
She's sick.

Tell me exactly what's wrong with Maria?" Lyrand asked when Aaron fell silent for five whole minutes.

I'm in no obligation to tell you that." Aaron said gloomily and hang up.

After tossing the phone away, he went over and sat next to Maria pushing a few strands away from her face. She wasn't as rosy as before and she now has a paleness that would bring one's heart to ache badly.

Sleep well for now. By the time you wake up, I'll jabe figured something out for you so hold on." He said hoping she'd hear him even though he knew it was impossible.

The morning came earlier than planned and Lyrand dressed the little munchkins up. They had never been that far from their mother for long and after a single night, they wanted to go and see her.

Lyrand also wanted to know what Aaron was spouting the previous night but since he couldn't leave just like that, he'd have to wait till morning.

Next chapter