
Chapter 42- Sereia – One Month Anniversary Part 2 (VOLUME 2)

*~*Sereia's POV*~*

Dinner felt rushed. I barely remember it. Reagan seemed to be enjoying it though. He was grinning and eating with vigor that showed he was enjoying the food. I wished that I was able to do the same. The excitement and nervous energy coursing through me at that moment was making it almost impossible for me to taste the food.

I knew that it was good. After all, I had made all the same dishes before. I had been cooking for a long time. That wasn't the issue at all. No, it was just the energy inside of me, it was too strong, too overpowered for me to get past it. I loved it though. To me, it meant that the things I had been hoping for were about to come true. And I needed that, desperately so. 

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