
Asking a Favor

When things got serious, Alicia quickly opened the drawer next to her bed. She pulled out a small, wrapped item and passed it to Louis. "Remember to play it safe," she reminded him.

Louis crinkled his forehead, gave her ear a peck, and quietly complained, "This thing is not comfy to use."

His voice was sleepy and a bit whiny, tough to resist.

Alicia almost melted when she looked at his good-looking face. She tried hard to be strict. "Let's be smart, okay? We don't want a surprise baby, do we?"

"If that happens, we can just get married again."

"Your dad won't like that idea."

"Your last pregnancy didn't bother him. Once it's a done deal, he can't change it. Besides, Sauron's in jail now, Madelyn's chilled out since her car crash, Bella got her wake-up call, and Ginevra's not causing trouble. Let's get married again, babe."

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