
Chapter 45

I ignored the voices of the men talking over my head and opened the door. As Lucas had demanded, the hallway and surrounding area were empty. I could only assume that the rest of the house was the same. I kept my mind and my face blank so no one could guess how much I was freaking out.

"Wait!" Came the loud voice behind me, and I turned to look at the three men that had followed me out of the room.

"What?" I asked, unimpressed.

"I apologize, I did not know that you were a Tesalor," said Lucas as he came to a stop in front of me. Viktor took his position at my side and Vlad hung back, trying to become invisible. However, I was pretty sure that if he didn't want to be seen, he would have done a better job at hiding.

Plus looking like a kicked puppy dog was not a good look on the vampire.

"What does that have to do with anything?" I asked, not giving an inch. It shouldn't matter who I was. Since, they believed me to be human, and there were several laws against killing a human, they should not have done it. End of story.

"If I had known, I would have made sure to stop my Beta," replied Lucas, trying to look into my eyes.

My own eyes widened, his Beta... his Beta was Mathew White, my partner. Did my partner really try to kill me?!?

I looked up at Viktor, completely ignoring Lucas. I was worried that if I got one more hit, I would not be able to keep myself together and break down in front of two people I now considered my enemy.

Viktor shook his head, "Not White, White would not have done it, or would have tried to find a way to save you. Lucas has about twenty Betas that he considers his. White is not his only one."

I nod my head like I expected that answer, but I did let out a small breath of relief. "It doesn't matter, the one who tried to kill me is guilty of trying to kill a human, whether or not Viktor's Spidey-senses go off. He or she will be punished according to the spirit of the law, not the letter."

"But you can't be both Pandora's daughter AND a human," said Vlad, still trying to find a loophole, a reason why he broke his oath and should be able to get away with it.

"Are Gypsies not human?" I asked, looking at the vampire. I refused to call him his name, even in my head. He didn't deserve that.

"Gypsies are human, with a human lifespan. Pandora died over 200 years ago, any children of hers would be long dead."

"Children of hers?" I asked him, my eyebrow raised. Callie tried to offer comfort from where it was wound in my hair, but I was numb. "Why would you say it that way, Vampyre? Have you forgotten the tragic death of Elena, the entire reason why you became monsters in the first place? Or maybe you forgot Nicholas, the one that you ran through the forests with, and played pranks on both sets of parents with? I know that you completely forgot about Natalia, the brown-eyed child that followed you and Nick around, begging for your attention. So tell me, Vampyre, which children of hers are you referring to?"

I didn't bother to wait around for an answer, no matter what he said, it would have been the wrong thing. Better to save myself from further heartache and just leave.

I have vowed to become stronger, and I would... right after I left this place.


Viktor watched as the little Gypsy steadily left the house, one foot in front of the other. He was not worried about her right now, one of his men would look after her until he was able to.

"You messed up, Vlad," said Viktor with a sigh. Say what you want, that man had been beside him for hundreds of years. However, he understood where the Cub was coming from. He was an oath breaker and could possibly set her hunters on her trail. She claimed that she had a few more years of rest, but who knew if that was really the case.

"I know! But she has the wrong eye color. Any females belonging to the Tesalor bloodline would have green eyes. The sons would take after their fathers, but the weavers follow the female bloodlines. There is no way that a child of that line could have brown eyes! That is why I assumed that she was just claiming to be a Tesalor without knowing the details."

"I told you she was a Tesalor, do you really think that I would make a mistake? That I would not know the truth?" Asked Viktor, watching Vlad like a bird of prey. The vampire was insulting him by claiming that he was wrong. It would be up to Vlad to try and dig his way out of this hole.

"I thought that you were interested in her, she smelled like you!" Came the shouted response.

"She has been staying at my condo due to various reasons, including being targeted by the wolves. I was under the impression that no one would be dumb enough to touch someone with my scent on her."

"No, I thought you were interested, interested…" said Vlad, looking down at the ground.

It took Viktor a few minutes to try and understand what his friend was trying to imply. "I have not been 'interested' in anyone since I turned, why would I start now?" He asked confused.

"Because she had your scent. It has never happened before," replied Lucas, finally interjecting into the conversation. "Van Helsing, will my Beta die? Or was she just trying to make a point?"

"He will die. She will not even realize it, but there is no way that your Beta will live after what she just said." Viktor looked at the two men that he considered to be his friends more often than not. "We have not had a Tesalor around since the curse took hold. I think that it would be best if we realized that the world, as we knew it, will be turned on its head. I for one, am looking forward to it."

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