

I slept the entire day away, or at the very least most of it. While I was sleep Sophie had come over again to look after my grandmother, she had left before I woke up which was just as good, I don't think I would have liked for her to see me like this, it would have made for a very awkward conversation.

I took a bath, made sure my grandmother was okay, and spent at least an hour and a half chatting with her before leaving the apartment. Sneaking out of the apartment complex was easier said than done, I still had people chatting me up for a greeting or just to ask after my grandmother's health. I had to speak with them though, anything else would have just been suspicious in the long run.

But eventually I find myself on the streets. The area of the city or rather the district we lived in was called the Beast district. And it had five residential/ commercial areas. Then each areas were divided into blocks from A To Z. Some of them are just ruins at this point, others total and complete slums. The Dogman Residential area where we lived, was part of two residential areas that was under the control of the Silver Wyatt gang.

Each block was a territory, with many block heads fighting each other for territory. There were many inter gang fights, as the Dogman Residential and Snakeman Commercial areas belonged to the Silver Wyatt Gang. The Catman, Fishman and Birdman residential areas belonged to the Dodson and Family Gang.

They bordered the Silver Wyatt Gang, from the Dogman Residential area and have been making small forays into it in order to take over the territory. It's been worrying for quite a lot of people because they knew that there was a gang war in sight. But then again, it was hard not to. Of the five areas in the beast district, the Silver Wyatt Gang had the only commercial district under their control.

That was a lot of revenue coming to them each day and was a pie that the Dodson's wanted at all cost. The Silver Wyatt's had lost the Birdman residential areas to them about 6 months ago, after a particularly nasty war that had seen many dead on both sides, but more dead on the sides of passerby's who had nothing to do with their conflict.

Not that I gave a shit about their conflicts, but the Silver Wyatt Gang had connections to the inner city. The place where the big corporations and much larger gangs ran things. They were exactly what I needed in order to save my grandmother, plus the Dodson's were a rather violent bunch that were no more than bullies, I doubt we'd get along.

The Silver Wyatt testing site was located at the harbor down south from the Snakeman district. Technically that Harbor was a no man's land, but they were the unofficial caretakers of it. They were trying to become the 'official' caretakers, but too many gangs had their assets represented there, and many of them were much larger in scale than the Silver's .

Without taking a transport it would take me at least an hour to get there. But I doubt I'd get there on time. My stomach rumbles, as my gums ached, while my throat began to burn. The hunger had hit me suddenly that I had stumbled forwards and into the back of a couple of guys that had been standing close by. I opened my mouth to apologize but got a fist in the stomach for my troubles before I had a gun pointed at my head.

Fear lanced through me, but doubled over on the ground clutching my stomach. All I could really worry about was the fire in my belly and my throat. I shook as I got a swift kick to the stomach, causing me to cry out in pain, as I want nothing more than to get the fuck out of here.

"Look at this punk! Who the fuck do you think you are to run into me like that. Do you know who the fuck I am, do you? Hey Moses! Drag him along with me, let's have some fun with this Silver pussies." My heart sunk into my stomach at what I had just heard, these guys were Dodsons. What were the fucking odds! How terrible was my luck to run into a trio of these lunatics.

There was no answer forthcoming for me though as they dragged me into an abandoned alley way. And of all the passerby's that saw me, not a single one raised their hand or voice to help me. I don't blame them, things like this happens everyday, every fucking day. I'll just be another corpse stuck in a dumpster soon enough, and it would be no sweat off their backs.

They pushed into the alleyway, smashing my back against a wall, as the smell of garbage, dead things, piss and shit filled the air. I raised up my head to look at the people attacking me, for some reason all three of them, thought it was nice to have dyed their hair Neon green. Somehow my mouth opened up to speak before my mind could tell it to shut up.

"Wow you three look stupid, what are you supposed to be, the three stooges of the Grinch? Or is that a gardening experiment on your head." They were stumped, and so was I. Where was the fear a few moments ago, it had vanished just as quickly as it had arrived.

"Are you giving us lip? Are you fucking mocking me?" the guy that I had hit yelled out as he grabbed me by the collar and dragged me closer to his face in an attempt to be intimidating, or was he angry, I'm not sure. This had the opposite effect on me though, his breath was horrible and with the hunger I was feeling I did not have the patience to be polite.

"Giving you lip? Please, I'd give it to your mother's coochie. But seeing how your breath stinks I'm sure you've been there already." I was going to get myself killed, it was as if I was a passenger in my own body. And insulting his mother's vagina seemed to be last straw, he pushed me back to raise the gun….but I didn't let go.

I dragged him closer, ignoring the shocked look on his face as his head smashed into the wall besides us. I ignored his startled cry of pain as I dragged the gun from his hand with the butt facing away from me. This was the streets, there was no hesitation as his friends/brothers moved forwards to attack me, with the one called Moses throwing a punch that for some reason seemed awfully slow to me.

I shifted to the side and let his own momentum carry him forwards as he smashed his fist into wall behind me. The third member was swinging a steel pipe for my head when I ducked under it and smashed the gun, handle, frame and all into his groin. He squealed, but my legs were already behind his as I took him to the ground and sunk my teeth into his throat and then I pulled.

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