
The Odds  

Determined to find Jiten, Alex and Emily maneuvered through the bustling corridors of the academy, meticulously scouring every nook and cranny while inquiring with fellow students if they had seen him. After a few minutes of frantic searching, their eyes finally caught sight of Jiten at the courtyard, engrossed in conversation with a group of students.

"Jiten! There you are!" Emily called out, relief evident in her voice. Jiten turned towards them, a wide grin stretching across his face. "Hey, you two! Took you long enough to find me."

Still catching his breath, Alex replied, "Well, we had to ensure you didn't vanish and stumble into trouble without us." Jiten chuckled and reassured them, "Nah, I'm not that bad. Ready to go?"

After hearing Jiten's words, Emily and Alex nodded in agreement. They swiftly retrieved their enchanted glasses and promptly put them on, their features transforming until they became unrecognizable.

With their trio reunited, Alex, Emily, and Jiten proceeded towards the tournament grounds. The air crackled with anticipation and excitement as students from various ranks and years prepared to showcase their skills.

As they entered the bounty hall, where participants were assigned their opponents, Alex's gaze swept across the room, intently searching for his name on the display board. A sinking feeling washed over him as he discovered, once again, that his opponent was a high apprentice ranked student.

Reading his opponent's name beside his own, Alex realized he was up against another high apprentice, indicating a formidable challenge ahead. Frustration welled up within him, noticing that while other first-year participants were matched with opponents of similar skill, he consistently faced more advanced adversaries.

Emily's brows furrowed in anger as she glanced at the board. "This is unfair, Alex. It seems like they're deliberately pitting you against tougher opponents. We should approach the organizers and demand a fairer matchup," she suggested, determination lacing her voice.

Jiten, known for his quick thinking, interjected, "Let's not jump to conclusions just yet. It's evident they're intentionally making things difficult for Alex, but consider one crucial factor."

Both Emily and Alex looked at Jiten, their faces displaying confusion, and asked, "What's the crucial factor?"

Jiten flashed a wide smile and replied, "The odds."

Alex and Emily exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of what Jiten meant by "the odds." Jiten chuckled at their perplexed expressions before elaborating on his idea.

"Think about it," Jiten began, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "The organizers might intentionally be matching Alex against tougher opponents, but that also means the odds of Alex winning are enormous. I know he's more than capable of taking on stronger challengers than this. His low rank is a result of the people from the church in EIL not liking him. Guys, this is our opportunity to win big money!"

Listening to Jiten's words, Alex contemplated the idea, while Emily was the first to voice her concerns. "Even if that's true, Alex could get hurt. I don't think it's a good idea. We should simply talk to the organizers," she said, expressing her worry for Alex's well-being.

Jiten looked at Emily and said, "Who do you think put Alex against these opponents?" After hearing that, Emily's brows furrowed, acknowledging that Jiten had a point.

Jiten looked directly at Alex and said, "I'm in if you are. Remember, money doesn't mean anything. I'm only suggesting this because I believe in you."

Alex pondered Jiten's words, weighing the risks and rewards of the situation. He knew that the path ahead wouldn't be easy, but he also felt a flicker of determination burning within him. This could be his chance to prove himself and show the academy what he was truly capable of.

After a brief moment of contemplation, Alex looked at Emily and Jiten with a newfound resolve. "You're right, Jiten. The odds may be against me, but I won't back down. Sooner or later, I'll face opponents like this, and I intend to win this tournament no matter who they send my way," he declared, his voice filled with determination.

Emily sighed, realizing that she couldn't change Alex's mind. She knew how important this opportunity was to him, and she trusted in his abilities. "Alright, Alex. If you're sure about this, then we'll support you every step of the way!" she said.

Jiten grinned, pleased with Alex's decision. "That's the spirit! Let's show them what you're really made of and make a fortune in the process," he exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious.

Next, they made their way to the arena. As they approached one of the entrances, they saw a stand crowded with people placing bets and cheering loudly. Before going in, Jiten turned to the two and said, "Look, Alex, your odds are at 3! Okay, now we need to decide how much we will bet. I've got 150 gold coins." Alex and Emily were shocked at the amount. Alex whispered, "Where did you get so much money?"

"It doesn't matter. What matters is that I will go and place a bet of 100 gold on you. After that, your odds will go down, making your opponent's odds higher. Then a lot of people will start betting against you, and because of that, your odds will skyrocket. This is when we go all-in on you!" After saying that, Jiten looked at both of them and continued, "So, how much do you have?"

Alex pulled out a purse and gave it to Jiten. "I have 40 gold, plus the 20 you gave me yesterday, so 60 gold " he said. Emily also handed a pouch to Jiten. "This is all I brought," she said, estimating that there was around 50 gold inside.

Jiten approached the bookkeeper at the counter, his confident smile unwavering. The bookkeeper glanced at him and asked, "Which match are you interested in?"

Jiten pointed towards the upcoming match between Alex and his high-ranked apprentice opponent. "I want to place a bet on Alex Stern to win," he said firmly.

The bookkeeper raised an eyebrow, taken aback by Jiten's choice. "Are you sure about that? The odds are heavily against him."

Jiten maintained his composure and replied, "Absolutely. I have complete faith in his abilities."

The bookkeeper, still slightly skeptical, asked, "And how much are you betting?"

Jiten confidently answered, "I'm betting 100 gold coins." The bookkeeper's surprise was evident, but he quickly processed the bet and handed Jiten a ticket.

As the sizable bet was placed, whispers and murmurs spread through the crowd, drawing attention to the unexpected wager.

News of the substantial bet on Alex circulated rapidly, causing a stir among the spectators. People began to question Jiten's confidence in the underdog, while others saw an opportunity to potentially make significant profits by betting against Alex.

As Jiten had predicted, the odds started to shift. More and more bets were placed against Alex, driving up his odds and diminishing his opponent's. Soon, the odds shifted to 5 to 1 in favor of Alex's opponent.

Observing the changing dynamics, Jiten turned to Alex and Emily, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Now is the perfect time for us to go all-in. Let's place the rest of our gold on you, Alex. we'll make a fortune."

Alex felt a mix of nervousness and determination surging through him. He understood the significance of the moment and the weight of expectations. Taking a deep breath, he looked at Jiten and said, "Alright, let's go all-in. Let's make this count."

After some time, Jiten reappeared in front of the bookkeeper. The bookkeeper, recognizing him, cautioned, "Just a reminder, there are no refunds here. It's win or lose."

Jiten smiled confidently and replied, "Great! I want to place an additional bet of 160 gold, please."

The bookkeeper raised an eyebrow, surprised by Jiten's audacity. "You're really going all-in, huh? Alright, 160 gold it is." He processed the bet and handed Jiten another ticket, now holding a substantial amount of gold riding on Alex's victory.

With their bets placed, Jiten returned to Alex and Emily, the excitement in his eyes contagious. "We've done it! If you win, we'll be walking away with a fortune," he exclaimed, unable to contain his enthusiasm.

Alex couldn't help but feel a mix of exhilaration and nervousness. The weight of the situation settled upon him, but he remained determined to prove himself and seize the opportunity.
