
The History of the Teras and the Four Heroes

As they rode in the carriage on the royal road towards the east, Alex looked out the window, lost in thought. Olana noticed his distant expression and smiled, asking, "What are you daydreaming about?"

Alex turned to Olana, feeling a bit shy. "It's nothing, I just feel like anyone would have been a better pick than me to inherit this power..."

Olana looked at Alex with a questioning face and asked, "Why do you say that? Are you a bad person?"

Alex hurriedly responded, "No, it's nothing like that. I just feel like I'm not as strong or smart as the others. I don't know anything besides writing, reading, and casting sparks..."

Olana found Alex's self-doubt endearing and chuckled. "Well, then, would you like me to teach you about the world?" Alex's face brightened as if he had found a treasure, and he eagerly expressed his desire to learn. Olana, seeing his enthusiasm, began her explanation about the history of the continent.

She talked about how humans were once the dominant race, but after the appearance of the monsters known as teras, the human population gradually decreased until it reached only 20% of its previous numbers. Alex listened attentively, his curiosity piqued.

Interrupting Olana, Alex couldn't contain his curiosity any longer and asked, "What do these teras look like?"

Olana's expression turned serious as she described the monstrous creatures. "They come in all shapes and sizes. Some resemble giant bears made of ice, while others take the form of fire-wielding eagles. There are even teras that bear a twisted resemblance to humans, but with supernatural abilities. They are diverse, but they all share a ferocious hunger for destruction."

Alex listened intently, feeling a chill run down his spine as he imagined the terrifying teras in his mind. Eager to know more, he asked, "How do people fight against them?"

Olana replied, "The Church of the Elements is responsible for protecting us from the teras. They have trained soldiers and magicians like myself who use their powers to defend the cities and towns. Additionally, there are hunters who venture into the wilderness to track down teras and gather valuable resources."

Fascinated by the resourcefulness of the people on the continent, Alex pressed on, "What kind of resources do they gather from the teras?"

Olana smiled, delighted by Alex's curiosity. "Some teras have valuable materials in their bodies that can be used for crafting weapons and tools. For example, ice shards or fire stones and cores. There are also rare herbs and plants that can only be found in areas where teras roam."

Impressed by the ingenuity of the people, Alex wanted to know more about the heroes. "And what about the four heroes you mentioned earlier? What role did they play?"

Olana's eyes gleamed as she explained, "The four heroes appeared from the four corners of the continent, each possessing control over one of the four elements: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. While the exact details are unknown, according to the sacred texts of the Church, these heroes united humanity and, with the aid of mages and soldiers, built the walls and forts that now protect us from the teras."

Alex's fascination grew, and he couldn't help but ask, "Where are these heroes now? Are they still alive?"

Olana's tone turned somber as she responded, "The heroes have long passed from this world, but their legacy lives on. Each of them founded their own city—Lotardale, the city of Earth; Arindale, the city of Air; and to the north, next to the North Sea, Azurdale, the city of Water. With the establishment of these cities, their inhabitants began to venerate the heroes, leading to the formation of the Church of the Elements."

Curiosity burning within him, Alex probed further, "If there are cities of Water, Air, and Earth, where is the city of Fire?"

Olana's smile disappeared as she replied, "There isn't much information available about the city of Fire. What is known for sure is that it was located south of the other cities, and its name was Govirdale. Popular legends suggest that the hero of Fire, driven by envy, sought more power and, in the end, failed and disappeared."

Shock and sadness washed over Alex's face. Olana, realizing his reaction, quickly tried to console him, saying, "It's just a popular legend, Alex. We don't know what truly happened to the hero of Fire."

Olana smiled warmly, pleased to see Alex's curiosity about the continent's history. "Indeed, Alex, the Church of the Elements has been protecting us for generations, and their influence extends far beyond the walls of these cities," she said.

Alex nodded, still deep in thought. "It's amazing to think about how these heroes united the people and built the walls to protect them," he said, marveling at their accomplishments.

Olana nodded in agreement. "Yes, it is truly remarkable. The four heroes were revered as demigods, and their stories continue to be told to this day. The Church of the Elements has been the driving force behind their veneration, and their teachings guide our way of life," she said.

Listening intently, Alex found himself immersed in Olana's words, captivated by the rich history and lore of the continent.

Olana smiled. "The Church is a vital part of our society, and their work is essential to our survival," she emphasized.

As the carriage rolled onward towards Lotardale, the journey became an opportunity for Alex to expand his knowledge, and Olana gladly shared more stories and details about the continent's history. Alex's parents and Max joined in the conversations, offering their perspectives and asking questions that deepened their understanding of the world they were entering.

The landscape changed as they ventured deeper into the Great Forest, and Olana pointed out various landmarks and shared anecdotes about her previous encounters with teras in the area. Her tales were both thrilling and cautionary, reminding them of the challenges they might face.

As the daylight began to fade, Olana announced, "We have finally arrived." Alex, engrossed in a card game with Max, glanced out the window, only to be greeted by a sea of darkness interspersed with towering trees. Frustrated by his inability to locate the renowned Blackwood Stronghold, he voiced his concern, "I can't see it. Where is it?" Max grinned mischievously and replied, "You see that inky blackness nestled amidst the trees? It's not the shroud of night; it's actually the stronghold itself. The entire structure is cloaked in a coat of deep black, allowing it to blend seamlessly into the darkness and evade the notice of formidable teras." After a moment of concerted searching, Alex's eyes widened as he finally caught a glimpse of the hidden fortress. Overwhelmed by its stealth and grandeur, a sense of awe washed over him.

As they reached the entrance, a sturdy metal gate swung open, and Olana engaged in a brief conversation with the soldier stationed there. The carriage was granted access, and they made their way into the stronghold. After a short while, a soldier escorted them to their assigned rooms. They were generously provided with three separate rooms, allowing each of them their own space to settle in. Olana claimed one room, while Alex's parents took another. Excitement filled Alex's heart as he realized that he would be sharing a room with Max. Deep down, he had always felt a sense of loneliness, but with Max by his side, that feeling seemed to fade away.

Entering the room, Max turned to Alex and asked with a friendly smile, "Do you have a preference for the bunk bed?" Alex, feeling a genuine sense of trust, replied, "I don't know. I've never slept on a bunk bed before, so you can choose." Max's eyes lit up, and he cheerfully declared, "Then I'll take the top bunk!" Alex nodded in agreement, appreciating Max's enthusiasm. He then headed to the bathroom to prepare for bed, feeling a mix of nerves and anticipation for the days ahead.

As they settled into their respective bunks, surrounded by the comforting silence of the room, Max broke the silence. "Alex, are you still awake?" he asked softly. Alex, looking up, replied, "Yes, why?" Max hesitated for a moment before gently inquiring, "Are you feeling nervous?"

Alex took a moment to reflect before saying. "Yes, I am. But even though I don't know what awaits us, I have a strong feeling that everything will turn out alright. I have my parents by my side, and you and Olana will be there too. So, I think I'll be fine," he confided, his voice filled with a mix of uncertainty and determination.

Listening intently, Max closed his eyes and said. "I guess we'll be fine, then," he replied, a hint of reassurance in his voice. With those comforting words, they both allowed themselves to succumb to sleep, their minds filled with dreams of the adventures and challenges that awaited them in the days to come.
