
Chapter 28- Talia – A Long Talk Part 1 Volume 3

*~*Talia's POV*~*

The night was almost over, and I knew Lex and I would need to head back home before long, but I wanted privacy when we talked. I wanted to be alone while we discussed these things that have been happening between us. Just me, him, and the silence of the night around us. 

"Lex?" I called out to him after exiting the Ferris Wheel. 

"Yes, Talia?" He was still grinning broadly. I was happy to see that he'd thoroughly enjoyed our time up in the air, the same as I had. 

"Can we go somewhere private to talk? Somewhere no one else can listen in?" 

"Here?" His voice sounded confused, as he asked, looking around, as the mass of people were still milling about. 

"Not here. Just someplace private. I want to talk. Just the two of us."

"We can head to the mountains. The place where-."

"You hid." I finished for him, knowing exactly what mountain he was talking about.

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