
Dancing in the Moonlight

There was a rapid clicking noise as the Rank 5 Red Fang took its time leaving the web-infested gorge.

The first thing Liam saw poking through the entrance was its freakishly long limbs.

There were two.

Then four.

Then eight. 

Each one of them was the length of a 6 story tall building!

Thousands of little spikes covered them. 

In reality, they were just hairs.

But obviously, they were not normal.

The quill-like hairs were excreting some sort of slimy black liquid.

Poison, probably.

Even from that distance, Liam could smell the spider's stench, causing his nose to sting.

It smelled absolutely horrible.

Like fermented corpses left out to rot.

What slowly emerged into view next were the two, dark red fangs. 

They were freaking massive! 

Like smooth, shimmering tusks, they were curved inward, dripping with the same black poison.

Then, the spider's full form came into view.

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