
Mt. Justice

The next morning I woke up and was in the middle of having breakfast, when I was informed that the team's future base was ready and that I could move in whenever I wanted.

I of course agreed to do so right away. Not that the living quarters back at the hall of justice were bad or anything, but I was used to having my independence.

And, having a reinforced mountain base all to myself to explore and live in till the rest of the team moved in sounded like a lot of fun as when compared to the heavily supervised hall of justice.

It almost felt like I was moving in into a college dorm something I never got to experience due to the whole dying thing.

It was a few hours later when I met up with Batman and we both went through the Zeta-tube.

Recognized B02 ' Batman'

Recognized A01 ' Zodiac '

" The kitchen is down the hall and the library along with the training area is down there. The living quarters are that way and are all currently empty, so feel free to chose any room you like. Red tornado's quarters are right this way, so if you need anything you can ask him as he will act as the team's handler. Any questions? " Batman quickly rattled off.

" Yeah, is it alright if I go back home and grab a few stuff? I have things there I would like to have here, since I'll be living here on a more permanent bases. "

" Write up a list and I'll have it delivered. Is there anything else?" He said.

I shook my head," Nothing comes to mind right now. "

He nodded and headed towards the teleportation platform, but just before he left he said." By the way Black Canary says that your training will be here at Mount Justice from now on. "

Recognized B02 ' Batman'

And, with that he was lit up with light and teleported away and I was left all alone in Mount. Justice. Deciding to do a bit of exploration, a smile grew on my face as I got ready to see what this place had to offer.

It turned out that the living areas weren't all too far from the rooms, and the labs were a little farther still but I eventually found the gym, training mats and a treadmill I had been itching for.

I spent some time testing various techniques on a punching bag careful to not use too much strength and used a few weightlifting machines to see how much weight I could push before I ran out of steam.

Once I was satisfied with my results, I decided to head over to the library. I wasn't sure what to pick out because honestly I didn't know which ones to choose from so, I ended up reading a couple of old comic books.

After that I settled on playing some games on a tablet I found laying around. I was sitting cross legged on the floor playing a few games when I suddenly heard someone politely knock on the open door. Looking up from my screen I saw a big red metallic figure wearing a blue cloak with yellow accents.

" Hello there, I'm guessing you're Zodiac. Our first recruit to the team I will be overseeing." He spoke.

Snapping out of my daze at seeing a real life sentient robot I got off the ground and walked over towards him, "Hello, sir. You must be Red Tornado. It's an honor to meet you. Yes, you are correct I'm Zodiac but you can call me Jason when we are off duty." I offered.

He gave me a nod. " Very well then Jason. I would appreciate it if you would follow me."

Following him through the halls until we made it to the elevator. He entered a code in the keypad and within seconds the doors opened and we stepped inside. He hit another button and the doors closed once we reached the top floor.

" This elevator will take you straight to the main training area if you wish to stay there and train. The one downstairs is more of a general area and not really specialized for meta-powers. If you would like a map of the mountain you can request it from me. " Red Tornado explained.

" That would be certainly helpful and yes I would like one. " I replied with a small nod.

He exited the elevator and disappeared. After a while I began stretching and warming up my muscles.

I sat down in the centre of the floor and took the opportunity to observe the room. Everything looked new and modern. There were different types of weapons hanging from the walls like swords and spears, surprisingly there weren't any guns. There was a bar in one corner of the room, complete with mini food dispenser and snacks, as well as some soda bottles.

There were a bunch of tables that were lined against the wall and chairs that were bolted to them. In the far corner I could also make out some punching bags and some training equipment. As well as several specialized equipment I couldn't make heads or tails of. I started walking around and examining anything that looked interesting. I eventually found a room that looked like some sort of storage room. The room was filled with boxes, so out of curiosity I decided to open up a few of them and see what was in them.

Most of it was random stuff like backup suits for members of the league. A few batarangs and surprisingly one of Batman's famous utility belts. ' Wow, they must have forgot this stuff or deemed it unimportant.'

In one of the boxes though, I found some reinforced body armour that could be worn under my clothes and wouldn't restrict my movements too much.

'Jackpot! This would be perfect to wear under my jacket! '

Excited by find, I opened a few more boxes and found one with a bunch of face masks in it. They looked like prototypes or perhaps even early concepts. Since, I didn't see any of the league wear them.

There was a few domino masks, some half masks that only covered the lower part of the face, and even masks that fully covered your head. One mask in particular drew my attention.

I picked it up and examined it carefully. It looked like the mask redhood wore in the comics, but the front facing plate was different and looked closer to an Ironman helmet. It was painted matte black and when I tested it I discovered it was surprisingly light and didn't hinder my vision what so ever. It also came with an air filtration system which was pretty neat.

' This could be useful against smoke or poison attacks and feels a lot more practical than the domino mask and the half mask I have' . I briefly thought.

I decided not to use it yet as I was unsure how strong it really was and wasn't keen on possibly getting punched in the face and have it splinter and possibly get into my eyes, so it would have to go through some rigorous testing before I put it on.

I already found a crate filled with some backups, so I could afford to break one or two.

I also planned on painting it with a different colour since I wasn't really that keen on matte black. I'm sure Red Tornado could probably help me with that. His metallic body seemed well taken care off and he must have some equipment to help him repaint his chassis whenever it was scuffed in a fight or just for maintenance. After all Red Tornado was a member of the Justice Society, and has been a hero for a very long time.

After putting it back where I found it, I left the storage room and decided to go to the kitchen to get something to eat. A little while later Red Tornado entered the kitchen with a stack of papers in his hand.

"Here is your schedule, mission protocols and the rules of our operation. Also if you wish to leave at anytime please inform Batman, Black Canary or me. Your mentor has deemed you responsibile enough to not need constant supervision, but we all agree that you should stay out of Gotham for the mean time and should have a communicator on you at all times incase of an emergency or a mission."

I nodded in acceptance since it was reasonable enough. Obviously with me being emancipated they couldn't legally stop me from going wherever I wanted it, but in the end most of these orders were out of concern for my safety.

Still, I would probably still swing by at some point, in the mean time thought I'll just let them think that I was a good little boy.

Luckily my buisness was run online and my apartment was a rental. And, with a whole mountain to myself and the beach right nearby and potential friends and teammates in the horizon I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything important back in Gotham.

With that he left and I picked up the papers and looked over the schedule. It seems other than tomorrow's training I was free the rest of the week, which meant I still had a few days to explore.

(Chapter End)


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