
Chapter 1:

Chase countied to pace around his bedroom. He will not let it happen. Ever. Chase stops for a moment, but then shakes it off. No, never unleash it, Chase told him. He had a secret not even the other pups knew about. He was part angel (coming in a future story, all will be explained), the mightiest one in the heavens. Herobrine. It has been a long time since he used his powers against the king of the demons (based on Partners in fire, By havenhound). Things had been peaceful, only in his mind, full of nightmares, were it hurt the worst, the scars still in his mind.

He knew the truth. Marshall will not dare kill another person in cold blood. He knew some demons that can shapeshift manage to escape forever imprisonment and still roam the earth. It was his destiny to destroy what was left of the world's demons. It was Marshall's too, before this happened. He had to decide. Ether kills his best friend or refuses, knowing who it really is. He had to think about it. He went to sleep that night, in fear of tomorrow.
