
A soldiers bar

Heavy lead me throw the town and almost everyone had on armor or at least parts of it like some kids ran by and all they had on was helmets one of them the oldest I think had on a chest pauldron with a insignia on the chest it was that if a serpent drake there was also a few droids of all sort most if them was for ships but I seen a few battle droids many people nodded and waved at Heavy and many more started at me I chuckled and just kept on walking so Heavy if I may ask what is yalls armor made out of I have never seen anything about like it he didn't look over to me he kept his eyes straight but he did respond the metal is simply called Scale we call it that cuz when it's in its purist farm like an ingot the steal has ripples through it that looks like scale as for the armor it's called scale mail the base design doesn't change the person who is wearing it I nodded saying so like you it looks similar to the basic design of Fives but you have improved your own through trial and error he simple nodded saying you would be right about that but there is a little more to that you see no other planet except for are home planet makes Scale steal or the one that does it's in very small amounts so usually armor is passed down through generation to generation the same can be said with the laser swords but you will find out about that soon enough here we are and he turned and walked into a white marble building I simple followed I moved the cloth that was over the door to the side and I followed behind Heavy we started walking up some stairs when we got to the top the room opened up and I seen cryo- pods everywhere with doctors running around like headless chickens but one man walked in front of Heavy saying what can I do for you Heavy turned and stared at me the doctor looked and seen me I waved with my stump hand the doctor saw that and nodded saying follow me and he lead me to an empty cryo- pod strip to your underwear and clime in I nodded and started to strip I folded and put my boots and cloth neatly next to the tank and I walked around to the side where there was a latter I climbed up and got into the tank that had warm water in it I completely submerged my self and that's when the top closed and a rebreather dropped out from it I put it on and start out to the doctor who started tipping on the computer next to my tank Heavy simple started at me or at the doctor it was hard to tell the doctor shook his head to Heavy saying something but I couldn't understand it does to the water Heavy looked over to the doctor and apparently gave the doc a order cuz the doctor quickly turned around white faced he hit enter and that's when my senses and mind got num it was an odd feeling it definitely reminded me of getting hi I looked down to my arm when I felt a rush of pain and that's when I seen growing on my arm was bone, muscles, intends, skin started to grow out of my stump arm this was the pain of quickly growing a lem back but I could already tell that it wouldn't compare to my old arm but it will serve its purpose I don't know how long passed wall I was in this num state no did I care I was watching my arm grow back with fascination especially when my scales started growing over my skin I seen how it connected to each other and it was quite fascinating but my hand was almost formed all that was left was the fingernails which sort of took a talent shape which was odd sense my other hand didn't have that but I didn't mind I moved the new hand in front of my face I wiggled the fingers they was a little slow to respond but it worked just fine that's when the feeling of numbness faded and the top opened up again I pulled my way up onto the ledge I sat on the ledge and looked at my new grown hand again it looked exactly the same before it got cut off but I could feel the difference I looked down to Heavy who hadn't moved a new doctor was standing next to him this one was female I simply leaned backflipping off the tank I did a flip which made me land on my feet I walked in front of the tank the female Doctor ran some basics tests on my new hand like picking it to make sure I could still feel and all that but sadly I couldn't feel anything in that hand but I still felt pain that was the only feeling it could feel the doctor shook her head sying sorry but this hand will probably never fully heal I nodded saying I expected that thank you she smiled sadly at me and walk off to help another patient I quickly got dressed Heavy nodded saying ok kid let's go I want to introduce you to some friends of mine and he turned around and started walking out I simple nodded and followed when we existed the hospital I seen it was probably mid-afternoon I wonder what excuse my father gave the army for us are we considered dead or did he say we got updated Heavy seemed to sense my questions before I even had to ask them it is as you thought from this point on Rose dandelion is MIA lost on a field trip or that's what will be put in your files from here on your Hunter James Dragny the second born of Fang Dragny or you will be after tonight I nodded understanding what that meant and what that implied for me Heavy lead me through the town we were heading sort of out of the town and I noticed something odd the further we got to the southeast part of the town the fewer kids I need and the more militaristic it felt another thing that changed was the people they all had the same exact sent or their blood did at least another thing I noticed was the armor I seen on the people who walked by us they looked similar but was made completely different it was made out of a lesser material then Scale steal but it was still quite strong it was called moon steal this is the mean steal used by the moon empire and was the man metal of all the military forces do to it's strange and durability plus it was easy to form and fit it to what you wanted but only commanders and up had the money to buy this armor most normal soldiers didn't make enough to buy it so they us lesser metal and materials the fact that all these soldiers had on this armor was quite interesting many of them waved at Heavy and shockingly Heavy nodded and waved back to many of them that's when I noticed Heavy blood smelled the same as the others but I could tell his blood was also different but I didn't know how but they didn't just have land troops I seen plenty of mecha from light all the way up to a few heavy mecha it was shocking to this many in one place and in this small camp Heavy turned and walked up the path to what looked like a military bar I simple followed not saying anything but I could feel the glances I was getting Heavy walked in with me behind him when Heavy walked in I heard many cheers and happy banging but when I walked next to Heavy the bar want silent this place was quite interesting there was tables and chairs everywhere with virtual girls and guys dancing in the middle there was even a virtual band on the left wall there was a bar across from the doorway and all the seats at the bar was taken hell almost every chair and table was full but that wasn't the odd part all these soldiers had there helmets off and all of them looked exactly the same well there face did anyway there faces was chiseled and strong looking there nose wasn't big or small hell they didn't even look that bad looking even the females holy hell they are clones I thought many off them had different styles sense of style like one had a small mohawk and his armor was painted yellow and black another had a branded beard with a balled head his armor was painted blood red and green and painted on his helmet was a bear head they all had the same face and features but they were all there own person and every single one of them was staring at me some with curiosity some with pitty some with anger and some didn't care Heavy took off his helmet and placed a hand on my shoulder saying lads meet Hunter he has earned my respect and I won't settle for my brother's and sisters not meeting my new brother hear and he smacked me on the shoulder they all still stared at me not saying anything I smiled saying isn't this a bear let's all kick back and have a drink when I said that last part everyone cheered laughing and like that the bear was alive there was drinks being served people talking playing card laughing I looked over to Heavy and looked over his face he looked like the others but he had bright blue eyes he was clean shaven but his hair was cut short on the sides wall the top was pulled up and braded but he had a nasty scare going from his left ear down his cheek and a little of his mouth it stopped at when it reached his chin he smiled to me saying let's move to the bar and talk about your plan I simple nodded saying lead the way brother he nodded and took lead I simple followed we moved are way to the bar and got settled down at it the bar tender who was another clone she was big like Heavy but she didn't have any scares she had bright green mechanical eyes sort of like mine but hers wasn't sorpent like her hair was cut short except for the top it was long and want over her right ear at the end of her black hair was purple hilites and I could see tattoos on her neck but most of it was blocked from the dark purple armor she had on with black hilites I noticed some of her armor was made out of scale steal like both of her gauntlets and half of her breastplate was scale mail wall the rest of it was moon steel your normal Heavy she asked looking at him he simple nodded and what about you dear she turned to me smiling I shrugged saying if you got it, honey, meed and please you can either call me Hunter or brother no need to be sweet on me she laughed saying damn Heavy you really did find an interesting kid didn't you I like him well Hunter you can call me Cortana or big sis whichever you prefer and yes we do get honey meed but ant you a little young to be drinking alcohol I shrugged saying perhaps but I have already gotten 50 gains so technically my body has rematch adulthood if I had to make a guess after my body updated and evolved into this my body is around 25-year-old or older but it's hard to tell since i ant full human anymore she nodded saying fear enough let me get all drinks I nodded saying thank you, big sis, and turned to Heavy asking so are you going to tell me what this place is he smiled saying ant it obvious this is a bar I rolled my eyes at his answer saying Heavy you can tell me or I will just hack into the bars then asses all the files on all the mecha around this bar Heavy laughed saying you sure know how to get what you want and your defiantly stubborn good you will fit right in with us Cortana came back and out are drinks in front of us Heavy ordered a fancy drink wall mine was just in a glass bottle damn it Heavy stop messing with the boy by the look in his eyes he is fully series about hacking onto my bar and I can't have that so I will just tell you Hunter this section of town is a military base we are part of the 151 clone army that the moon empire made as you can see we are all clones we was made in a lab by one of your ancestor's blood we were programmed for war nothing else as you already know or suspect mech piloting is slowly dying out relying more on the ship to ship combat and that sort of the thing but mechs still have there us but the sad part about is many other planets in our empire don't got a system so they got to manually control a mech or get a nerve implant but many heavy mechs one pilot can't control that big of a mech without side effects that's y there ant many heavy mecha out side are people so the moon empire and it's allies made us we are not seen as the empires people so to many we are just disposable ponds very skilled ponds but ponds non the less that brings us to these camp we are deserters or that's what most think we are but in truth there half right the leviathan commander the one called Fang seen how we was being treated and offered us a place in his company and we are here know many of us like Heavy and I have proven are self to where we were brought into the families Heavy though has the highest rank amongst us all though I listened happily and didn't interrupt her I only took my eyes off her when I took a drink the honey meed was great it was sweet and had a little burn to it but it made your whole body feel warm when you swallowed so any question she finished I thought about it the question I had was sort of rude so I tried to think of the best way to ask it but there really wasn't any good way so I just asked it I apologize for how rude this question is but if I may ask how many of you have died already Cortana side at my question and leaned on the counter looking to the right side of the room where on the wall there was a clock or I thought it was a clock but it didn't follow any time that I new about the current count is 5045 no make that 5046 when she said that last part a bell rang out and everyone got silent and Cortana razed a cup saying hoorah Heavy razed his drink and movemshed from me to do the same I did and right then the rest of them razed there drinks and yelled hoorah Heavy yelled it out and I followed his lead hoorah right after everyone took a long drink and slammed their cups onto the tables at the same times which made thump noise Cortana turned to me saying does that answer your question I nodded saying yes thank you but what was that hole thing about but it wasn't Cortana that answered my question someone behind me did whenever that bell goes off we have a moment of silence and a toast in there honor and for their sacrifice, in other words, we toast and honor their last hoorah I turned around to see who said that but I could not tell due to almost everyone staring at me thank you whoever answered my question and thank you Cortana for explaining things to me and when the time comes I will be honored to fight by yalls side and the sides of your brother and sisters and I razed my cup to them and at the clock taking another long drink many laughed at my jester I turned back to Cortana and Heavy putting my cup back on the bar it was almost gone my body felt warm but I didn't really feel drunk probably do to my bloodline but I didnt mind that just means I had to drink more or drink more potent stuff Heavy looked over to me smiling I am happy that I brought you here I laughed saying I am happy I followed even though I really didn't have a choice but you wanted to talk about my plan Heavy side and his smile faded and a series look replaced it Cortana want to serve others and to leave us alone to talk Hunter this plan of yours will definitely work no matter what I got to say you don't get to do hell I will not blame you if you refuse it but the more you show them your loyal the more they will support you so maybe you should shock them all even your father by changing the plan up a bit not much only where it happens you understand maybe go a little farther up plus it's easier and stronger to replace the whole thing I laughed taking another swig from my cup drinking the rest I slammed the cup onto the bar saying I love this plan besides nothing puts the meaning in kill just like overkill he nodded he took a drink from his fancy cup that's when his gauntlet beeped he put down his cup and pressed a button on it and a hallow screen appeared over it showing the message Heavy side and quality downed the rest of his drink as he stood up and put on his helmet saying time to go, Hunter, I nodded standing up Heavy put a few coins on the bar and we started walking out Cortana yelled see you seen Hunter I turned around to the door her waved and I was gone Heavy was taking long fast strides I walked next to him saying Heavy what's going on that gots you in a rush he didn't looked at me all he did was go a little faster after we walked in silence for a bit he answered its cuz people pulled some strings and moved up the time for the initiation there trying to make your father and his tribe look bad my eyes got sharp saying then let's pick up the past if they think I won't be there they are sorely mistaken Heavy nodded and we started to run surprisingly Heavy could move quite fast even with all that armor on we was running towards the middle of the camp where I seen the forge and those big buildings it didn't take long for is to get to one of the big building with how fast we was running and standing out front was Fives I barely had time to admire the beauty of the building that was made from black marble it was huge it was less a house and more a mansion it had huge double doors for the front doors that had white stone leading up to it but when I ran up to Fives he grabbed my shoulder and he lead me around out of sight of everyone into a secret door for staff and escapes reasons Fives was saying come on Hunter we don't get much time and like that, I was lead through the door and into a room that had a material printer in it and a fitter walked in and he got to work he asked what sort of style do you want this is a formal occasion, but not to formal I thought about it for a few seconds till a outfit from my past like appeared in my head it looked good but wasn't to fancy and definitely was movable and breathable so if I had to fight anyone I could I used my innate ability to make a 3d model on my watch I showed the man who nodded saying ok let's get started and like that I got a make over.

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