
Disharmony & Harmony

Susan couldn't help but compare their bodies,her hands automatically went to her breasts, her's were fuller and bigger. Her body was structurally more feminine than that girl, however those despicable scars! He would never want me. As a distressing thought passed her mind, she shook her head, 'Why am I even doing this to myself? I don't even want that man him physically, he is...' She tried to come up with some loathing adjectives to convince herself of her genuine disharmony of feelings towards Nathenel, but she had no control over her mind.

As that woman pressed her almost naked body against him, rubbing her lower body against his pillar to arouse him, when suddenly he pushed her away.

Susan was already at her limit her stomach started retching, she didn't know why she was even standing there, it was nauseating, her head began to throb. 'Enough Susan you better scurry from here.' She commanded herself loud and clear, but, before she could even run she threw up.

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