
The Secret Unveiled

While Alex and Max were immersed in their exploration of the grand cathedral, Olana seized the opportunity to have a private conversation with Alex's parents. She had a few pressing questions about Alex and wanted to address her lingering doubts. Approaching Sarah and David, Olana spoke with a gentle tone, "Sarah, David, may I have a moment of your time?" Sarah nodded, her expression filled with curiosity. "Of course, Olana. What's on your mind?" Olana took a deep breath, trying to convey a sense of understanding. "I have some questions regarding Alex. I hope you can trust me enough to share the truth with me." David, sensing the importance of the conversation, nodded solemnly. "Go ahead, Olana. We'll do our best to answer." Olana's gaze shifted between the two, her voice steady but compassionate. "Is Alex adopted?" Sarah and David exchanged a startled glance, the revelation catching them off guard. Sarah's eyes welled up with tears, and David's face registered a mix of surprise and concern. David managed to gather his thoughts and responded, "How did you find out about that?" Olana's tone turned reassuring as she explained, "As a member of the church, I hold knowledge about the lineage and powers of elemental heirs. It's a well-kept secret, known only to a select few. I made a promise to protect this secret, ensuring that Alex remains unaware of his true origins."Sarah said, "I'm sorry, Olana. We just wanted to protect him."

David felt it was best to explain what had happened 12 years ago when they found Alex. He began, "So, 12 years ago, Sarah and I were trying to have a baby, but for some reason, it wasn't working out. We were going through a difficult time, and we threw ourselves into our work. One night, as we were leaving work to go home, we heard a baby crying. It was pouring rain, but for some reason, we felt compelled to find the source of the cry. We discovered a baby, soaked and crying in the mud, in the back alley near our house. The first thing we did was pick him up and take him to the nearest clinic to ensure he was okay."

Olana listened intently, absorbing the details of their extraordinary encounter. David continued, "While we were at the clinic, talking to the healer, they asked if we were the parents. Given the circumstances and the fear that someone might have abandoned the baby, we couldn't bear the thought of that happening again. We were unsure if we would ever find his biological parents, and even if we did, we had doubts about their intentions. After considering everything, and based on my experiences as a lawyer in Arindale, I made the decision to claim him as our own. We named him Alex Stern. It may sound selfish, but Alex truly saved our lives, and every day with him has been filled with happiness. However, I've always suspected that he is special. He excels in everything he does, and when he was only 7, he was able to cast sparks on his third attempt. I know that's not a typical talent for a child his age. I'm sorry, Olana, for keeping this from you."

Sarah, wiping away tears, gathered her composure and added, "We never wanted Alex to feel any different or burdened by the truth. We've loved him unconditionally as our own child."

Olana nodded, her expression filled with empathy and understanding. "I can see the depth of your love and care for Alex. Maintaining the secrecy surrounding his adoption is crucial as he embarks on his journey of self-discovery. Rest assured, I will protect this secret and offer my unwavering support."

Sarah's voice trembled with emotion as she expressed her gratitude. "Thank you, Olana. We appreciate your understanding and will do whatever it takes to keep Alex safe and happy."

David, his voice filled with determination, added, "We are grateful for your guidance, Olana. Alex's well-being is our top priority."

Olana offered a reassuring smile. "I believe in your love and dedication to Alex. Together, we can navigate this journey and assist him. Because of your honesty, I feel compelled to share something I shouldn't." Olana glanced around to ensure no one else was listening before continuing. "Alex is not a typical case. While the church values all elemental heirs, there is some unease surrounding the fire hero due to the lack of historical records and the abundance of rumors. Even within the church, we must exercise caution in whom we trust to protect Alex. From what I have observed, he is a compassionate child who has received an excellent upbringing, and he is always willing to help others. However, we must never forget that the power Alex has inherited is not ordinary. It has the potential to evolve into something dangerous, and many individuals would prefer to see the other three heirs succeed rather than Alex. Please, never forget that."

David looked at Olana, his face filled with a mix of anticipation and concern. "But what happens now? What do we need to do?"

Olana reassured them, her voice calm and reassuring. "The church will provide a house for you and Alex. He will also attend the Elemental Institute of Lotardale (EIL), where young magicians learn to control and harness their powers. However, all of this will happen after the grand ceremony, which is scheduled to take place upon the arrival of the other two children in Lotardale."

Sarah, relieved to hear that they could stay with Alex, asked, "And what about us? How will we be involved?"

Olana smiled warmly. "You will be able to stay with Alex and continue providing him with the love and support he needs. The church will take care of all the necessary arrangements and ensure that you have everything you require."

David expressed his gratitude, saying, "Thank you, Olana. We truly appreciate your help and guidance."

Olana nodded, her eyes filled with genuine care. "It's my pleasure to assist you and be a part of Alex's journey. Now, let's continue the tour. I'll show you more of the cathedral and provide further explanations."

The group entered the Elemental Cathedral of Lotardale and were immediately captivated by its magnificence. The grand foyer welcomed them with its soaring ceilings and vibrant stained-glass windows, casting a warm and colorful glow. Adorning the walls were captivating murals depicting the four elements: earth, air, water, and fire.

In the center of the cathedral stood a towering altar crafted from exquisite white marble, surrounded by statues representing the four elemental deities. Flanking the altar were two ornate staircases, leading up to a balcony where the choir performed during ceremonies.

To the left side of the cathedral, they discovered small chapels dedicated to each elemental deity. Ornate altars adorned with statues and icons paid homage to the respective deities. On the right side, a series of rooms catered to the needs of the clergy, including living quarters, a library, and a serene meditation chamber.

Stained-glass domes dotted the cathedral's interior, each portraying a different scene from the rich history of magic in Lotardale. One dome, in particular, depicted a legendary battle between the four elemental deities and an ancient evil, a story passed down through generations.

Olana expertly guided the tour, drawing their attention to intricate details and sharing the historical significance of each section. Alex's parents marveled at the grandeur and beauty surrounding them, feeling a sense of awe and reverence.

As they exited the cathedral, a group of church officials awaited them outside. These officials donned long robes adorned with the emblem of the church, signifying their authority and role.

"Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Stern," one of the officials greeted them warmly. "We are here to escort you to your new home."

David and Sarah exchanged glances, their hearts filled with a mix of excitement and anticipation for the journey that lay ahead. With gratitude, they followed the officials, ready to embrace the next chapter of their lives in the enchanting world of Lotardale.

The quaint, cozy cottage nestled in a serene corner of the city welcomed Alex's parents with open arms. Its stone exterior, thatched roof, and charming front garden exuded a sense of warmth and tranquility. David and Sarah were astonished by the thoughtful gesture of the church in providing them with such a delightful home. It was a significant relief to have a place of their own in a new town, even though they had yet to make connections.

As they crossed the threshold, a warm and inviting living room greeted them, complete with a crackling fireplace and plush sofas. Tapestries adorned the walls, illustrating captivating scenes from Lotardale's rich history, while a sturdy wooden table stood proudly in the center of the room. The atmosphere instantly made Alex's parents feel at ease and embraced.

The kitchen, though modest in size, proved to be functional and well-equipped. A wooden table and chairs beckoned family gatherings, and a reliable stove awaited culinary creations. Sarah's eyes sparkled with excitement as she took in the quaint decor, already imagining the delicious meals she would prepare for her loved ones. Cooking had always been her passion, and having a new kitchen to explore filled her with joy.

The bathroom, though compact, held all the necessary amenities, including a comforting bathtub for unwinding after eventful days of discovery. David and Sarah were grateful for the simple yet adequate bathroom, appreciating it as a luxury they had not previously experienced.

The bedrooms, adorned with soft beds, wooden dressers, and windows inviting ample natural light, embraced simplicity and comfort. Alex's parents were elated at the prospect of a peaceful night's sleep in their new abode, cherishing the feeling of security it provided.

Overall, the cottage emanated a charm that embraced them like a true home. Alex eagerly anticipated starting their new life in Lotardale, making cherished memories in their cozy haven. Seeing the joy on his parents' faces, he felt a surge of happiness, hopeful that he would find companionship and forge lasting friendships in their new city.

As they settled into their new home, David and Sarah engaged in heartfelt conversations about their aspirations for the future. Their primary concern was Alex's safety and well-being, but they also yearned to immerse themselves in the city's culture and connect with its residents. Olana had graciously offered to be their guide.

Gathered around the dinner table that evening, Alex's mom gazed at him with a radiant smile. "This marks a new chapter for us, Alex," she declared. "We have a new home, a new city. I can't wait to see what the future holds for our family."

Returning her smile, Alex felt a surge of gratitude and excitement for the adventures that lay ahead. He knew that his life was about to undergo a transformation beyond his wildest imagination. With an open heart and a spirit of anticipation, he embraced the forthcoming journey, ready to embrace the opportunities and forge his path in this enchanting new world.
