

Magdalene was stunned at the sudden kiss. It made her aware of emotions she didn't know she was capable of.

Lord Lucas didn't just end the warm kiss beside her ear, he moved the kiss to her cheeks lingering their for more than five seconds before pulling away. Magdalene stared at him with confusion clouding over her face. She knew of her growing affections for Lucas but he had told her to dismiss it. He was always creating an invisible wall between them, then what was this kiss all about.

Her heart was filled with warmth and tingles. She had never known of a man all her life but she knew very little knowledge of this things.

Magdalene caught his eyes in hers as they stared at her. He was staring deeply at her like he could see through her soul. Lucas used his hand to hold her chin, his eyes moving to her lips without masking the desire he felt for her at that moment.

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