
Chapter 80- Talia – Showing Some Tender Loving Care (Mature) Volume 3

*~*Talia's POV*~*

Lex didn't put up much of a fight as I started to pull him into our bathroom. We both needed a shower and some sleep. We were exhausted, mentally and physically. Not to mention that every ounce of Lex's resistance went out the window the moment he saw me beginning to undress.

"Talia?" He asked me in a curious tone. "What are you doing?"

"Showering with you. Unless you don't want to." I smirked at him. We'd been together before. Just the once, but I wanted more. I wanted to explore him more and more. It had been fun, and that was something we both could use to end this night.

"Are you coming?" I asked him as I dropped the last scrap of clothing on the floor and stepped toward the large, steaming hot shower.

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