
Moving On To The Knockout Stage

Archer watched as the proud Nala swaggered back to them with a smirk because of her easy win. As she got closer, all his friends turned to him with narrowed eyes, and Lioran asked, ''What have you done with her? She was never this powerful.''

He laughed before teasing him, ''A trade secret.''

Lioran shook his head as Nala got closer and sat on Archer's lap, staring into his eyes, ''Did I do good, husband?''

''Yes. You were amazing, and even if it was a quick fight, you did well,'' he praised the lioness, who got excited.

She leaned in to kiss him before joining Teuila and Talila. In the next match, Leira faced off against a student from the Starlight Academy, a challenge she felt confident in overcoming due to how strong she was now.

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