
Chapter 9: The Orphans

Roderick and Elara led the four orphan children through the grand halls of the academy, giving them a tour of the impressive institution that would now be their home. Thane, on the other hand, went to inform the housekeeping staff to prepare some rooms for the new arrivals.

As they walked through the academy, Roderick and Elara showed the children the various classrooms and facilities where they would be learning and practicing magic. The orphans' eyes sparkled with wonder and excitement as they took in their new surroundings.

Eventually, they reached the mess hall, where the aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air. Roderick and Elara led the children to a table, where they all sat together, enjoying a hearty meal. The orphans ate with relish, and soon, a lively conversation sprang up among them.

"So, Amelia," Roderick began, turning to the young girl who had shown exceptional magical potential. "What kind of magic are you most excited to learn?"

Amelia's eyes widened as she realized she didn't know much about the different types of magic. "I'm not quite sure," she admitted, her eyes narrowing in concentration. The expression was so adorable that Roderick had to resist the urge to affectionately pinch her little nose. "What kinds of magic are there?" she asked, her curiosity shining brightly in her eyes.

Elara, aware that Roderick might be unable to answer, decided to save him the embarrassment and began explaining with her warm voice.

"First, we have Elemental Control, where mages can harness the raw power of fire, water, wind, and earth to create dazzling displays of force," She made a few intricate hand gestures, and the water in a nearby pitcher responded to her command. It rose gracefully, transforming into the ethereal shape of a galloping horse, which pranced around the table.

The children's eyes widened in amazement, their mouths agape at the beautiful spectacle before them. One of the younger ones, overcome with curiosity, reached out to touch the watery steed. The moment his fingers grazed the surface, the water splashed against his hand and instantly reformed just a short distance away, leaving him and the others in awe of Elara's skill.

"Then there's Healing magic, which allows practitioners to mend wounds and cure ailments with a simple touch, saving countless lives," Elara continued, her voice filled with warmth and compassion.

"Illusion magic is another fascinating field, where mages can create images and sounds that seem completely real," she explained, flickering her fingers, sharp motes of glittering light rained down on the table before dissipating against the wood.

"Enchanting magic lets a mage imbue ordinary objects with magical properties, making them very strong. Imagine a sword that can slice through anything or a cloak that makes you invisible!" Elara said, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "And it`s also my specialty," She coughed up a little embarrassed.

"Alchemy is the art of transforming substances and creating powerful potions, while Biomancy involves the manipulation of living things, like plants and animals, to achieve various effects," she went on.

"Then we have summoning magic that allows mages to call forth creatures and beings from other realms to aid them, while Conjuration is the art of creating objects out of thin air!" As she spoke, she waved her hand gracefully, causing a shimmering orb of water to materialize above the table. With a flourish, she divided the water into numerous smaller streams, each one cascading effortlessly into the empty cups before them, filling them to the brim. The children watched in awe, their eyes sparkling with excitement and wonder at the magical display.

"Then we have the telekinetics, like our dean over here," Elara gestured towards Roderick, "who can use their mind to move objects around as if they had an invisible hand. And finally, there are even tales of mages who can manipulate space and time itself!" Elara's voice dropped to an intrigued whisper, her eyes wide with excitement as she captured the children's attention. Then, she made a spooky 'whooo' sound and waved her hands mysteriously as if narrating a ghost story. The kids, however, didn't seem all that impressed; two of them even giggled at her antics.

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Elara cleared her throat and continued, "So, those are the main ones, but it's said that there are more forms of magic than there are stars in the sky."

Amelia listened intently, her eyes wide with wonder. "I want to learn everything! But I think elemental magic is the best! Controlling fire, water, wind, and earth sounds amazing!"

One of the other children, a young boy named Jacob, chimed in excitedly, "Yeah! I'm gonna throw fireballs that go fwoooo!" He waved his hands in the air, imitating the motion of casting a powerful spell. The other children around him giggled, their eyes sparkling with excitement.

Another, a girl named Lily, with a slight lisp, declared, "I'm gonna learn the conjujation, then I'll be able to go back to the village and make bread for everyone!" Her eyes were filled with determination, and the other children nodded, caught up in the spirit of her words.

Elara clapped like a proud teacher, "All very worthy goals!" she smiled.

However, the mood spoiled when a boy that had been quiet until now spoke. "What about bringing back the dead?" He asked with sad but hopeful eyes. "My family died in the last war, my dad fighting, and my mama..." He trailed off, clearly distressed, a mood that spread to all the other kids at the table, clearly feeling as he felt.

Elara exchanged glances with Roderick, she tried thinking of something to say when Roderick intervened instead.

"What`s your name?" He asked warmly as he approached the kid and kneeled next to him.

"Thomas Moore, sir." Thomas answered without looking Roderick in the face, his eyes fixed on the floor beneath.

A sudden, vivid memory surged through Roderick's mind. The chaotic scene unfolded before him as if he were reliving it once more.

While engaging in battle, he saw a courageous, ordinary soldier standing resolutely between a rampaging werebeast and a terrified family. The woman and her five children huddled together, trembling in fear as their mother attempted to shield their eyes, whispering soothing words through her tears and sobs. She was desperate to protect them and provide some semblance of comfort in what seemed like their final moments.

The monstrous creature was nearly as large as a bear, with long, menacing horns and coarse, dark fur. It lunged at the soldier repeatedly, trying to sink its fangs into him. The soldier held his ground, using his spear to keep the ferocious beast at bay. In a swift, brutal motion, the creature's powerful arm struck the soldier, sending him tumbling to the ground and shattering his spear.

Undeterred, the soldier sprang back to his feet, prepared to face the relentless onslaught once more. However, sensing an easier target, the werebeast abandoned its pursuit of the soldier and charged towards the cowering family.

Summoning every ounce of courage and strength, the soldier seized the broken spear tip and hurled himself at the fearsome creature plunging the jagged steel into the beast's eye just as its jaws clamped down on his neck, ending his life in a final act of selfless heroism.

His brave sacrifice proved to be the werebeast's undoing, and the family was spared.

Roderick, who had been engaged in his own battle not far away, had witnessed the entire scene. He had rushed to the soldier's aid as soon as he could but arrived too late to save him. Now, the memory came flooding back with perfect clarity, and Roderick remembered the name tag that the soldier had worn: Julian Moore.

"Was your father Julian Moore?" Roderick asked, he felt shaky as if someone else was controlling his body and choosing his next words.

Surprised, the kid looked up at Roderick and nodded, his eyes growing moist at the mention of his father`s name.

Roderick took a deep breath, his eyes softening with compassion. "Thomas, I want you to know that I met your father during the siege of Lavro. He was an incredibly brave man, and I had the privilege of witnessing his valor firsthand. Instead of running away and saving his own life, he chose to stand and fight, ultimately sacrificing himself to save others."

The other children at the table listened attentively, their eyes wide with wonder and respect for the fallen hero.

"Your father would be so proud to see you here, Thomas, learning the art of magic and carrying on his legacy. I know it's difficult, and the pain of losing your loved ones is something that never truly goes away. But it's important to remember that they would want you to live a full, happy life, and to make the most of the opportunities you've been given."

Roderick paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts. "As for bringing back the dead... I understand the desire to see your loved ones again, but there are some things that we simply cannot change. The dead are at peace, waiting for us to join them when our time comes. They would want you to live your life to the fullest, to have amazing experiences and stories to share when you're eventually reunited."

The children around the table seemed to take Roderick's words to heart, their expressions solemn but also thoughtful. Thomas wiped away a tear and managed a small smile, nodding at Roderick in gratitude before lunging forward with a strong hug.

Roderick, now back to his normal state of mind, no longer controlled by whatever had possessed him, felt the lithe arms of the boy hugging him and hugged him back.

He raised his head and looked around at the other kids, and they too, affected by his words broke down and ran to hug him.

In his past life as Alex, he had always wished to get married and rise a family, maybe even become a teacher later on and apparently Roderick had shared part of his goals since he had founded an academy.

Now, he felt as if he had just become a father not once, but four times. Inside, he promised he would make sure each of these kids would receive the best education and resources he could afford.

After a few minutes of letting the kids vent all their pain on him, Roderick and Elara took the children to the dormitories, where they showed them their new rooms. Each child was assigned a cozy, well-furnished space that they would share with a fellow student.

With a few final parting words, he left the dormitories with Elara in tow. However, she was uncharacteristically quiet.

"Earth to Elara, are you okay?" He asked poking her side.

"Hmm?! Oh, yeah, I`m alright." She bit her lip. "I was just thinking about what you said to those kids, i think it was really nice..." She hesitated, considering whether to say or not what she was thinking about.

"Look..." She decided. "I`m sorry." She apologized, bowing her head.

"Sorry? And for what?" Roderick asked, confused.

"All this time, I`ve felt like you weren`t really... you. I`ve been doubting you in secret." she closed her fists, nails biting into her palms. "I feel so guilty, suspecting you as you -" "Stop."

Roderick stopped her with a raised hand. "You and Thane have been nothing but gracious since I woke up and I haven`t perceived even an Iota of distrust or doubt. You two are amazing friends," He shook his head. "No, better than friends, you two are my family, and you have done nothing to apologize for, so stop." He smiled brightly.

Reflecting his smile, her lips curved upwards and she let out a low sigh. "As you order Dean... So, about that private tutoring, you asked... would now be a good time to start?" She asked with a wink.

I had a real blast writing this chapter. If you enjoyed it, add it to your collection and comment. I would also appreciate a review.

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