
The Hidden Truth

Max's heart raced with anticipation as he stood before Bishop Marley, the weight of the secret lingering in the air. He nodded eagerly, his eyes fixed on the Bishop, ready to receive the entrusted knowledge.

Bishop Marley's gaze held a mix of concern and determination as he began to speak. "Max, what I am about to tell you is a closely guarded secret of the Church. It is a truth that only a select few are privy to." Max leaned in, hanging onto every word, his curiosity piqued.

"The Elemental Church," Bishop Marley began, "has been tasked with safeguarding the world from teras alongside the Elemental Heroes. However, the reality is that not every hero was as virtuous as history would have you believe."

Max's eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and disbelief washing over him. The image he had held of the Elemental Heroes as unwavering champions of justice was about to be shattered.

"The Water Elemental," Bishop Marley continued, "was indeed a compassionate individual who dedicated their life to helping the poor. The Air Elemental, a skilled doctor, committed herself to healing the sick and injured. And the Earth Elemental, known for their protective nature, shielded humanity from harm."

Max listened intently, absorbing the contrasting tales of heroism and the impending revelation about the Fire Elemental.

"However," Bishop Marley paused, his voice growing somber, "the history of the Fire Elemental is different. The texts reveal a darker side, one of manipulation and betrayal."

Max's curiosity got the better of him, and he couldn't help but ask, "What is written about the Fire Elemental?"

Bishop Marley met Max's gaze, his expression heavy with sorrow. "It is written that during that era, the Fire Elemental held immense power and was a master of manipulation. He deceived the people of the continent and even his fellow heroes. Through his charm, he seduced the Air Elemental, who was deeply in love with him, and convinced her to gather the other heroes in Gorvirdale. In the end, the Fire Elemental, driven by a lust for power, orchestrated the destruction of his own city, along with his unsuspecting companions."

Max was stunned. He had heard rumors and legends, but hearing it from an important figure within the church left him astounded. However, Bishop Marley wasn't finished yet; there was more to be revealed.

"The reason I am sharing this with you, Max," Bishop Marley continued, his voice tinged with caution, "is because the church is aware of the true nature of the Fire hero. We also know that his heir, with formidable power and cunning intellect, walks among us."

Max's mind whirled with a mix of emotions. The revelation about the Fire hero's betrayal and Alex's true personality added a new layer of complexity to the situation. Was Alex truly naive, or was he pretending to be in order to seduce Emily? Why would he choose to befriend Jiten, a potion master's son? And why had he always been so kind to Max, even in the face of mistreatment? Why had Alex come to Max to talk about this when he could have easily told Olana? Why would Oswin prefer him to Max? Max couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation about what this information meant for the future.

"Why are you entrusting me with this knowledge, Bishop Marley?" Max asked, his voice filled with both curiosity and concern.

Bishop Marley regarded Max with a solemn gaze, his voice carrying the weight of responsibility. "Max, you have shown great potential and unwavering dedication to the cause. The church believes that you possess the strength of character and the resilience needed to navigate the path ahead. It is our hope that by knowing the truth, you will be better equipped to discern the true intentions of the Fire heir and play a vital role in safeguarding our world. If needed, there will come a time when you must stop Alex."

Max absorbed Bishop Marley's words, realizing the gravity of the task placed upon him. He was now entrusted with the knowledge of a hidden truth and the responsibility to confront Alex.

"I understand," Max replied, his voice steady with determination. "I will carry this knowledge with vigilance and discernment. The actions of the past will not define the future, and I will do everything in my power to ensure that the mistakes of the Fire hero are not repeated."

Bishop Marley nodded, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Remember, Max, the true test of a hero lies not in their power alone but in the choices they make and the integrity they uphold. We have faith in you. Now, go train. I believe you will have a competition in three months. Let me handle this matter while you concentrate on training to win it."

After absorbing Bishop Marley's revelations, Max couldn't help but wonder if the warehouse incident was all part of a calculated plan by Alex to gain an edge over him in the upcoming sword competition. The pieces of the puzzle started to align in his mind, and he realized that Alex's actions and intentions might not be as innocent as they had seemed.

Max bid farewell to Bishop Marley and left. As he made his way out of the room, Bishop Marley's expression changed drastically, his anger boiling over. He turned sharply to a dark corner of the room and furiously exclaimed, "Can someone please explain to me how three children managed to infiltrate the warehouse operation in a single night, discover the presence of teras, record the evidence, and escape unharmed?!"

A voice, coming from the shadows, responded with clear fear, "We apologize, Master, but the teras went berserk like never before! We couldn't risk any of them escaping like last time."

Bishop Marley grew even more irritated. "This is the second time you have failed me. Thankfully, the child burned all the evidence last time, but this time is different. They have proof. We need to eliminate the majority of the teras."

"What would you like us to do, Master?" Bishop Marley sat down, deep in thought. After a while, he said, "For now, do nothing. I think I have an idea. In the meantime, let's make it look like the Ashen Blades were the culprits. We'll stage an intervention and arrest them, hanging some criminals to make it appear like we caught them. This will buy us the time we need to handle the situation."

The man nodded and said, "I will give the orders." However, before he could leave, he felt a monstrous pressure pulling him down. As he turned to see where it was coming from, he saw Bishop Marley looking at him. After a moment, Bishop Marley spoke, his voice filled with a chilling intensity, "One last thing, remember that if you fail me a third time, it will be your last." With those words, the pressure dissipated, and the man who had been hiding in the shadows quickly left the room, filled with a newfound sense of urgency and fear.

Meanwhile, in a tall building with a distinctive yellow roof located in the western part of the city of Lotardale, in the Merchant's District, people were being treated for various ailments. Inside one of the hospital rooms, a young man lay on the bed, surrounded by three women. Joan Parker, Emily's mother, was checking his vitals, while Emily and Olana stood nearby, their expressions filled with concern.

After a moment, Joan spoke, her voice filled with a mixture of reassurance and worry. "I believe he is simply exhausted from exerting an excessive amount of elemental energy. Let's allow him to rest, and I believe he will regain consciousness in no time." Emily and Olana nodded in agreement, trusting Joan's assessment.

As the three of them were about to leave the room, they heard a familiar voice from the bed. "What happened? Why am I in the hospital?" It was Alex, his voice filled with confusion and a hint of anxiety.

Emily rushed back to his side, a mixture of relief and worry evident in her eyes. "Alex, you passed out after using your elemental powers. Don't worry now. Just take it easy, and everything will be explained to you."

Alex struggled to sit up, his memory hazy. "I... I don't remember using my powers so much. How long have I been here?"

Olana chimed in, her voice gentle yet concerned. "You've been here for a few hours now. It seems like you overexerted yourself. The important thing is that you're safe now, and we're here for you."

As Alex processed the information, a mixture of gratitude and confusion filled his expression. "Thank you, all of you, for taking care of me. I'm sorry for causing you worry."

Just as they were about to comfort Alex, a tall and robust man abruptly entered the hospital room, followed by nurses desperately trying to stop him. The man's stern expression and determined stride indicated that he had a purpose in being there.

Ignoring the nurses' attempts to detain him, the man walked straight towards Alex's bed. His presence commanded attention, and a sense of authority emanated from him.

Emily, and Joan exchanged curious glances, unsure of the man's identity and his intentions. Emily stepped forward cautiously, her voice filled with a mixture of concern and assertiveness. "Excuse me, sir, but who are you, and why are you barging into this room?"

The man's gaze shifted from Emily to Alex, his eyes assessing him for a moment before he finally spoke, his voice deep and resonant. "Are you trying to feign sickness to skip training when you have a competition in three months?"
