
Dominion. Power. Sacrifice. Malice.

The monster's body was grotesquely disproportionate — its upper half was enormous, while the lower half, past the midsection, appeared almost comically small.

It had two arms. 

The left was slender, tapering to a long, sharp point like a sword. 

The right arm, in stark contrast, was thickly muscled, resembling a human hand but with only four fingers, minus the thumb.

A pair of tiny bat wings clung to its back, far too small to support its weight in flight. 

Its legs, though humanoid in shape, ended in webbed feet. 

Despite how detailed and life-like the sculpture was, everything was coated in a lifeless grey coating of stone.

Liam's eyes narrowed. 

He took in the structure of the chamber: rough, uneven walls, scattered footholds jutting out at odd angles from above—mostly useless, as he could simply fly.