign.

"Aiz! Don't let them escape!"

Surely,such a huge bunch of Minotaurs escaping was actually good for them however if even one was about to enter lower floor where level 1 adventurers were,it would have been a dire situation for there Familia.

Aiz,Tione,Tiona and now even Bete dashed forward chasing them.

"I hope that level 1 adventurers won't encounter them..." Finn said under his breath.

                       × × ×


Huh? I sneezed?

I surely wasn't Ill but despite,I sneezed....might be all dust in these Dungeon floors.

Going forward all the way towards 5th floor I was slashing through my enemies one by one.

Surely Miss Eina would scold me if she will find out,but....well I was curious about my own powers.

5th floor didn't had any differences from others....well it contained new monsters But I didn't had any problems with exterminating them.

Mostly 5th floor was filled with slimes and war shadows so I didn't had problems.

Seeing a slime ahead of me I took a fighting posture. Not that I had a fighting style...I was just using my strength at the moment.

It dashed forward towards me...at this point it wasn't really dash but Jump.

I quickly extended my dagger and pierced through it's core.

Slimes were known as partially immortal monsters. Unless you won't destroy there core they are dimmed to stay alive.

They were most unprofitable monsters as to exterminate them you need to destroy the core...but well,you can just pull it out and they will die and core will be safe....but slime body contain a weak acid within itself so they might be damage to your hands.

Killing them wasn't really profitable however it was still highly recommend around the guild.

The reason is behind Excelia(experience) you might get from killing them.

So after killing bunch of slimes there won't be a big surprise after you will see how your status changed.

Crawling my way out I could swear that my movements were becoming more polished and much more smoother than they were originally.

"Come on! Who is nex—!?"


Huh? The chill ran down my spine.

A sweat...a lot of it started to pour from my forehead upon hearing this dreadful roar.


I don't know what kind of creature it was but after each of it's step the ground seemed to shake.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

It was getting closer and closer.

Shaking and all nervous I turned myself to face the creature.

A huge 2 meter long monster was looking at me while steam was coming out of it's mouth and nose.



I started to run away from it.

It's huge musculine body,bull head and legs resembling legs of a cow.....It was Minotaur!!!?

There is no way! What can Minotaur possibly do in 5th floor!?

They usually appear in higher floors such as 10th or 11th.

It didn't had any weapon within itself however it was fast.

I was running with all of my might as it was chasing me.



I could swear I caught it smirking with the side of my eye.

Am I being looked down upon?

No! It wasn't time to think about such kind of things!

Think! If I won't do anything I will die....what should I do? What should I do!?!?

Finally being fed up by running after me,the Minotaur caught my leg as with incredible amount of power threw me right towards the wall.



I was litteraly imprinted to wall.

If not the armor which was given to me by Goddess my spine would have been broken to dust.

Eina was right,armor plays a huge role in dungeo—Wait! What am I even thinking about at such a circumstances!?!?

Minotaur was smirking. It was smiling to the top of it's ears.


It was getting closer while licking it's lips.

I had never heard that Minotaurs were carnivore! Wait...they do ate rabbits....huh??? Don't tell me it's thinking of me as huge rabbit!?!?

"G-Get away from me!"

I threw the nearby stone towards it but it just bounced off.



It smiled!? Am I that weak in it's eyes!?

It was hopeless. What can I possibly do at this situation?

It was getting closer as well as my motivation was fading away.

My first day and I'm already as good as dead.


It was about to dash towards me but.....


It's chest was cut open. The tip of silver blade was looking towards me.


Minotaurs blood splattered all across my body.


I wasn't concerned about myself being soaked in blood....no...I blankly looked forward.

Three beautiful ladies were looking at me.

One was tanned skin with short hair.

Another girl was also tanned however her hair was much longer.

And at last....the most outstanding from trio was...the golden haired girl.

Her blond hair waving around like a wind she was looking down on me.


What were I saying?

I lost myself seeing those girls.


Another dire sound coming from my mouth.

I....I....I wanna die!


I got up on my twos as started to run away as fast as possible.

Throb Throb.

What was that!?

I felt immensely pathetic...I,the person who said that he was going to be a hero who saves everyone,was saved myself.

I felt embarrassed, frustrated and on top of that...I wanted to review the moment of being killed by minotaur.


Hello~! Well as an author of this fic. I wanna ask whether you love this story or not?

I won't lie... I'm doing my best to keep my grammar good and the fic. to look like Danmachi novel.

I don't know whether I'm doing good job or bad job but nonetheless I wanna say thank you for reading this fic.

Also short note. I wanna add Tione to harem as well. We all know that she is head over hills for Finn but I kinda love her character...I hope you will forgive me for this.

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