
Chapter XVIII

As the fresh morning air filled the room, I breathed in deeply, glad that I had left the window open all night to dispel the unpleasant odor of ink.

Just as I was getting dressed, there came a knock on the door. I knew exactly who it was - the only person who ever visited me at this early hour.

I quickly put on my white shirt, jacket, and black shorts, and grabbed my hat before answering the door.

""Good morning, derpy Onii-chan!" Izuna's vibrant voice filled the room, and I couldn't help but smile at her resilience after yesterday's incident.

"Good morning to you too, Izuna. I'll leave the rest to you," I replied, giving her a chance that she was responsible enough to take care of herself.

In a hurry to restock my academic supplies, I knew I had to dip into my savings. It meant sacrificing meals for the next week, skipping breakfast and lunch. But I justified it by considering the pair of owl eggs I had purchased. It was a man's romance, after all, to have a trusted companion, whether it be a dog, a cat, a hamster, or even a pair of frogs. Every man needs one.

"Wait a minute, Onii-chan!" Izuna's voice interrupted my thoughts. I turned back, concerned that she might be feeling unwell.

"Ehm, uhm," Izuna stood there awkwardly, struggling to form a coherent sentence. It reminded me of how I must have looked when everyone saw me trying to talk. "Here!" She suddenly shoved a box towards me, wrapped nicely in a green cloth.

"I-Izuna worked hard this morning to make that with Papa..." she murmured, avoiding eye contact. A faint blush started to creep up on her cheeks.

I simply smiled and ruffled her hair. "Thanks, Izuna. You're a lifesaver."

"Ehm," she nodded in satisfaction, her cheeks turning a shade brighter. "Eat a lot, Onii-chan." She managed to give me a cheeky grin.

It was moments like these that made everything worth it. I couldn't curse that disembodied voice anymore. This experience alone had depleted me of all my worldly desires. I felt as if I was living a dream, and soon I would join Gautama Buddha in contemplation.

"Derpy Onii-chan!" I didn't hear the voice, "Please don't die!".


I wiped the blood from my mouth as I made my way to the school. It was still early in the morning, and the store was closed. I hesitated to ask if they would sell me some paper and ink from behind the counter. I knew they would oblige, considering it was a transaction, but I couldn't help but feel self-conscious about it.

So, I turned and walked away, feeling pathetic. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I turned to my right.

"Good morning, Nobu-kun," it was Haguro. She greeted me with sleepy eyes and a dispirited tone.

"G-good morning... Haguro-san," I stuttered. After all, it was a girl my age, and anyone would be nervous in that situation.

"I had this urge to catch up to you and say hi when I saw your back," she said, smiling with half-closed eyes.

"Eh, is that so... I see, I see," I replied awkwardly. Haguro nodded silently, not saying anything further.

I still didn't feel entirely comfortable talking to strangers without a clear reason. But maybe I could use this opportunity to start a conversation. After all, she mentioned that her mother owned a shop, so perhaps she had some knowledge about the trade.

"Hey, Haguro-san," I began, trying to formulate the best words in my head.

"What is it?" Haguro asked curiously.

"Do you remember the card game we played last time?" I hesitated for a moment before continuing, "I was thinking... what if I could make my own version and, well, maybe earn some profit from it?" I glanced away, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension.

"Hmm..." Haguro nodded thoughtfully, giving me a sense of relief. She didn't laugh or mock me. "Can I see it or at least hear your idea first?" she asked, adding, "I promise I won't laugh."

My hand froze just as I was about to reach into my bag and pull out the draft. Doubts flooded my mind. What if she laughed at my idea? I wanted to disappear into the darkest hole on earth.

"I think it's not such a good idea after all..." I muttered, starting to backtrack and quicken my pace. But before I could escape, Haguro grabbed me and pulled me close, resting my head against her chest.

"Hey, you can't just give me the cold shoulder after piquing my interest, Nobu-kun. Now spill the beans," she insisted.

"H-how about we talk about it nicely after school is over?" I stammered, feeling both scared and intrigued by her sudden change in demeanor.

"Deal, but remember, you're mine," she replied, sending a shiver down my spine.

Oh no, what have I gotten myself into? I secretly wished for an older sister who could whisk me away from this tyrannical merchant apprentice.


I let out a sigh as the homeroom bell rang, signaling the start of another uneventful day. Itachi was still using his clone to take his place in class. Glancing around the corridor to ensure no one was watching, I quickly made my way down the stairs.

"Yo, Nobu-kun, where are you going? Don't we have a promise?" I heard Haguro's voice call out behind me.

I turned around, trying to appear casual. "Y-yeah, Haguro... It's a nice day, isn't it?"

"Forget about the weather. You're coming with me," she replied firmly, her determination evident.

With surprising strength for someone who appeared lazy and frail, she led me to the rooftop where we could have some privacy.

I paced nervously around her, struggling to find the right words. I desperately tried to keep myself from falling apart due to my nerves.

I laid out the sample cards, the lore booklet, and some of the drafts in front of her.

"So, each card is divided by class, rarity, special skills, stats, and rank. The named cards are the rarest and possess cheat-like attributes. The game is designed to accommodate players with weaker decks, with multiple games and rules in mind," I explained, my voice filled with a mix of anticipation and anxiety.

Haguro nodded as she examined the cards and booklet, taking in the details.

As the explanation came to an end, Haguro thought for a moment, closing her eyes before looking back at Nobu.

"I think that's a little too ambitious, Nobu-kun. You're trying to appeal to too many divergent demographics while making the game too complicated. While I appreciate the fan service, the idea of gender-bending famous figures may not sit well with some people. Also, there's too many variables I doubt much of it will fit since we need to include flavor texts too."

Nobu listened carefully and asked, "So what should I change?"

Haguro suggested, "Maybe instead of gender-bending, you can include both male and female characters as separate cards. You can also simplify the gameplay and focus on the historical aspect and twisting the lore to an extent. I think it was all the rage currently."

As I listened to her proposal, a split-second hesitation passed through my mind. Memories of beloved gacha game being tainted by censorship and the introduction of male characters flooded my thoughts. I couldn't bear the idea of compromising my vision for the game.

'If you want to play a gacha game with male characters, there are already plenty of options available,' I retorted, my frustration evident. 'I don't invest my time and money just to indulge in some generic bara or fuckboy fantasy.' I remember the regret I felt when my favorite genre of game was diluted to cater to a wider audience.

In that moment, my nervousness vanished, replaced by a steadfast resolve. "No," I declared with unwavering dignity, standing firm in my ideals as a man with a romantic vision. "No," I replied firmly again, my nerves replaced with conviction.

"I don't want to include male characters. I want to focus on the female characters and the fan-service aspect of the game." I declared before continuing to avoid confusion, "but I'm open to other suggestions."

Haguro looked taken aback by my response, clearly surprised by my unwavering stance. I could sense her uncertainty as she struggled to find the right words to respond.

She nervously gulped and said, "I understand that I cannot convince you. Besides there's another card games who had the same premise. I do see the appeal of your idea and twist, though. In that case, we can work on trimming and changing some of the unnecessary features, attributes, and rules of the game. Yours are already solid enough."

I replied, "That would be agreeable. What do you propose?"

Thanks to Haguro's help, we spent the remainder of the afternoon refining and polishing my card game idea. With a stack of papers and a pen in hand, we delved into a deep discussion, analyzing each aspect of the card game. Haguro's eyes lit up with excitement as she shared her insights and suggestions, while I listened attentively, jotting down notes and occasionally interjecting with my own ideas.

We analyzed different mechanics, experimented with various rule sets, and brainstormed ways to make the game both accessible and engaging for not only avid enthusiasts but also fil- casuals. As the sun began to set and the sky turned a warm shade of orange, we were both exhausted but excited about the progress we had made.

"Speaking of which, Nobu-kun, do you have the fund to kickstart the business?" Haguro asked, her voice tinged with concern.

"Eh?" I was taken aback by her question, although I knew it was a valid one. "None, I think." I laughed to her.

"I thought so," she sighed, her brows furrowing. "Unless you're partnered with an established merchant or company, which I doubt you would have the connections for, the only way left is to self-publish it."

"Wouldn't that be expensive?" I voiced my worry. My mind wandered to Magoroku ojii-san but I doubt he would be interested in this kind of business.

"Hmm, I can contribute some of my savings and try to raise funds from potential backers, although I doubt anyone will take us seriously," she explained, her tone tinged with a hint of determination. "I could ask my mom, but I'm sure she would refuse. Instead, how about we both take on part-time jobs to secure the funds? Once we have enough, we can kickstart the production. Of course, I'll handle the financial management and decision-making. Do you agree with this arrangement?"

I cocked my head slightly, a mix of surprise and relief washing over me. "You're actually on board with this?"

She let out a sigh, as if my reaction is not worth of consideration. "Of course, silly Nobu-kun. Since we've come this far, why not see it through? I see the potential in your idea, and besides, this could be a valuable learning experience for both of us. Personally, I've never been drawn to the life of a shinobi, and I'm not particularly talented either. If we succeed, it could open up new possibilities for me. And if not..." She shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, at least we tried, right? It's not like we have much to lose."

"Alright then. Let's do this," I agreed, a newfound sense of determination filling me. With Haguro by my side, I felt a surge of confidence. The weight of the responsibilities seemed more manageable now that we were in it together. Having her recognize the value of my idea was more than I could have hoped for. I began to see her in a different light, appreciating her willingness to take this leap of faith alongside me.

Her smile widened at my determination; her eyes filled with excitement. "Then it's settled. We're partners from now on, Nobu-kun."

I couldn't help but feel a surge of hope at her words. Maybe, just maybe, this venture would be fruitful.

"Of course," she continued, her tone playful, "but only if I can get my hands on that limited edition card with the picture-changing seal you were talking about. Deal?"

I let out a groan, realizing that some things never change. Despite our partnership, it seemed Haguro still had her eye on the rarest and most sought-after cards. But as I looked at her mischievous grin, I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Alright, deal. But only if you promise to help me make this game a success," I replied, a playful glint in my own eyes.

She extended her hand, and I shook it firmly, sealing our partnership with a shared sense of determination and a touch of mischief.

Sorry for not updating anymore. Flunked at university and starting over again. Same old, same old.

Stalkahcreators' thoughts